In this Discussion

Youtube videos/conversions request

edited November -1 in OK Go
Hopefully starting this thread is ok.
Due to all the requests of videos to Tinytot laugh.gif , here is the thread for youtube video requests. I'll post part of the list after this post. the rest of the list, Tinytot or I will put up later. Audio or interviews or live performances can be ripped from youtube. No copyright stuff can be uploaded.


Click on the link you want to download in the pinned video section
This takes you through to the Megaupload page (may take a couple of minutes to load) so just wait.
Insert the letters or numbers into the box next to the download button and click download.
You will be taken to a new page where there will be a box saying 'Please wait 50 seconds' - this box will count down to 0
Whilst this is counting down, a Megaupload advert will appear and cover the box, just click X to clear it
When the count has reached 0, the box in the top right will say 'Click here to download'
Click on the box
Another small screen will appear with 'Do you want to open or save this file?'
Click the save option
It will then show you where it is going to save it on your computer (you can change it here to any place on your computer)
Click Save
The file will then download and you can see its progress as it does so

Note you can only download one file from any file hosting website at a time or you will get messages like 'download limit exceeded'. (unless you have premium accounts)

Some countries may get the following message when trying to download from Megaupload:
All download slots (200) assigned to your country (Peru) are in use.
Please try again later. "Sorry you will just have to wait till a slot becomes free again for you to use."


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