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edited November -1 in General Discussion

-captain obvious

no but seriously...its march 2nd! isnt that INSANE?! time fliessss!!! its MARCH!! i cant even believe it! crazyness. soon its goign to be april. and then MAY! and then JUNE!!! it will be SUMMER soon!!

ohmy.gif blink.gif


  • Amina, when you're in your thirties, you'll know time really flies much faster. heehehe!
  • I'll be 30 like a week before Amina. sad.gif
  • Amina, so funny. ha ha. But yeah it's nuts how fast life is flying by!
  • I can't wait for summer! biggrin.gif Winter depresses me. mellow.gif
  • i know

    fuck fuck fuck

    it is march

    and i'm still getting bad grades

    WAHHHHHHHH I HATE BEING AN IDIOT mellow.gif dry.gif sad.gif
  • March means that I'm graduating in 3 and a half months...whoa.
  • QUOTE (sara with no h @ Mar 2 2005, 10:16 PM)
    i know

    fuck fuck fuck

    it is march

    and i'm still getting bad grades

    WAHHHHHHHH I HATE BEING AN IDIOT  mellow.gif  dry.gif  sad.gif

    ME TOOO!
    It sucks sad.gif I'm doing so badly this year and exams are so soon. This is not good blink.gif
  • Dude I had lie a billion test this week and so far i've gotten C's on all of them. *cries* Stupid not being smart or being in a good mental state-ness.
  • i was doing really bad(ie.not oding ANY of my work and being extreeeemely behind) oh man. i was SO behind. But this week(since march kicked me right in the face), I have gotten my act together and SLAVED and I am pretty much caught up.

    I really wasnt feeling into it in the beginning of the semester. i skipped sooo many classes and went shopping!

    I got an A on my draping project today! and not JUST an A--and A with a comment and a smiley face!!! it looked a little something like this:


    I GOT A SMILEY FACE!!!!!!!! i havent gotten a smiley face since elementary school! i almost think the smiley face meant more than the A. hahahah
  • march is a horrible horrible month.
  • QUOTE (Goosey @ Mar 4 2005, 06:29 AM)
    i was doing really bad(ie.not oding ANY of my work and being extreeeemely behind) oh man. i was SO behind. But this week(since march kicked me right in the face), I have gotten my act together and SLAVED and I am pretty much caught up.

    I really wasnt feeling into it in the beginning of the semester. i skipped sooo many classes and went shopping!

    I got an A on my draping project today! and not JUST an A--and A with a comment and a smiley face!!! it looked a little something like this:

    I GOT A SMILEY FACE!!!!!!!! i havent gotten a smiley face since elementary school! i almost think the smiley face meant more than the A. hahahah

    Aww yay I love getting smiley faces! My chemistry teacher put smiley face stickers on everyone's work except mine. She hates me. So my friend gave me hers because I'd made her smile. But it's not the same if you don't deserve it. mellow.gif
    And little well done stickers. I don't care what they say, I'm NOT too old for stickers! tongue.gif
  • march is wonderful. i met ryan in march last year hehe.

    its gone sooooo fast. we've been together almost a year now HAHA. but its easter on our anniversary day and we'll both be at home which is gonna suck majorly sad.gif so i dunno if i'll be able to see him.


    everyone is right, march is rubbish. cos its exams too soon.
  • March is great. Who dosent love a spring-break covered in snow?
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