Thanks for that! Those accents are hilarious!! (just to clarify - coz I realised how bad that sounded - if anyone has that accent, I don't mean the accent itself is hilarious, just Damian and Tim's impressions of it... lol)
I wonder what Andy's had to say about them doing that accent. Wonder if they ever give him hell about it. You pretty much never hear a trace of it when he speaks, but on the DraculaZombieUSA song "So Far That I Even Saw the Beginning of the Universe" (FANTASTIC FREAKING SONG, BTW), you can hear a bit of an accent (at least I think so) ever, ever so slightly when he sings "far away" and says "star-streaked." It's got a bit of that "fah" and "stah" flavor. Hee hee hee And if my memory serves, I think you can pick an accent up just a little little bit in his This Week in Baseball appearance, but maybe I'm making that up ... I seem to remember wondering if the subject matter was bringing it out of him a bit. Or maybe I'm just overlapping all the heavy accents of the (other) Red Sox fans quoted on there onto him.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! THEY WERE AT THE GUITAR CENTER????!!!! dang it! I was right next door in class! Well, actually, I don't know what time they were there so maybe it wasn't so bad. But this is just like when Ih7*s posted that photo of them at the supermarket near me.
ok, now, as a Bostonian, my analysis of Tim and Damian's attempt at our accent: sorry, they just can't do it close, but not there yet, teehee. And btw, THE SOX JUST WON TONIGHT'S GAME!!!!!!
oh! and I like how Damian said "Comm Ave" instead of "Commonwealth Ave," like he was one of us
I wonder what Andy's had to say about them doing that accent. Wonder if they ever give him hell about it. You pretty much never hear a trace of it when he speaks, but on the DraculaZombieUSA song "So Far That I Even Saw the Beginning of the Universe" (FANTASTIC FREAKING SONG, BTW), you can hear a bit of an accent (at least I think so) ever, ever so slightly when he sings "far away" and says "star-streaked." It's got a bit of that "fah" and "stah" flavor. Hee hee hee And if my memory serves, I think you can pick an accent up just a little little bit in his This Week in Baseball appearance, but maybe I'm making that up ... I seem to remember wondering if the subject matter was bringing it out of him a bit. Or maybe I'm just overlapping all the heavy accents of the (other) Red Sox fans quoted on there onto him.
Can you imagine if Andy's accent was strong?! They'd mess with him all the time! I wonder if he got rid of it on purpose. It probably comes out when he's drunk though, I'd like to witness that. And I haven't heard that DZUSA song, but I bought "parallel lives perpendicular high fives". Can I just say, I'm in love with it. It's laugh out loud funny- so I guess it's- lol. And I do notice each one as it passes
QUOTE (Tabetha @ Apr 10 2007, 07:19 PM)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! THEY WERE AT THE GUITAR CENTER????!!!! dang it! I was right next door in class! Well, actually, I don't know what time they were there so maybe it wasn't so bad.
OK, I'll try to make you feel better. Just as you were walking out of class, they were going into the guitar center. So technically, you were not in class when they were in the guitar center. But you could've bumped into them on the street.....does that make you feel better
OK, I'll try to make you feel better. Just as you were walking out of class, they were going into the guitar center. So technically, you were not in class when they were in the guitar center. But you could've bumped into them on the street.....does that make you feel better
loool! It's really sad- everytime they come to Boston, they're in the Kenmore Square/Comm Ave area (where I am) and I never get to see them. boo-hoo. But this time, it was worse than usual cuz they might have been literally feet or yards away from me. I wish I had been smart enough to skip classes and spend the whole day at the Guitar Center, anticipating that that would be the natural place for them to go. I wonder if they were wearing their suits.
Andy is from Worcester, which is western Mass. We kind of act like western Mass is soooo far away- I don't know why we do that. We tend to be like, "I just drove aaaaall the way to Worcester, omg!" But maybe if he grew up in the heart of Mass, his accent would be thicker, I dunno. But I think you're probly right, Ytel82, that he would drop it on purpose. Stephen Colbert said he purposely dropped his Charleston accent.
