i love your "bump to scare the random guest reading this" ways! it shows off your board stealthiness...btw, do you know who the lone anonymous user is that has been hanging out here in the past few days...on about the time that you were posting but not listed as a named user? =O
EDIT: ooh, the board automatically announced that i edited!
i love your "bump to scare the random guest reading this" ways! it shows off your board stealthiness...btw, do you know who the lone anonymous user is that has been hanging out here in the past few days...on about the time that you were posting but not listed as a named user? =O
EDIT: ooh, the board automatically announced that i edited!
i wasn't fooled either... combination of knowing one andy left, and that jesica hadn't posted on this board in months...
Yeah. I was fooled for about twenty seconds. Just long enough for me to get sad and for my heart to skip a few beats at the thought of never getting to see Rusty in concert with Ok Go. But then I could breathe again.
I was fooled for a second..but then I relised it wasn't true
it's true tho. the original andy left...
pandy, you can't fool the old-school boardies. we're wiser than you...except for Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, cuz he's apparently already losing his memory...
just kidding, Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, oh Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore.
.....ooooh ok
i love your "bump to scare the random guest reading this" ways! it shows off your board stealthiness...btw, do you know who the lone anonymous user is that has been hanging out here in the past few days...on about the time that you were posting but not listed as a named user? =O
EDIT: ooh, the board automatically announced that i edited!
EDIT: ooh, the board automatically announced that i edited!
Try typing J o r g e's name.
Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore?
Amazing! Thanks for the short-cut, Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore!
brilliant, Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore!
Andy, this was GREAT.
My roommate says, "What a clever bit of terrorism!!!"
that is exactly what it was !
Plleeasse use your powers for goooooddddd
I seem to be the only person who wasn't fooled by that.
I saw it, and i stopped for a sec, then thought- "hang on... This's prolly a really old thread. cause one andy did leave already"
so then i started reading from the beginning and i was right!
now I feel uber-smart
i will never be fooled by your evil geniousness-ness!!
i love your "bump to scare the random guest reading this" ways! it shows off your board stealthiness...btw, do you know who the lone anonymous user is that has been hanging out here in the past few days...on about the time that you were posting but not listed as a named user? =O
EDIT: ooh, the board automatically announced that i edited!
pssssst....its not me =p
I seem to be the only person who wasn't fooled by that.
I saw it, and i stopped for a sec, then thought- "hang on... This's prolly a really old thread. cause one andy did leave already"
so then i started reading from the beginning and i was right!
now I feel uber-smart
i will never be fooled by your evil geniousness-ness!!
oh ill get you next time
i wasn't fooled either... combination of knowing one andy left, and that jesica hadn't posted on this board in months...
But yeah, when I saw the title I thought, "Andy, already left . . . . like a year ago."
I seem to be the only person who wasn't fooled by that.
I saw it, and i stopped for a sec, then thought- "hang on... This's prolly a really old thread. cause one andy did leave already"
so then i started reading from the beginning and i was right!
now I feel uber-smart
i will never be fooled by your evil geniousness-ness!!
I wasn't fooled, either. I figured it had to be an old thread. But Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore was fooled.
Yeah. I was fooled for about twenty seconds. Just long enough for me to get sad and for my heart to skip a few beats at the thought of never getting to see Rusty in concert with Ok Go. But then I could breathe again.
pandy, you can't fool the old-school boardies. we're wiser than you...except for Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, cuz he's apparently already losing his memory...
just kidding, Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, oh Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore.