I made my little neice a skirt. HAHAH. shes so in style now! Its so cute!!!! and it only took a day! you cant tell in the picture how SMALL it is hahahahah but there are little bells at the bottom of the drawstring.
*sigh* im thinking of never giving it to her and just staring at it the rest of my life hahaha. i made the pattern myself too. im so damn talent.
tomorrow, im going to the mall to buy her flip flops and a little baby wifebeater(do they make those?) to match the skirt and im going to put little nailheads on teh wifebeater and then overnight it to her.
ps-the oclors are kind of distorted...teh hting thats showing up as orange is more of a salmon color. its salmon, yellow, pink and peach.
u mean your mom didnt tell you??
i love you aunt mina...