In this Discussion

New "DWYW" video

edited November -1 in OK Go
First of all, let me just say the following:

Ass shots. ASS. SHOTS.

Umm, yeah. But beyond that, it's a really cool, absolutely spazztastic video filled with beautiful people and Damian smirking at the camera a lot, and it's here.

(It took a while to load on my computer- you might have to stop and restart the vid about a million times before it downloads the whole thing.)

I can't WAIT for the show tomorrow!!! EEE!

(Oh, also, is it just me, or does Damian TOTALLY have Jackson Rippner, a la Red Eye, hair going on from the back? It's throwing me off, especially with that suit jacket. I keep thinking Cillian has just joined OK Go...)


  • I've already been negative about this video in another thread, so I'll be positive here: there are some very nice smirks in that video. People who like smirking will certainly be compelled to purchase the album.
  • I like it (so far... my computer hates me and everything associated with my happiness). However, it makes me fairly dizzy. Still, I can overcome that for the awesomeness that is OK Go.

    Nevertheless, I did love the band's video for DWYW when Dan just throws the rock. Goodness, that made me laugh every time.
  • i would of commented sooner, but i needed to take time to recover from the seizure it induced... anyway, i like it... and i uploaded it to yousendit, so you can just download it right to your computer instead of waiting for it to load on the page...
  • Awesome... I've seen this vid before... but it rocks so much... I luv it!

    I like the dizzying effect...
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Jan 26 2006, 11:52 PM)
    i would of commented sooner, but i needed to take time to recover from the seizure it induced... anyway, i like it... and i uploaded it to yousendit, so you can just download it right to your computer instead of waiting for it to load on the page...

    Darbs, you rock. I'm going to download this as soon as I finish downloading what I think is the entirety of Breakfast on Pluto onto my computer...
  • Thanks, Darbie!

    I like the video a lot, except I got a seizure too. It wasn't so bad watching the clips beforehand, but now I started convulsing and banging my head on the floor. It kind of hurts.

    Oh well, it was totally worth the brain damage for some sweet OK Go-ness.
  • Yeah, Darbie. Thank you. But hey, maybe you should email it to the yahoo account., right? Yeah. That way, everyone can download it.
  • Were all those hipsters stoned or was it just me?

    And I am guessing that this marks the onset of the mini-dresses-to-parties fad. And the creepy black haired guy with the white shirt...

  • QUOTE (Connyfoo @ Jan 27 2006, 01:55 AM)
    Were all those hipsters stoned or was it just me?

    And I am guessing that this marks the onset of the mini-dresses-to-parties fad.  And the creepy black haired guy with the white shirt...


    I think they were all really drunk.

    And I was a little preoccupied with Damian's pants, to tell the truth...
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Jan 27 2006, 05:59 AM)
    And I was a little preoccupied with Damian's pants, to tell the truth...

    Pannnttsss. Vertical stripes to wonders for the leg.

    I liked the one move toward the end, where on every up arm on the guitar, he'd look like he was punching a midget that was standing behind him.

  • QUOTE (Connyfoo @ Jan 27 2006, 02:02 AM)
    Pannnttsss.  Vertical stripes to wonders for the leg.

    I liked the one move toward the end, where on every up arm on the guitar, he'd look like he was punching a midget that was standing behind him.


    hee hee.

    Damian Kulash is the only person in the world who can wear tapered trousers and get away with it.
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Jan 27 2006, 06:06 AM)
    Damian Kulash is the only person in the world who can wear tapered trousers and get away with it.

    Him and Brooke Shields

  • QUOTE (Connyfoo @ Jan 27 2006, 02:07 AM)
    Him and Brooke Shields


    Point. But Brooke Shields isn't the frontman for OK Go.
      Were all those hipsters stoned or was it just me?
    And I am guessing that this marks the onset of the mini-dresses-to-parties fad. And the creepy black haired guy with the white shirt...

    ahh, he's cool! He's got hot hair! Pretty hot AND cool....
    This video's exactly how I play Halo or ANY video game for that matter I'm either foolishly looking at the sky or constantly looking at the ground for any trash... I can't aim, shoot, change guns, etc. while running and looking straight forward at the same time...I just can't, i'm not coordinated enough. If Halo was real life me....oh man....what a sight to see laugh.gif
  • I love the way you guys call the extras beatnecks and hipsters!

    i was extreamly cooled out the first time i saw this video, Ive only seen it a couple of times on Much music....

    i took a couple screen captrues from the vid you posted, here i go...

    theres the one of the ass shots you were talking about...
    this is my favourite image in the whole thingi

    the only thing i hate about the video is when the lamo girls who are wearing sacks of cloth as dresses go up on stage and start singing along... maybe im just jealous... but not of thier sack dresses...
  • i must see this vid..
  • I dont think yer jealous, the girls are kinda lame, as are their sack dresses, they think theyre so great, up singing with Damian, shaking their hair and dancing like theres no tomorrow.... " Oh! look at us, we just got dresses at the Salvation Army grab and run fire sale, and now we're in a video with a band we've never heard of, leaving those REAL fans at home to wallow in despair!" Mebbe Im just jealous.......
  • i will wallow... tongue.gif
  • QUOTE (Felster @ Jan 27 2006, 09:12 PM)


    (omg those pants he wore last night.....*melt*....)

    Also, I concur about the hipster sack dress girls on the stage. I am rather jealous, because they did seem rather lame. I think we're all jealous, actually.

    But, hey, I bet you neither of those girls have had his pelvis all up in their business OR had him 'draw' on their chest. So tongue.gif. I win.

    (And oknow, I'm the same way about playing Halo. My brothers always try to get me to play, but all I do is run around in circles looking at the floor.)
  • I don't really like this video.... unsure.gif
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