I have to say though, I'm fiercely proud of Mass and if it were anyone but Damian and Tim impersonating us, I'd be like, "hey! we do NOT sound like that!" But somehow, no matter how ridiculous they make us sound, it sounds cute when they do it.
Well, on April 20th they'll be in Worcester, Andy's home town. I wonder what they'll do then.
Oh! A count- we've now heard Damian's "salad as a rack" from Sheri (that was Illinois, right?) and his British accent and his Bostonian. And he tried to say German words in Germany- it's cute the way he um, linguistically assimilates.
You can call me Lety if you wish, that's my name I wonder if it's hard to lose your accent. I didn't think of myself as having an accent......until I heard myself on camera once.
Oh! A count- we've now heard Damian's "salad as a rack" from Sheri (that was Illinois, right?) and his British accent and his Bostonian. And he tried to say German words in Germany- it's cute the way he um, linguistically assimilates.
You can call me Lety if you wish, that's my name I wonder if it's hard to lose your accent. I didn't think of myself as having an accent......until I heard myself on camera once.
It's relatively difficult. I had a heavy irish accent when I was little (which is weird, because I've lived in Canada my entire life-- I guess I picked it up from one of my relatives or something) and it took forever to "fix". I remember spending the entire first grade working on it.
It's supposed to be easier for children to learn how to do things, so I wonder how difficult it was for people like Stephen and Andy.
^ It is quite difficult. I grew up in New Jersey and I realized just how thick my accent was when I moved to northern Virginia years ago. I have learned how to tone it down since moving here (after funny looks from the clerk at Starbucks whenever I said the word 'coffee', I got the message, lol) but there are certain things that I will never be able to say without the Jersey accent. I personally like northern accents, so I am glad that I didn't lose it completely.
(By the way, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Connie and I'm a graphic designer in Virginia. I've been listening to OK Go since 2002. After lurking on these boards for about a year, I finally took a minute to join. Well, I just wanted to say hello, and if there's an official introduction thread somewhere that I missed, forgive me. )
Welcome, Connie! I'm jealous of your seriously old school status.
Sally, I think they must have been talking about going to Guitar Center a long time ago, because don't they say in the interview that since then every time they've come to Boston, they do the "Hip-hawp, trip-hawp, howse, traaaance" bit?
Btw, where is that grocery store pic you mentioned?
"Salad as a rack" was imitating Wisconsinites. I wish I'd heard the girl and the guys he was playing pool against. lol I wonder if they had the really horrible thick hick Wisconsin accent like Sue the truck driver on the first season of Survivor ... We don't all talk like that. !!!
As long as we're on the topics of Wisconsin and Damian talking, I was dismayed to hear Damian in one of those 2003 YouTube interviews (other thread that's near the top lately) saying "Wisconsin" in the wrong way (as far as Wisconsinites are concerned )--"Wis-con-sin." ARGH! NO! It's "Wi-sconsin"! If Tabatha (Redstar7) can do it without knowing, you can, too, Damian! Get on that.
Lety, that song IS hilarious, isn't it??? I'm also quite fond of the "Some guys like the dicks" line. Woohoo! And Andy's "Soooorrrrrrry--I hope this doesn't offend you" is hilarious, too. Right, Jennifer? And I notice each one, too. Man, I would love to witness drunken Andy, too. I was listening to "So Far That I Even Saw ..." today, and having watched this Tim & Damian Boston thing, I think maybe you can hear a bit of accent in the way he says the "streaked" in "star-streaked" and in "so" in "We flew so swift, so ..." Download that song, lady!
