Ok Go music video

edited November -1 in OK Go
I'm a music video junkie. I have an obscene amount of them on tapes/dvds. I think it's the "Get Over It" video that made me discover the band.

With the new single to be released soon, a music video will be made. What kind of storyline you envisoned for this next masterpiece of music promotion? we know they have the acting chops. If they can perform a scene of "Les Misérables" every night like that without missing a beat, god knows what they can pull ot of their asses.

I myself see ok go as cyborgs bent on world domination. This would be the theme. Wackiness would ensue. Or maybe ok go straight outta compton! all pimped out! cruisin' in their lowriders.

Your move.


    Or maybe ok go straight out of compton! all pimped out cruisin' in their lowriders.

    with thier OK Go bling!
  • Everytime i look at their album cover I get a 70's vibe so perhaps they could do c-c-cinamon lips with OK "Go-go" dancers (heh, pun intended) and bell-bottoms, lava lamps the whole nine.
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