I am frightened, and computer illiterate... AHHH!!!!! Why did you need to change? Wait, change is good... I am scared. *sits in fetal position and rocks back and forth*
I am frightened, and computer illiterate... AHHH!!!!! Why did you need to change? Wait, change is good... I am scared. *sits in fetal position and rocks back and forth*
I'm scared too. People don't seem as friendly as they use to be.
Changes are no good, but challenges are good. Um, I don't even know what I mean.
I felt nothing scared, I'm sure I'm insensitive.
Maybe the skin looks like a hospital...let's make it furry!
I'm kinda scared too.
Maybe it is!
but then thats up to Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore anyways
I'm scared too. People don't seem as friendly as they use to be.
Don't be scared Tiny Dancer.
Ha! That made me laugh.
not friendly? *gives everyone BIG hugs* friendly now?
i am still getting used to this new board. i liked the old one better, but this is ok.
i'm such a lame-o. im like, the last person to discvoer this place...melle had to tell me on lj!! ahh i'm a dorkus maximus.