Claret (what is your real name again--tell me! ), you kinda freaked me out with what you said about growing up in Canada but getting an Irish accent from a relative, and then getting rid of it when you started school ... because I was just reading about an author today with the exact same story. Colin Frizzell. He grew up in Canada and had a Belfast accent from his grandmother, and he got rid of it in kindergarten or first grade (one of those). I just read this at work today. WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF THAT? *cue Twilight Zone theme*
Lety, that song IS hilarious, isn't it??? I'm also quite fond of the "Some guys like the dicks" line. Woohoo! And Andy's "Soooorrrrrrry--I hope this doesn't offend you" is hilarious, too. Right, Jennifer? And I notice each one, too. Man, I would love to witness drunken Andy, too. I was listening to "So Far That I Even Saw ..." today, and having watched this Tim & Damian Boston thing, I think maybe you can hear a bit of accent in the way he says the "streaked" in "star-streaked" and in "so" in "We flew so swift, so ..." Download that song, lady!
I like to go around and randomly tell people: Soooorrrrrry--I hope this doesn't offend you! They just look at me funny. Imagine what they would do if I said the line about the assess! and dammit Sheri, are you gonna make me download that other DZUSA song? I feel like I'm betraying The Unsacred Hearts! Dammit, dammit, dammit! You need to get some Unsacred Hearts music to make me feel better.
Welcome, Connie! Have lots of fun here! oh, yeah! I totally forgot about duble bas kager! Lety, your name is so beautiful! Seriously, it's one of the most beautiful names I've ever heard. When I was a kid, I would sometimes call my favorite doll Lety. Claret, that is really cool that you had an Irish accent but are Canadian. I imagine that everything you say sounds pretty, because I think both Irish and Canadian accents are sweet-sounding. Sheri, hahaha, so this is old? That just adds to the oddness of it all- I wonder if they were there before I had ever heard of them (I shamefully did not discover Ok Go until HIGA on youtube). omg though, I never knew Wisconsin is pronounced that way! Next time you see him, you should scold him about that, lol. Here's the pic of them at the store near me- it was posted by ih7*s, so it's thx to her:
I've just realized that it's probly only in New England that its normal to have live lobsters in food stores.
Lety, your name is so beautiful! Seriously, it's one of the most beautiful names I've ever heard. When I was a kid, I would sometimes call my favorite doll Lety.
Why thank you very much ..........but I hate my name I think it makes me sound old
Andy is from Worcester, which is western Mass. We kind of act like western Mass is soooo far away- I don't know why we do that. We tend to be like, "I just drove aaaaall the way to Worcester, omg!" But maybe if he grew up in the heart of Mass, his accent would be thicker, I dunno. But I think you're probly right, Ytel82, that he would drop it on purpose. Stephen Colbert said he purposely dropped his Charleston accent.
Maybe I don't have any right to say this, as I'm not actually from MA (I just live there 9 months of the year), but I have never really considered Worcester as western Mass. It's sort of like when you hit Worcester, that's when you've hit eastern Mass. *shrugs* Anyway, that's me.
QUOTE (bluecanary @ Apr 12 2007, 03:33 AM)
I grew up in New Jersey and I realized just how thick my accent was when I moved to northern Virginia years ago. I have learned how to tone it down since moving here (after funny looks from the clerk at Starbucks whenever I said the word 'coffee', I got the message, lol) but there are certain things that I will never be able to say without the Jersey accent. I personally like northern accents, so I am glad that I didn't lose it completely.
Dude, the Jersey accent trumps the VA accent hands down, haha.
(I'm also totally biased. Though oddly enough, I don't have a Jersey accent. Well, only in how I say "coffee" and "water" and "Trenton.)
Also, yeah, it is very hard to lose your accent, especially after childhood. It sort of goes with the language acquisition thing, that if you haven't learned a language by adolescence, you'll never really learn. And the fact that you can never really be completely bilingual, because there's always one language in your head that's the "reference language," and you can never really degage from that.
