In this Discussion

my poor baby gamecube

edited November -1 in General Discussion
sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif

today, at just before 10pm

my poor baby gamecube died in a power surge

ive had it since launch, and i play it nearly everyday...everything is just going to shit lately..

RIP cube'ie


  • im really sorry for your loss *hugs you*
  • Stay positive. The new XBox and PS3 is coming out, maybe they can try to win your heart.
  • im a nintendo boy...will have to get the REV when it comes out..

    but i need a new cube in the mean time

  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Nov 9 2005, 02:04 PM)
    sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif
    today, at just before 10pm
    my poor baby gamecube died in a power surge
    ive had it since launch, and i play it nearly everyday...everything is just going to shit lately..
    RIP cube'ie

    I'm sorry. I can't imagine what it'd feel like to lose my beloved GameCube....*hugs*

    IT'S OKAY! Your life will come back from being shit and regenerate into the food it once was! Possibly a cake..? Which is good, and definately not shit! So wait until that cake comes!

    Wow, that was interesting.
  • i think im going to get a platinum cube...

    they so shiney..

    feel sad and pathetic for morning over my poor cube'ie
  • Awww your poor gamecube... if I could... I'd steal my cousins and give it to you.
  • new gamecubes are £80 still?

    oh you are pissing with weal?

    ^^my thoughts after veiwing online shops^^

    well im screwd...i cant afford £80..

  • get an x box ... beter graphix.
  • i would rather kill myself...WITH DEATH

    then get a crap box..full of crazy crap crap crap
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Nov 9 2005, 06:31 PM)
    new gamecubes are £80 still?
    oh you are pissing with weal?
    ^^my thoughts after veiwing online shops^^
    well im screwd...i cant afford £80..


    I'm very serious... I'd steal my cousins and give it to you... or I'll just give him 5 or 10 dlls and we can be settled... now I have to figure out how I'm gonna steal 10 dlls from my brother.
  • i kno how u feel to lose a video game console..*cry* except mine was thrown out the window my psycho ex boyfriend and it was a ps2.. mad.gif hopefully things will work out for u biggrin.gif
  • Yeah.. hopefully.
  • the cube has risen again from the ash's!

    i tried useing about 10 diffrent fuses in the house..and finaly one worked!

    you can still steal one for me if you wish pearl'ie
  • Yayness! It's alive!
  • awww poor andy haha

    but then yaaay andy

    maybe call it jesus
  • i might have to!

    jesus cube'ie

    id like to introduce you to jesus....amazing!
  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWW I love it when people call me Pearl'ie... and when I get the chance I'll steal one for you, fo' sho!

    How the hell did it come alive again though... that's like voodoo... voo, doo, ha!

  • *cue in Mulder* I want to believe.
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