I read on their MySpace page that someone got a poster of the boys! That got me excited but I have no idea where I could buy one. Does anyone know? I just happen to have some blank wall in my room and I'd love to get a poster of them to fill up that space ;-). I know there's clothing merchandise that you can buy on okgo.net, but no posters..I never even knew posters of them..like actual posters, existed. I checked a couple of stores today (bad idea considering it's Boxing Day) but had no luck. I went home happy though, I finally bought the Oh No CD/DVD and loved watching all the videos and footage (can never get enough of their dancing!). If anyone could help me out, that would be great.
Thanks in advance!
The store doesn't have any posters, but other super duper merch.
For posters, try ebay. I've seen a few of their posters being sold there.
Also, this one is really neat. I want it.
I don't think you can purchase that one, though.
I don't think you can purchase that one, though.
oooh, that ones awesome!
Guess I'll have to buy stuff at tours
I also like to buy as much as I can off of the website, because that way I know the money I spend on there goes to the guys, as the money I spend on ebay does not.
I like buying tons of merch from the shows or the store. Anything to support the guys. I even turned down free merch one time because I thought I should pay for it. I think that's the mark of a true fan. That or I'm stupid.
Oh, making your own poster is a good idea. I did that with a Franz Ferdinand ad in one of my music magazines. I cut the ad out and scanned it, then printed it out into four parts, so the original photo would be a whole lot bigger. But I printed it in B&W. After that, I pasted the four pages to poster board and I took paints and fixed it up so it kind of looks like pop art. This is the ad I took it from, I don't have a photo of the actual poster I made.
the color parts I painted. Except the one I have has the fall tour dates from 2005 at the bottom. Otherwise, it's really neat looking. Sometime I'm going to get it laminated.
Or you can go to Kinko's