*ahem* Anyway, yeah, it is hard to lose an accent, which is why I'm always so proud when people tell me that I speak French well. One of my friends friend's was like, astounded by my accent and kept going on about it. (Given, we were both slightly drunk....) I'm still amazed that some of my friends have spent around seven months in Paris and are still speaking French with an American accent. It drives me nuts. But then again, I've been working on my accent since I started learning French about seven years ago, and most of them probably haven't.
QUOTE (Tabetha @ Apr 12 2007, 06:13 AM)
I've just realized that it's probly only in New England that its normal to have live lobsters in food stores.
I was at that concert! Well, the one they played that night, anyway. As that's not a pic from the concert. Best OK Go show I've been to yet. They still have yet to top that.
I'm not actually from MA (I just live there 9 months of the year)
I take it you go to college here and are now studying abroad in France? That's so cool!!! What college do you go to? (sorry, don't mean to invade your privacy)
I want to hear Paris stories from you! And did you go around saying "pamplemousse"? (sorry, I'm sure I spelled that wrong)
I wish Phantommilk would post here! I want to know what you think of Tim and Damian's Bostonian accent!
Dude, the Jersey accent trumps the VA accent hands down, haha.
Yes it does!
QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Apr 12 2007, 02:53 PM)
Also, yeah, it is very hard to lose your accent, especially after childhood. It sort of goes with the language acquisition thing, that if you haven't learned a language by adolescence, you'll never really learn. And the fact that you can never really be completely bilingual, because there's always one language in your head that's the "reference language," and you can never really degage from that.
I agree with this 100%. I tried learning different languages throughout high school and college, and though I became fluent with one and gained some understanding of the others, English was still my reference language. As you said, if you don't acquire the language while you're very young and still learning basic linguistic skills, it becomes very difficult to achieve fluency in any language you pick up in later years.
I believe this is why my Jersey accent will always be present when I speak. It's just the way I've talked my entire life; it's natural to me. Yes, I have learned to soften it a bit when necessary (apparently some VA people just can't understand it), but it's not something I can just turn on or off after having it this long. Besides, I like the way i say 'coffee', 'dog', 'water', and countless other words.
When I was four I moved to San Francisco (briefly) and by the end of my 6 months or what ever it was over there, I had an American / Californian accent. The video of me as a little kid is hilarious. But when I moved back, the English accent came back fairly quickly. Actually, I spent about 4 days in Nottingham recently and I started saying "glass" and "grass" like they do instead of my posh-ish "glarss" and "graarss" type accent. Maybe I'm just malleable?
Katy - I love french accents! I try to get it perfect but it's so hard...
Those accents are hilarious!!
(just to clarify - coz I realised how bad that sounded - if anyone has that accent, I don't mean the accent itself is hilarious, just Damian and Tim's impressions of it... lol)
haha that was gold.
this was fun!
I wonder what Andy's had to say about them doing that accent. Wonder if they ever give him hell about it. You pretty much never hear a trace of it when he speaks, but on the DraculaZombieUSA song "So Far That I Even Saw the Beginning of the Universe" (FANTASTIC FREAKING SONG, BTW), you can hear a bit of an accent (at least I think so) ever, ever so slightly when he sings "far away" and says "star-streaked." It's got a bit of that "fah" and "stah" flavor. Hee hee hee
dang it! I was right next door in class! Well, actually, I don't know what time they were there so maybe it wasn't so bad. But this is just like when Ih7*s posted that photo of them at the supermarket near me.
ok, now, as a Bostonian, my analysis of Tim and Damian's attempt at our accent: sorry, they just can't do it
close, but not there yet, teehee.
