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Did you catch OKGo on CSI:NY !?!?

edited November -1 in OK Go
Don't know how many of you watch CSI:NY on Wednesday nights, but a week or two ago the OPENING SEQUENCE (where the crime is usually revealed) featured a good 2 minutes of OKGo's INVINCIBLE !!!
I just wondered why there was no "hype" on the news page of the OKGo site "promoting" this ?!!? Did OKGo even know about this !?!?

Man they are becoming POPULAR !! smile.gif


  • that is retardedly amazing!
    how come the day that i dont watch my show religiously they do something like that!!!!! WHYYY
  • We always TIVO the episodes and watch them later, so I am not really sure "when" it was on... but it was in the last two weeks...
    It started out with a bunch of kids having a snowball fight on the streets of NYC (with Invincible in the background)...
    Hey, it will be "new to you" in the spring when it re-runs !! smile.gif
  • That was the creepy, doll hospital episode, if I'm correct.

    I mentioned it to a few of my friends who are die-hard OK Go fans, but their songs have been featured on a lot of shows lately, so I don't bother mentioning them all.

    (By the way, they played Franz "Do You Want To" the episode before that one.)
  • I guess I shoul watch CSI more often, some of my favorite bands are have songs playing during the show, and I don't even know about it. dry.gif
  • They have been played in a bunch of things lately. Did anyone see The Real Spring Break? I almost saw it for "You're So Damn Hot", but then my cinematic morals kicked me in the shins.
  • Yeah. I caught it. I was pretty excited about it too. biggrin.gif
  • They were on CSI??? Damn. I don't really watch that show. But my family watches it religiously. Seriously. I can't call the house while it's on or nobody will answer the phone. Or my mom will answer and get mad at me for calling during CSI.
  • Sure they play good music on CSI when I don't watch. Hmph.
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