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edited November -1 in General Discussion
I'm going to prom tonight, I'm so excited! I don't have a date but I'm going with a group of friends. I can't believe it, this means that I only have 2 more weeks of high school left ever! ahhh


  • how did the prom prom go?
  • AHH what does ur dress look like hun?
  • i love prom

    i cant wait to go next year!!
  • i wish we had proms. we dont even get a disco, dammit.
  • My prom sucked. The DJ blew, played nothing but rap music (And I'm not talking hip hop that you can dance to, but rap that had no dancing quality whatsoever) and the very occasional slow song that you could dance to but wasn't even decent. I mean, even the kids who liked rap weren't dancing, because it was just not the type of thing you get on the floor and boogie to.

    He didn't have ANY decent songs from the 80s. What kind of DJ doesn't have 'You Spin Me (right round)'?!?!? He didn't even know what song I was talking about. I wanted to cry. The one decent song he did play the entire night was the safety dance, and the floor was packed then.

    That being said, the afterprom was really quite cool. They redecorated the entire school to look like another planet (literally, there were spaceships and aliens!), and there was free cotton candy, free subway subs, free popcorn, free pizza, free anything you shouldn't eat if you're on a diet basically, and a bounce-castle, and a karaoke stage, and gambling for silly little prizes, and all this crazy fun stuff like that.
  • It was a lot of fun, the DJ wasn't too bad and I was with a bunch of my friends so we were just being goofy--here's a picture from inside the limo, I'm in the black dress on the left:


    My dress was black and strapless (if you couldn't tell), with a big, bunched skirt with bows randomly sewn onto it. When I have a good picture scanned, I'll post it.
  • Aww! It looks pretty. Man, I miss prom, I wish my college had formal dances.
  • Are there any frats or sororities at your school? Cause they have formals occasionally...
  • Yeah...we have tons...but those are typically only for the members of the frat or sorority.
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