oh! and I like how Damian said "Comm Ave" instead of "Commonwealth Ave," like he was one of us
I wonder what Andy's had to say about them doing that accent. Wonder if they ever give him hell about it. You pretty much never hear a trace of it when he speaks, but on the DraculaZombieUSA song "So Far That I Even Saw the Beginning of the Universe" (FANTASTIC FREAKING SONG, BTW), you can hear a bit of an accent (at least I think so) ever, ever so slightly when he sings "far away" and says "star-streaked." It's got a bit of that "fah" and "stah" flavor. Hee hee hee
Can you imagine if Andy's accent was strong?! They'd mess with him all the time! I wonder if he got rid of it on purpose. It probably comes out when he's drunk though, I'd like to witness that. And I haven't heard that DZUSA song, but I bought "parallel lives perpendicular high fives". Can I just say, I'm in love with it. It's laugh out loud funny- so I guess it's- lol. And I do notice each one as it passes
dang it! I was right next door in class! Well, actually, I don't know what time they were there so maybe it wasn't so bad.
loool! It's really sad- everytime they come to Boston, they're in the Kenmore Square/Comm Ave area (where I am) and I never get to see them.
boo-hoo. But this time, it was worse than usual cuz they might have been literally feet or yards away from me. I wish I had been smart enough to skip classes and spend the whole day at the Guitar Center, anticipating that that would be the natural place for them to go. I wonder if they were wearing their suits.
Andy is from Worcester, which is western Mass. We kind of act like western Mass is soooo far away- I don't know why we do that. We tend to be like, "I just drove aaaaall the way to Worcester, omg!" But maybe if he grew up in the heart of Mass, his accent would be thicker, I dunno. But I think you're probly right, Ytel82, that he would drop it on purpose. Stephen Colbert said he purposely dropped his Charleston accent.
I have to say though, I'm fiercely proud of Mass and if it were anyone but Damian and Tim impersonating us, I'd be like, "hey! we do NOT sound like that!" But somehow, no matter how ridiculous they make us sound, it sounds cute when they do it.
Well, on April 20th they'll be in Worcester, Andy's home town. I wonder what they'll do then.
Oh! A count- we've now heard Damian's "salad as a rack" from Sheri (that was Illinois, right?) and his British accent and his Bostonian. And he tried to say German words in Germany- it's cute the way he um, linguistically assimilates.
I wonder if it's hard to lose your accent. I didn't think of myself as having an accent......until I heard myself on camera once.
Swedish, too!
Duble Bas Kager!
I wonder if it's hard to lose your accent. I didn't think of myself as having an accent......until I heard myself on camera once.
It's supposed to be easier for children to learn how to do things, so I wonder how difficult it was for people like Stephen and Andy.
(By the way, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Connie and I'm a graphic designer in Virginia. I've been listening to OK Go since 2002. After lurking on these boards for about a year, I finally took a minute to join. Well, I just wanted to say hello, and if there's an official introduction thread somewhere that I missed, forgive me.
Sally, I think they must have been talking about going to Guitar Center a long time ago, because don't they say in the interview that since then every time they've come to Boston, they do the "Hip-hawp, trip-hawp, howse, traaaance" bit?
Btw, where is that grocery store pic you mentioned?
"Salad as a rack" was imitating Wisconsinites. I wish I'd heard the girl and the guys he was playing pool against. lol I wonder if they had the really horrible thick hick Wisconsin accent like Sue the truck driver on the first season of Survivor ... We don't all talk like that. !!!
As long as we're on the topics of Wisconsin and Damian talking, I was dismayed to hear Damian in one of those 2003 YouTube interviews (other thread that's near the top lately) saying "Wisconsin" in the wrong way (as far as Wisconsinites are concerned
Lety, that song IS hilarious, isn't it??? I'm also quite fond of the "Some guys like the dicks" line.
And Andy's "Soooorrrrrrry--I hope this doesn't offend you" is hilarious, too. Right, Jennifer?
And I notice each one, too.
Man, I would love to witness drunken Andy, too.
I was listening to "So Far That I Even Saw ..." today, and having watched this Tim & Damian Boston thing, I think maybe you can hear a bit of accent in the way he says the "streaked" in "star-streaked" and in "so" in "We flew so swift, so ..." Download that song, lady!
