In this Discussion

back to the place of learning

edited November -1 in General Discussion

so im back at collage tomoro..

anyone else back to there places of learn'ding soon?

i dont want to get up at 7am =(

7am makes me sad inside..


  • You've probably learnt more here than you ever will at college. Quit school and jus sit on the forums all day.
  • i have learnt more on here in my first postings on here in about a month then i will tomos at col!

    ..sigh....i say we take over a town..kick everyone out and just have us okgo forum people live there FOREVER IN HAPPYNESS
  • I'd go for that. I moved into my dorm this past Friday and I start classes tomorrow.. which means less time for the boards. How sad sad.gif
  • oo are the dorms full of kinky greatness and comedy that the movies have told me?

    it better not be a lie..

    *shakes fist*
  • haha, sometimes laugh.gif
  • wooo!

    i cacn sleep happy tonight safe in the knowledge that hollywood has never lied to me =D
  • haha

    just wait til you move out andy
  • i fear you will mug me when i move out jen =p
  • yes im back in school..ahh to be a freshman.....i dont get to see all u freaks as much...its sad...ill try to come to the forum for atleast 10 mins a day or 30. but on the weekends i can stay as long as i feel.WHEE HEEEE!.
  • haha
    ive been in school for 4 weeks and i feel like i come on the board just as much.
  • QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Sep 5 2005, 06:31 PM)
    ive been in school for 4 weeks and i feel like i come on the board just as much.

    that's 'cause you have your priorities straight...
    ok go board > school work...
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Sep 6 2005, 12:54 AM)
    that's 'cause you have your priorities straight...
    ok go board > school work...

    Exactly! Who needs to learn anything? I'm just at put myself in debt? Damnit.
  • Good point
    Good thing I go to public school.
  • ahh yes university / college makes u poor *tear*
    i just got back to school 2 days ago, however i dont' start classes until thursday, but all my friends at diff universities start on the 12th... grrr...not fair but meh, glad to be back and out of the house
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