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edited November -1 in General Discussion
Shalu-lah, Lushal, Shal, Shalube, Shaluie, Shallie, Shaloser, Shaluki, Hishalo, Shalo, Sha-loo-bah-loo, Shals, India, and brownie.

And those are just the ones that are still in circulation.

Nobody actually calls me "Shalu," surprisingly. laugh.gif


  • i have alot but they are like sooo retarded like i had them when i was a baby and their embarrasing, but my dad calls me scooter and my softball team calls me gertrude or christiana don (dont ask me y)
  • Kaybear, Kayles, Kay, Kayleej
  • darbs, dabs, lady darbs, lady dabs, darbilicious, peanut...
  • dabs is also known as miss 11:11

  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Aug 1 2007, 05:15 PM)
    dabs is also known as miss 11:11


    haha, awesome...
  • you post about nicknames also lady dabs was at 11:11

  • rollo puzz (duh), tiff, tiffy, tiffer, toffii (ew), tuff, tiffknee, tifftoes..
    the list goes on including lots of names that begin with tiff and end with a random word...
  • mel, melli (which is weird because melissa is only spelled with one "l"), missy, miss

    oh, those are just the ones my friends call me, not here. you guys are my friends too, i just mean the ones i talk to in person.

    here people call me mel, or melis. haha
  • umm, apo, apple, angie, and a lot more EMBARRASSING ONES that i prefer not to post about.

    here: vinnie
  • as a kid , Princess

    current nicknames are: James, Jamie-san, nicknymph, Damiansloveslave, sex kitten(my best friend calls me that!)

    I guess it depends on who's talking to me
  • i dont think anybody can have a more embarresing nickname as me as a kid my mom used to call me woogies haha it was sooo embarresing and she like tells everybody about it!
  • Rosa is my nickname from Rosamelia, which is my real (long) name; my mom still calls me "nena" (baby girl in spanish). Some in my family call me abuelita Rosa (granny Rosa) cause apparently I look a lot like my deceased grandma (after whom I'm named).
  • QUOTE (Surfer Rosa @ Aug 1 2007, 10:57 PM)
    Rosa is my nickname from Rosamelia, which is my real (long) name; my mom still calls me "nena" (baby girl in spanish). Some in my family call me abuelita Rosa (granny Rosa) cause apparently I look a lot like my deceased grandma (after whom I'm named).

    oo, Rosamelia is such a pretty name!
  • Not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty sure my nickname takes the cake.

    My nickname among my close friends is Fetus. I am the Fetus. I am hardly called Amy anymore, expect by my college friends. I respond to Fetus as much as I do Amy. It's a shortening of my full nickname "AmyLadyBabyFetus."
  • At home and with friends my nickname is Teesa.
    It came from when I was first born and my big brother couldn't say Theresa.

    On the boards I go usually by Theresa, with the occasional: hot- shot , hot shot sugar in my tea [ohh tempe tongue.gif ]
  • o man i have a ton. like certain people call me different things.

    Patty is short for my name. Patty-cake and Patty Pancake when I was younger haha.

    Others are Mayo, Salt, Movado, Timekeeper, Guacamole, Porridge (on here!) and like tons of others.
  • oohhh I love Patty Pancake, it seems like something taken from Strawberry Shortcake!

    Rosa smile.gif
  • i used to play the patty-cake game along time ago lol
  • "Courtney" doesn't have many nicknames.

    And no one calls me "Court" on the penalty of death.

    But ocassionaly, people here call me Ms. Tastic. wub.gif
  • theres a guy we call 'the fist' cant beat that
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