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4.18.05 New Orleans Show

edited November -1 in OK Go
A Very Important Message from TIM:

Real Audio
Windows Media

Feel it!


  • I almost feel like I should apologize for the lack of people at the New Orleans show. I only hope that the enthusiasm of my friend Kelley and I (the 2 people rocking out) made up for everyone else. In fact, I'm sure she must have made it memorable (you know the one if you were there). You guys are our favorite band ever and we hope you come back. You totally rocked our asses and getting to have a conversation with Tim really made our millenium.

    I promise that New Orleans doesn't suck, usually. One Eyed Jacks on a Monday night was just not the right venue. The place hasn't yet regained it's glory days from when it was the Shim Sham. Plus, there was absolutely no word of the show. The only reason I knew about it was from the web site. Thank god I check it regularly. Anyway, I'm confident that you could blow the roof off a House of Blues show and I hope you don't boycott us forever.

    Anyway, to sum it up, my friends and I had a blast at the show. And the small crowd even gave the show an interactivity that concerts don't usually have. One of my favorite shows ever. Right up there with They Might Be Giants and the Pixies.

    Victor Hugo rocks!

    --Jason (Propeller beanie guy)

    and Kelley (flashed her tits...alot)
  • Oh my god, it was sooo awesome. I remember you guys... What were you ON? Fuck, you guys were sooo crazy! Did one of you guys flash the band?????????????????????
  • I'll come to the next New Orleans show and be crazy with you (I'm going to school there next year)...I'm glad you guys had fun.
  • Sally: We weren't really on anything except plain ol' alcohol. I guess we were just in that kind of mood. Yeah, she flashed the band. Both of them. Multiple times. But she's a stripper, so I guess that's ok.

    Sarah: What school are you going to? We need more crazy people down here.

  • QUOTE (reverendmeat @ Apr 19 2005, 04:53 PM)
    Sally:  We weren't really on anything except plain ol' alcohol.  I guess we were just in that kind of mood.  Yeah, she flashed the band.  Both of them.  Multiple times.  But she's a stripper, so I guess that's ok.

    Sarah:  What school are you going to?  We need more crazy people down here.


    Tulane--the party school.
  • Yall made it interesting so I'm not complianing... It was actually fuckin hilarious to see someone tell damian "I love you motherfucker"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wasn't he cute????

    I'm sad that in a couple of years I'm leaving the party capital of the world for college... You Tulane people are lucky. New Orleans is a hard place to leave.
  • Hey since you're all from New Orleans I can ask you this: should I get a fake ID before coming or does the drinking age not matter much?
  • No, get a 21 ID.... House of Blues is kina strict. But for most places it's just a formality, so it doesn't have to really look like you.
  • uh....there was flashing?.....uh where are the pictures to this concert?......uhhhh not that im interested or anything in the stripper flasher..... blink.gif
  • Maybe when you're older, kid.
  • QUOTE (reverendmeat @ Apr 20 2005, 11:16 PM)
    Maybe when you're older, kid.

    hahahaha ouch laugh.gif

    hmmm should i go to usc or tulane what do you guys think? i got a letter from both of them and i cant make up my mind blink.gif
  • A few things to consider:

    1) USC has a much better football team.
    2) 24 hour bars in N.O.
    3) How far do you want to escape your parents?
    4) Do you surf?
    5) Smoking or non-smoking? CA is openly hostile to smokers.
    6) Would you consider it cool or horrifying if the Terminator was your governor?
    7) Does the smell of urine, vomit, and/or horse manure bother you?
    8) Saints or Chargers?
    9) Hornets or Lakers/Clippers?
    10) Crawfish.
  • QUOTE (reverendmeat @ Apr 21 2005, 05:11 PM)
    A few things to consider:

    1) USC has a much better football team.
    2) 24 hour bars in N.O.
    3) How far do you want to escape your parents?
    4) Do you surf?
    5) Smoking or non-smoking?  CA is openly hostile to smokers.
    6) Would you consider it cool or horrifying if the Terminator was your governor?
    7) Does the smell of urine, vomit, and/or horse manure bother you?
    8) Saints or Chargers?
    9) Hornets or Lakers/Clippers?
    10) Crawfish.

    mardi gras anyone?
  • QUOTE (Seifer @ Apr 21 2005, 04:02 PM)
    hmmm should i go to usc or tulane what do you guys think? i got a letter from both of them and i cant make up my mind  blink.gif

    As a southerner, I immediately thought your other choice was South Carolina, so I got really confused by the Terminator for governor thing above.....are you talking about California, cuz I'd say go to Cali if you have the opportunity!! Also, which school is better for your major?? That, to me, seems like the most important deciding factor! Good luck anyways!!!

  • Are you seriously asking New Orleanians if you should live in New Orleans?????

    Jazz Fest (going on as I speak)
    Mardi Gras
    Corrupt politicts
    Drive Thru Daquiris
    Bands make it a point to stop here on tour
    Gorgeous awseome historic archetecture

    the list goes on....

    How does USC compare to that???? It doesn't.
  • ha ha ha i liked all your reasons but im still not sure what school i wanna go to but i have a year to decide so im not too worried about it
  • a year? So you mean you got a letter telling you to apply cause you're only a junior?
  • QUOTE (QueenofthePosers @ Apr 25 2005, 02:16 AM)
    a year? So you mean you got a letter telling you to apply cause you're only a junior?

    come again?
  • QUOTE (Seifer @ Apr 24 2005, 09:02 PM)
    come again?

    Are you a senior this year or not?
  • no im a junior
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