It's A Disaster

edited November -1 in OK Go
so i am seeing okgo this sunday, with my two best mates kj and pimpy

i figured i would ask a friend from col, they said yeah lets go ill take a mate

they pull out so were stuck with two etra tickets

some one comes into my shop every so often so i figure, ill sell them to them

good plan right?

well it all fell apart as 1, i couldnt go on the tills today due to some crap new system. 2, i had to put the wine out, then i turn around and see them walking out the door


so the moral to this story

people suck, as does sick jokes karma plays..bloody karma..

anyways the gig is gonna rock, so i dont care..

the end


  • The same-ish thing happened to me. I had two extra tickets because my friend's mom decided she MUST work that night at the family restaurant and my other friend was really, really, really trashed from his birthday party and called me the next morning gurgling and saying he couldn't get out of bed..
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Mar 23 2006, 08:42 PM)
    anyways the gig is gonna rock, so i dont care..
    the end

    Went to see them in Glasgow last night. The main support (Bright Space) weren't for me but okgo were superb. I've only seen them once before when they supported Brendan Benson so it was great to see them play a full set this time.
  • brendon benson just sucks though

    i saw the okgo boys supporting him...they should have headlined
  • Have to disagree, BB is excellent. I couldn't believe my luck that okgo supported him. I agree that okgo put on a better show though and they were just as good the other night.
  • nah i think you're right Andy. SPoke to Brendan Benson and not only is he rude but he is stuck up and thinks he is god. Give me my OK Go anyday. Show number 11 in 6 days biggrin.gif CAN'T WAIT!!!!

    PS> Andy I'd take your tickets but its just the wrong time of year, i've already blown all my student loan and I've got about £3 to live on til the end of march!!
  • yeah i know you would have taken them in a snap chuck, but money tightness and uni etc

    BB is teaming up with jack white from the white stripes

    i call them Bland and White
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