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3.26.05 Northampton, MA Show

edited November -1 in OK Go


  • i'll write a review later but i'll upload some pics first.

    The pics are of our lovely Candy Sculpture that Tim had requested for the show. Since it was a 3-4 hour drive to Northampton from Jersey, we (my cousin, my lil' sister, and i) made our project in the car on the way there. it took practically the whole drive! and we didn't realize until it was too late that we should have probably cracked the window a bit while using the elmer's glue....THAT made the ride interesting wink.gif

    it's made out of red twizzlers, black licorice shaped like bears, neon swedish fish, white peppermints, and a LOT of glue

    p.s. Note to Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, be sure to put these up in the artwork section!!
  • Nice pictures! That candy artwork definitely turned out good! Especially if you made it in the car.
  • I enjoyed that show very much, 3 wonderful years of suspence was well worth it! I drove from boston because i can't get to the show in boston this thursday.. haha. I especially enjoyed the Les Miz, I do believe I first listened to ok go when i was in les miz.. how interesting. I thought it was weird being fantine, i'm not sure if tim decided i would be fantine because i looked sickly? Fantine just died before that song to.. interesting. Anyways, i highly highly highly highly enjoyed that song. I didn't know about the audio-blog thing, otherwise i too would have made a candy sculpture. I saw it at the merch table, koodos, it was magnificiant.
    all you need is love,
  • I'll have pictures later this week...I have to get them developed..and it's sunday..and unfortunately I have to wait..grr..... mad.gif

    my friend and I gave tim a Ping-pong table made out of smarties and neco waffers heee came out so good
  • ha ha, that sculpture is really something. Hope it doesn't rot and stink up OK Go's tour bus. ;p
  • QUOTE (losdiosdeverde67 @ Mar 27 2005, 12:38 PM)
    I'll have pictures later this week...I have to get them developed..and it's sunday..and unfortunately I have to wait..grr..... mad.gif

    my friend and I gave tim a Ping-pong table made out of smarties and neco waffers heee came out so good

    kat, our ping-pong table was the shit!!! i love it, and i hope they loved it. AND your cross-stitching was awesome, no one laughed.
  • QUOTE (joomiesta @ Mar 27 2005, 07:28 PM)
    kat, our ping-pong table was the shit!!! i love it, and i hope they loved it. AND your cross-stitching was awesome, no one laughed.

    OMG, Kat made this really really cute cross-stitch that said "OK Go is so damn hott" and Damian loved it. 'Course, I think that maybe he was more than a little tipsy by that point...

    Anywho, I though the show was f*cking awesome. Pearl Street is really small, so I was like, 6 feet from the stage, no kidding, and oh, my God, Damian in those red pants, mmmmmmm...

    I especially enjoyed the Les Miz, I do believe I first listened to ok go when i was in les miz.. how interesting. I thought it was weird being fantine, i'm not sure if tim decided i would be fantine because i looked sickly? Fantine just died before that song to.. interesting. Anyways, i highly highly highly highly enjoyed that song.

    The Les Mis thing definitely was great. I don't think Tim was being Fantine, that's a duet from the musical between Javert and Jean ValJean. I was a bit irked when Damian said that it was set in 18th century France, when it's actually 19th century France, but whatever. It's Damian, we'll love him anyway.

    I was a bit bummed that they only did 16 songs, but if that's all Rusty knows, that's all he knows. The ending number dance to "C-C-C-Cinnamon Lips" was hilarious. Phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal.

    And I can't believe that I actually got to meet everyone, I was so excited! They're all so nice and personable, especially Damian, he was a little attention whore out in the foyer. :-D

    The music was great. The opening band, The Sun, was really good, too, I'd never heard of them before, but I bought their CD before I left. And OK Go sounded so great, so full of energy. I was jumping up and down. (Not quite as much as this crazy blonde kid next to me, he was like, about to hit the ceiling...)

    I'm still on a high from last night. :-D Oh, man, I wanna' see them again... When's the Boston shows??? Maybe I can sneak out there to see them, oooooh...
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Mar 27 2005, 04:33 PM)
    OMG, Kat made this really really cute cross-stitch that said "OK Go is so damn hott" and Damian loved it. 'Course, I think that maybe he was more than a little tipsy by that point...

    Anywho, I though the show was f*cking awesome. Pearl Street is really small, so I was like, 6 feet from the stage, no kidding, and oh, my God, Damian in those red pants, mmmmmmm...
    The Les Mis thing definitely was great. I don't think Tim was being Fantine, that's a duet from the musical between Javert and Jean ValJean. I was a bit irked when Damian said that it was set in 18th century France, when it's actually 19th century France, but whatever. It's Damian, we'll love him anyway.

    I was a bit bummed that they only did 16 songs, but if that's all Rusty knows, that's all he knows. The ending number dance to "C-C-C-Cinnamon Lips" was hilarious. Phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal.

    And I can't believe that I actually got to meet everyone, I was so excited! They're all so nice and personable, especially Damian, he was a little attention whore out in the foyer. :-D

    The music was great. The opening band, The Sun, was really good, too, I'd never heard of them before, but I bought their CD before I left. And OK Go sounded so great, so full of energy. I was jumping up and down. (Not quite as much as this crazy blonde kid next to me, he was like, about to hit the ceiling...)

