If this wasn't allowed, sorry, you can delete this. But I love watching the Federal Truth in Music clips, and I love the little songs at the end- and I really wanted to hear the songs on my ipod. So I ripped off each of the little songs at the end of the clips, and put them together in 1 big mp3, which I uploaded here:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3VFHZ52KI did actually start the whole mp3 with Damian's "do you think I can just give this to Wendy?!" speech, just cuz it's so funny and I wanted to hear that on my ipod too.
Thank you.
haha I always forget how awesome the Truth In Music videos are.
Thank you
but it's not working, do you have to like download the software thing and then download that thing or what?
thank you.
just... thank you.
Actually, I was at the dentist yesterday, and ALL I could hear was that song in my head-- "Later we'll cap your teeth, cause my dentistry is top notch, top notch... *insert some wailing/man cry here*"
This seriously has to be the greatest thing ever.
That was a really good idea though.
No matter how many times I watch those they NEVER get old.
Your secret robot,
is really a pile of junk."
This is very cool. May I ask how you did it? I've been dying to get the music from the acoustic video of "What to Do" onto my iPod and I'd appreciate any help you could provide.
I'm really glad you liked it!
For those who are having trouble, no, you don't need to download any extra software or anything. Just click on the megaupload link I posted at the top (which will stay active for 1 month), then type in the letters next to the Megaupload logo and press "Download." You may have to press "skip ad" if they throw one at you before you can press "Download." Then wait while it counts down 42 seconds and then press "click here to download" and then you can save it.
You can buy Megaupload Premium for faster downloads, but it's really not worth it. The free version is just fine
And Tiredofkim, there are lots of ways to rip audio off video. Everything I use is freeware, and by trial and error, I find which freeware is the best. I usually use VirtualDub to rip audio off video. If you want to cut the sound up, you can just use Windows Movie Maker, which comes with most computers though a lot of ppl never use it and don't even know about it. For fancier stuff, I use Audacity. To cut and edit and play with video, I use other stuff. If you want, I can help you- my email is sallylinuslucy@yahoo.com
This game of Yatzi, Yatzi, Yatzi
Has lost its allure.....
Ha ha ha!!!
Claret: What a pleasant surprise! Thank you so much for posting that mp3. That's exactly what I was looking for. =)
Are we boardies the only people who think this stuff is brilliant and hilarious? Is it just too weird for anyone who's not already a fan? Actually, I had my brother watch Dentistry over the holidays, and he thought it was good. He liked it better than Paperwork and Craftsmanship.
These little mini-songs make me think OK Go could make any style of music they wanted to.