We were greatly and deeply inspired by the recent homemade PSA by Fat People Who Love OK Go (kudos to you guys) so we
Mary (mmmary)
Emily (crazyfrogg)
Maura (Ushies)
decided to make one of our own. We are pretty darn proud of it and we are pretty sure that you will like it too. So, we are deciding to share. You can find it at:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx0WW1xt-sIoh yeah... did we mention...
OLIVER THE REINDEER GUEST STARS!rate, comment, do what you want
but most of all.....
HIS name is Oliver! Back off!
I really like your signature, btw.
I'm glad you guys are already enjoying Oliver.
We try our best! Thank you!
The camera loves Oliver. He's a natural.
Thanks for the comments guys. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Oliver had fun as well
Oh, and I like your tie Maura.
loved it.
u guys did a great job!!!
loved the lip stick thing. it was so retarded.
loved it.
u guys did a great job!!!
loved the lip stick thing. it was so retarded.
After that I never ever want to wear lipstick again
I mean, for like half of the day I had that stuff smeared all over my face and I would go and talk to my mom/brother and they would be like "I really can't take you seriously when you look like that." it was ridiculous.
We also joked that I had converted (is that the right word?) to cannibalism and had eaten OK Go.
I wish I had a video camera. :-)
I would like to thank the Academy...
What I really want is to hear OK Go say something of the like when they win that Grammy