    I'm still on a high from last night. :-D Oh, man, I wanna' see them again... When's the Boston shows??? Maybe I can sneak out there to see them, oooooh...

    THAT BLONDE KID ALMOST F*ING KILLED ME!!! lol, i was so scared of him. . . seriously, i was very frightened.
  • Yeah making that candy sculpture was crazy it literally took 3 hours. We had sooo much fun making it though. I was just glad that the band loved it so much. We wanted to add more swedish fish to the paper but the creation already was pretty heavy as it was.

    The concert portion was awesome even though I ended hanging out in the back since I had crutches yet I did end up getting the guys to sign my crutches. And since Damian said "That crutches are sexy" maybe next time I will bring them back just for him. lol biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (PenguinPrincess @ Mar 27 2005, 11:15 PM)
    Yeah making that candy sculpture was crazy it literally took 3 hours. We had sooo much fun making it though. I was just glad that the band loved it so much. We wanted to add more swedish fish to the paper but the creation already was pretty heavy as it was.

    The concert portion was awesome even though I ended hanging out in the back since I had crutches yet I did end up getting the guys to sign my crutches. And since Damian said "That crutches are sexy" maybe next time I will bring them back just for him. lol biggrin.gif

    omg, you were the crutches girl? i saw Damian signing them and i was like, awww, how sweet...

    and you guys drove all the way up from Jersey? That's a trip for one evening! I'm from Jersey meself, so...why didn't you guys go to the show in Hoboken, purely out of curiousity...?

    oh, wait. i'm such a dumbass. i was the one who messaged you and told you to come up here to massachusetts in the first place. i'm so silly....
  • dude, i would have LOVED to go to the Hoboken show instead because Maxwell's is probably my favorite venue but i'm studying abroad in London for the semester and my spring break ends on April 3rd then i go back sad.gif i was SO bummed that i will miss the show by a week.

    so, the closest show to me while i'm here in jersey on break was the Northampton one
  • Anyone know what's on Rusty's shirt? Is it a band? I've seen that shirt in more than one picture.
  • QUOTE (CinnamonLips @ Mar 28 2005, 08:11 PM)
    dude, i would have LOVED to go to the Hoboken show instead because Maxwell's is probably my favorite venue but i'm studying abroad in London for the semester and my spring break ends on April 3rd then i go back sad.gif i was SO bummed that i will miss the show by a week.

    so, the closest show to me while i'm here in jersey on break was the Northampton one

    Dude, you get to do study abroad this semester and got to see OK Go (even if it was a 3-4 hour drive)? Sweeeeet.

    (And if you think that drive was bad, my parents drove home from NoHo down to Jersey on Monday, and it took them 6 hours.)

    Yay for Jersian OK Go fans! biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Mar 27 2005, 07:33 PM)
    OMG, Kat made this really really cute cross-stitch that said "OK Go is so damn hott" and Damian loved it. 'Course, I think that maybe he was more than a little tipsy by that point...

    Anywho, I though the show was f*cking awesome. Pearl Street is really small, so I was like, 6 feet from the stage, no kidding, and oh, my God, Damian in those red pants, mmmmmmm...
    The Les Mis thing definitely was great. I don't think Tim was being Fantine, that's a duet from the musical between Javert and Jean ValJean. I was a bit irked when Damian said that it was set in 18th century France, when it's actually 19th century France, but whatever. It's Damian, we'll love him anyway.

    I was a bit bummed that they only did 16 songs, but if that's all Rusty knows, that's all he knows. The ending number dance to "C-C-C-Cinnamon Lips" was hilarious. Phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal.

    And I can't believe that I actually got to meet everyone, I was so excited! They're all so nice and personable, especially Damian, he was a little attention whore out in the foyer. :-D

    The music was great. The opening band, The Sun, was really good, too, I'd never heard of them before, but I bought their CD before I left. And OK Go sounded so great, so full of energy. I was jumping up and down. (Not quite as much as this crazy blonde kid next to me, he was like, about to hit the ceiling...)

    I'm still on a high from last night. :-D Oh, man, I wanna' see them again... When's the Boston shows??? Maybe I can sneak out there to see them, oooooh...

    I have to agree with you on the Les Miz thing and Damian being a whore in the foyer. After three years, that show was more than I could have imagined. I know some other people have blurry photos from the show, but they probably aren't worth posting here.
  • I've got some pictures posted in my Livejournal, if anybody wants to check them out smile.gif
  • it was a great show. the sun was great. ok go was great. thay strang fruity alchol beverage we drank was great. it tasted like lolly pops. the merch guy was pretty nice. we got to cit chat with tim while he was chilling at the merch table. it wasn't very full so we dance and acted-a-fool. i was a bit over dressed, but that's what i do. and my lovely sneekers surived. autographs. pictures. digits. kisses. hugs. fun fun!

    sad: i think the candy flavoured liquor made me sick. i mean it's like drinking melted candy with alchol... good times.
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