I am viewed as the final authority on music in my country. I suggested that they should be banned after their first (and only hit) and low and behold i cant say that much has been heard from them since. I thus declare The Rasmus as guff and should be wiped from the earth like a small brown stain from the seat of a tramps underpants. OH oh OH ooooh
I don't think they should be banned but I do think you should give the new album a try, I mean I did that with ok go when I first heard of them, I admit I didn't use to like them much.
Well i hate ok go as well.. to be honest i hate all music. The only music i like is monophonic ringtone noises... de de de du du de du daaa du deeeee daaaaaaa splog
and i wish i hadn't...
Ditto that. I *heart* the Rasmus sooooo much and I was so sad when they only had like two North American shows last year. I MUST SEE THIS BAND LIVE.
at work
I agree- they're all good and performed by a talented band
Yes we are allowed opions, but some are just much better kept SECRET.
And I am not bulling, you are.