Woo! I just had one of those moments. The Cingular grocery store commercial with the baggers doing the treadmill thing on the checkouts was on, and I got all smiley over it as usual, then I looked away as it ended, and then the next thing I hear is OK Go doing "Father Christmas"! I just about got whiplash. It was a commercial for "Unaccompanied Minors."
I got tickets for the Carson Daly show, but the Jimmy Kimmel Live tickets are still requested! They're performing only for UCSD students this friday (12/1/06) and my friends and I were gonna sneak in but we all have SATs tomorrow and work on friday night... but none of that mattered. We were gonna ditch anyway but then the student only thing.
I was happy cause they play that song in the Unaccompanied Minors' commercial. I wish this month would go faster so I can see this preformance since I've been missing them on tv lately.
Why thank you!!! You've made my year!
They're also going to be on Carson Daly on Dec 15, but it tapes on Dec 7. A week from now.
God, I hope they let us talk to them :'(
Oh joy! Someone from the JC has uploaded it.