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Last nights Scala Gig

edited November -1 in OK Go
OH MY!!!!

Officially the best OkGo show I've been to, and thats quite a few now!!!!!!!

Andy, Dan wore your tie!!!! He was surprised that I knew you lol. He then said you were weird and did his stupid drunken laugh and went HAHA nah only joking, he wasn't really.

I was pleasantly surprised by get cape, wear cape fly. He lives about 20 mins away from me!!!! lol!!!! And The Bright Space were INCREDIBLE, I dunno how you didn't like them Andy, I take back all the bad stuff I ever said about them. They were awesome!!!

It was the biggest venue I've seen OKGo in, and EVERYBODY was having a great time (apart from Damian who was still a little ill from when he ate oysters in, I wanna say Wales?!?! lol) and there were lots of people dancing around and jumping and stuff, I'm so SO happy that so many people are loving OKGo, it realy REALLY makes me feel proud (haha, only because I've been there from the beginning and they only just seem to starting to get the credit they deserve for being totally awesome!!!)

After the show, the guys disappeared, but we had backstage party passes so we got to go hang out with them again. I love Dan even more than I ever did. He gave us drumsticks and invited us to his wedding HAHAH!!!!!! heres some friendly advice to all the men out there - please don't grow a tash/beard combo like dans, its REALLY itchy haha

I didn't really get any photos because I couldn't get close enough to the front but OMG I dunno if they have been playing hour and a half sets everywhere else on their tour, because it was truly wonderful, I've never loved OKGo so much!! And Damian heard me shoutng in the crowd, I was shouting Lovecats, but he thought i was saying taking heads lol.

I'm really REALLY excited about where Ok Go are going to go from here, last night was SUCH a big sep up from their last shows, where the venues held about 200 people each. Last night the venue held 1000 people and it was sold out. How cool is that!!!!

Anyways, I'll post more later on probably.... and randomy Katy Francis, if you read this, i saw you last night....!! Such a wonderful night guys, I'm really looking forward to the future (haha sounds like they're my kids or something!!!!!!) and summer festivals!!!!


  • ofcourse im reading this!!!! You saw me !!!! it was a pretty awesome gig! You should have come and said hey, i couldnt remeber what you looked like, so i didnt spot you!

    Backstage passes you lucky devil! I was also shouting lovecats, i wanted to hear unrequited orchestra of locomotion so badly, but i guess its too old a song now to play.

  • huzza
    for tie wearing

    i also love dan, in the most manly way possible
  • QUOTE (katy_indie_kid @ Mar 31 2006, 04:33 PM)
    ofcourse im reading this!!!! You saw me !!!! it was a pretty awesome gig! You should have come and said hey, i couldnt remeber what you looked like, so i didnt spot you!

    Backstage passes you lucky devil! I was also shouting lovecats, i wanted to hear unrequited orchestra of locomotion so badly, but i guess its too old a song now to play.


    i was stood next to you (again) when that tall guy in the red stripey t-shirt was dancing like a fucking tit and really annoying, well everyone. And then you looked angry and moved away haha
  • OMG, wow!!!! It sounds like you had such a good time!!! Lucky lucky!

    Also- yay for another Boardie who spells Katy the same way as me! smile.gif
  • OMG!! I want to go to Dan's wedding. Whoa, I wonder if they'll wear their dandy clothes. I'm so glad you had such a great time!!!
  • QUOTE (The End Has No Jen @ Mar 31 2006, 08:01 PM)
    i was stood next to you (again) when that tall guy in the red stripey t-shirt was dancing like a fucking tit and really annoying, well everyone. And then you looked angry and moved away haha

    yeah i just realised that was you!!! i wasnt angry as such, but yeah i moved right to the front, where no one was dancing which was lame, the friend i was with had such a goood time, it was her first okgo gig.
    she fell in love with damian, but then doesnt everyone!
  • i wanna say yea, but i kinda love Dan more... lots of people think Damian is a little too up himself. I tried to clearly state that he could be, being that good looking, but they didn't agree haha. But thats men for you....
  • Haha, I think he definitely is.
  • Yep, Damian is cocky.
  • Nah, Damian was sweet to me and my friends when we met him. Like your mom said "He's a lady's man."
    Or maybe he's sweet in a cocky sort of way, lol.
  • I'm not saying he isn't very sweet and caring and all that, but he can't help but notice all of the attention he gets from girls.
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Apr 2 2006, 04:34 PM)
    I'm not saying he isn't very sweet and caring and all that, but he can't help but notice all of the attention he gets from girls.

