So I was out late tonight (it's 4am as I post this) and I was in a random conversation with a friend when I mentioned that OK Go was my favorite band. Well, they proceeded to tell me that they, as a teacher, have to watch Channel One every morning with their class and that OK Go was just interviewed on there. I wasn't out much later after hearing that.
Channel One is basically a news program geared towards kids, and anyone who is/was in high school from about 1996 to now knows what I'm talking about.
Anyway, I don't believe there is a direct link to any of the videos (they are on Livewire), but if you go to, type OK Go in the search engine and make sure you have the "video" selection checked, you'll pull up three videos, one of which is an intervew (with a tie-less Damian and a Tim who looks like he could flash someone at any given moment *grin*), the second is a pop quiz (with our own Mr. Smarty explaining most of it) and the third is an acoustic version of AMW, with about ten lucky (but seemingly uninterested) students gathered around the stage.
Click the top video (the interview) and the program will automatically take you to the next video once the previous one is completed. A much faster, efficient way to watch OK Go!

(eyes roll back into head) Now that I have that out, I'm off to bed.

Sweet, OK Go dreams everyone.
Channel One is basically a news program geared towards kids, and anyone who is/was in high school from about 1996 to now knows what I'm talking about.
Anyway, I don't believe there is a direct link to any of the videos (they are on Livewire), but if you go to, type OK Go in the search engine and make sure you have the "video" selection checked, you'll pull up three videos, one of which is an intervew (with a tie-less Damian and a Tim who looks like he could flash someone at any given moment *grin*), the second is a pop quiz (with our own Mr. Smarty explaining most of it) and the third is an acoustic version of AMW, with about ten lucky (but seemingly uninterested) students gathered around the stage.
Click the top video (the interview) and the program will automatically take you to the next video once the previous one is completed. A much faster, efficient way to watch OK Go!
(eyes roll back into head) Now that I have that out, I'm off to bed.
Thanks for the info, glad to know I'm not the only one up late! I remember channel one...we used to see it since I was in 7th grade.
An whats up with those uninterested lucky students, don't they know it's OK GO?!!!!!
Haha- Tim is a character in real life...
I had to watch the last video twice (acoustic AMW)...I can't believe that the kids are just standing there acting all cool.
..and there are so many awesome quotes from the interviews. or maybe it's just the deadpan looks that Damian and Tim give the camera.
Thanks for posting this T.Dog! It's amazing how ok go turns up in the little places you least suspect.
Those kids crack me up, thinking their all hip and non-chalant. My goodness if I heard the echo of AMW's coming from an empty room like that, I'd come running over!
There were a lot of great quotes in those videos. I love how Jordan's head is in the way for the beginning of AMW. If me and my friends got to watch them, we would have started dancing.
And how are those kids so calm and collected!? Yet again, I'm inclined to resolve that Channel One uses cyborgs.
Point being: Andy was wearing the same sweater that he wore after the Friday Chicago show
...Yay for late-night boardies
my friend actually has the tape of that episode.
apparently tim (or is it dan?) is friends with someone on the staff.
Andy: "...told you so Damian"
Damian: "You wish."
Ugh. I hate those things. It's impossible to walk through snow when sporting one. I've learned to (try to) avoid spraining things below your knee in the winter months in Chicago (ice + impaired walking = death). So that pretty much leaves me 3 remaining free months to go sprain-wild...
Anywho. Thanks for that awesome information!! I'd say that's pretty dern arbitrary, too
... "Hacienda"?
PS. Tim is so much kewler than Napoleon Dynamite.
But they've been playing OK Go songs on Channel One for a while, but I had no idea about that interview four years ago. I would have been half way through my freshmen year. Wow.
I must have not watched that one.
Hahahahaha, I just watched the three videos and a few things made me laugh.
-Damian's egotistical attitude.
-How Damian has to hold the microphone for Tim.
-Tim: "I enjoy dancing badly."
"I believe I'm better than Napolean Dynamite."
-Tim playing with his sideburns.
-Dan standing in the tiny audience like he's not part of the band, but he's the number one fan because he looks so happy.
And how come Channel One got better after I graduate?
You read my mind. I was trying to find those pictures amongst the net and I failed. I knew they had hosted sometime ago (and was the first band to do so on Channel One!) but there was little if any information about it.
Poor Damian. *kisses his long-since-healed leg* I think he also had that same boot at an Indianapolis show once. I wonder what he did to it (probably doing multiple air-guitar jumps or something).
There were definitely some great quotes, my favourites? Damian talking about hurling themselves at huge nests of treadmills, and Tim pointing out the fact that JC has never danced inside a videocamera.
If I remember correctly, he injured it after jumping off of an amp.
...and then had to finish the remainder of the tour by sitting on a stool while he played.
my friend actually has the tape of that episode.
apparently tim (or is it dan?) is friends with someone on the staff.
Oooo, these pics are lovely! They make me squeal. In the above one, Damian looks like a biker or something. He doesn't have his usual 12 year old look.
(And the background screens are quite hypnotic. Thankie for these pics!!!!
Host: [No emotive response whatsoever] Exactly.
Yeah. Cyborg.
those videos were pretty great, though. I LOVE hearing AMW all acoustic-y.... and Andy playing the Rockenspiel.
Damian and Tim are just ADORABLE!