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Could you guys maybe tour around me sometime?

edited November -1 in OK Go
I would be overjoyed if you guys did at least one under 18's gig down under, in fact it would be the best concert ever alongside Weird Al's in 2003.

I'm not like going to give you guys a bomb threat or anything but after a few of your American tours or something, it would make me happy to see you in Australia.

Also, are you guys selling CDs down here? I haven't ever heard of you before today


  • I think a few bomb threats would work a real treat!
  • oh oh oh! a fellow down underer yes! laugh.gif although im from across the ditch (NZ) yes im not the only one from this side of the planet. If oz is anything like here there is like nothing. But some specialty music stores sell there CD (its self titled and looks really pretty all covered in flowers) u should definately buy it! and if u cant find it anywhere get them to order it in for ya. Ohhhhh im so excited coz if they do a show down your way then its only a hop skip and a jump to wellington! and i dont care if thats an 18+ show smile.gif
    anyway make sure u convince all ur friends to like them that way a fan base can develop and they may actually come.
    hehe this reminds me i dreamt last nite that they announced they were coming to NZ in october and i was sooooo excited. 2 bad my dreams dont come true. sad.gif
  • hehe yeah if they do do a tour round aus they probably would do nz too, I might be going down to new zealand for a holiday sometime. I'll check if they have the cd at jb hi-fi
  • c'mon guys, a worldwide tour would get you so much money and popularity
  • Maybe take a turn 'round Sweden as well. We swedes are very very nice. We tend to bite, but in a good way wink.gif I would go! biggrin.gif
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