    Yeah, he definitely....yeah. He knows he's attractive, and he knows that he's going to get attention from the fangirls. It doesn't mean that he's not a great guy, that he's not really sweet, awesome, and talented. But when he's onstage, you can tell that he's conscious of the fact that he's sexy and that 95% of the people in the audience think so, too. It's not necessarily a terrible thing, but it's a little put-offish.

    My roomie and I had an argument about this last time we went to see them, and I have to admit- my roomie's right...
  • You can just tell that he knows he's hot shit. Come on, why else would he agree to pose naked?
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Apr 2 2006, 03:39 PM)
    It doesn't mean that he's not a great guy, that he's not really sweet, awesome, and talented. But when he's onstage, you can tell that he's conscious of the fact that he's sexy and that 95% of the people in the audience think so, too. It's not necessarily a terrible thing, but it's a little put-offish.

    You're so right! One of my girlfriends thought he was cocky because of the way he acted on stage. I personally thought he was being hillarious. His shirt got a tear in the back and he said "By the end of the show I will be completely naked." And then a MCS fan shouted at him to shut up already, so he told the fan off. The MCS fan so deserved it, but my girlfriend didn't like it. But then when we met him after the show and he gave the fans so much attention, she realized he's a good guy.
  • Yeah, if Damian wasn't a good guy he wouldn't come out and see us all, grope us, pelvic thrust us, and etc...
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 2 2006, 07:08 PM)
    You're so right! One of my girlfriends thought he was cocky because of the way he acted on stage. I personally thought he was being hillarious. His shirt got a tear in the back and he said "By the end of the show I will be completely naked." And then a MCS fan shouted at him to shut up already, so he told the fan off. The MCS fan so deserved it, but my girlfriend didn't like it. But then when we met him after the show and he gave the fans so much attention, she realized he's a good guy.

    He is a good guy. Damian onstage and Damian offstage are almost like two different people. Offstage, Damian is cool, he's nice, he's chatty, and he's deeply appreciative of his fans. You really can just walk up to him and have a conversation. He's still the guy you just saw onstage, but he's not on an ego trip.

    Somebody I met at the Boston show got to interview him (and I don't think his interview was ever posted, which is sad...), and we were talking about what Damian had said during the show. And the guy had asked him what the difference was between headlining and opening, and Damian had basically said that headlining really is an ego trip. I think he's probably somewhat conscious of the fact that he thinks and acts like he's so hot onstage.
  • Yeah, you're so right again, jedi_grrlie. The force is always with you. Even though it's music and not a theater production, it's a performance either way. You're still on the stage and need to fulfill that expectation of being eye catching and entertaining.
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Apr 2 2006, 07:20 PM)
    Somebody I met at the Boston show got to interview him (and I don't think his interview was ever posted, which is sad...), and we were talking about what Damian had said during the show. And the guy had asked him what the difference was between headlining and opening, and Damian had basically said that headlining really is an ego trip. I think he's probably somewhat conscious of the fact that he thinks and acts like he's so hot onstage.

    Wow, I never thought Damian would admit to something like that. BTW, when they're touring with She Wants Revenge, who's headlining? Also, did anyone else see the London interview? It was really well produced, but she didn't actually ask him the questions! I was so surprised.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 2 2006, 07:33 PM)
    Wow, I never thought Damian would admit to something like that. BTW, when they're touring with She Wants Revenge, who's headlining?

    Ummm, according to the SWR website, they're playing with Depeche Mode, and all of those dates match up with the OK Go dates. So that'd be my guess.
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