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Ant Music and It's Tough To Have A Crush

edited November -1 in OK Go
Hey, i really want to hear these two songs that were included on the japanese version of the okgo cd, Ant Music and It's Tough To Have A Crush- is there a place where i can pay for just these two songs, or somewhere i can get their mp3s, i already have the american version of the okgo cd and i dont want to pay $30 for 2 songs by buying the japanese version on top of that. Thanks!

AIM - MickTheAnt


  • you can buy a bundle with the cd and get other cool OK GO stuff for like $36!
  • IM me at anangryfish and i can hook you up.

    OR, buy the two EPs from the website. They came out before the first CD, and include Ant Music and Tough to Have a Crush. Each are $5, but they're fun - worth it, certainly.
  • I can send them to you if Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore doesn't mind.
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