Claret (what is your real name again--tell me!
*cue Twilight Zone theme*
And Andy's "Soooorrrrrrry--I hope this doesn't offend you" is hilarious, too. Right, Jennifer?
And I notice each one, too.
Man, I would love to witness drunken Andy, too.
I was listening to "So Far That I Even Saw ..." today, and having watched this Tim & Damian Boston thing, I think maybe you can hear a bit of accent in the way he says the "streaked" in "star-streaked" and in "so" in "We flew so swift, so ..." Download that song, lady!
I like to go around and randomly tell people: Soooorrrrrry--I hope this doesn't offend you!
They just look at me funny. Imagine what they would do if I said the line about the assess!
and dammit Sheri, are you gonna make me download that other DZUSA song? I feel like I'm betraying The Unsacred Hearts! Dammit, dammit, dammit! You need to get some Unsacred Hearts music to make me feel better.
oh, yeah! I totally forgot about duble bas kager!
Lety, your name is so beautiful! Seriously, it's one of the most beautiful names I've ever heard. When I was a kid, I would sometimes call my favorite doll Lety.
Claret, that is really cool that you had an Irish accent but are Canadian. I imagine that everything you say sounds pretty, because I think both Irish and Canadian accents are sweet-sounding.
Sheri, hahaha, so this is old? That just adds to the oddness of it all- I wonder if they were there before I had ever heard of them (I shamefully did not discover Ok Go until HIGA on youtube). omg though, I never knew Wisconsin is pronounced that way! Next time you see him, you should scold him about that, lol.
Here's the pic of them at the store near me- it was posted by ih7*s, so it's thx to her:
I've just realized that it's probly only in New England that its normal to have live lobsters in food stores.
Why thank you very much
Maybe I don't have any right to say this, as I'm not actually from MA (I just live there 9 months of the year), but I have never really considered Worcester as western Mass. It's sort of like when you hit Worcester, that's when you've hit eastern Mass. *shrugs* Anyway, that's me.
Dude, the Jersey accent trumps the VA accent hands down, haha.
(I'm also totally biased. Though oddly enough, I don't have a Jersey accent. Well, only in how I say "coffee" and "water" and "Trenton.)
Also, yeah, it is very hard to lose your accent, especially after childhood. It sort of goes with the language acquisition thing, that if you haven't learned a language by adolescence, you'll never really learn. And the fact that you can never really be completely bilingual, because there's always one language in your head that's the "reference language," and you can never really degage from that.
*ahem* Anyway, yeah, it is hard to lose an accent, which is why I'm always so proud when people tell me that I speak French well. One of my friends friend's was like, astounded by my accent and kept going on about it. (Given, we were both slightly drunk....) I'm still amazed that some of my friends have spent around seven months in Paris and are still speaking French with an American accent. It drives me nuts. But then again, I've been working on my accent since I started learning French about seven years ago, and most of them probably haven't.
I've just realized that it's probly only in New England that its normal to have live lobsters in food stores.
I was at that concert! Well, the one they played that night, anyway. As that's not a pic from the concert. Best OK Go show I've been to yet. They still have yet to top that.
I take it you go to college here and are now studying abroad in France? That's so cool!!! What college do you go to? (sorry, don't mean to invade your privacy)
I want to hear Paris stories from you! And did you go around saying "pamplemousse"? (sorry, I'm sure I spelled that wrong)
I wish Phantommilk would post here! I want to know what you think of Tim and Damian's Bostonian accent!
Yes it does!
I agree with this 100%. I tried learning different languages throughout high school and college, and though I became fluent with one and gained some understanding of the others, English was still my reference language. As you said, if you don't acquire the language while you're very young and still learning basic linguistic skills, it becomes very difficult to achieve fluency in any language you pick up in later years.
I believe this is why my Jersey accent will always be present when I speak. It's just the way I've talked my entire life; it's natural to me. Yes, I have learned to soften it a bit when necessary (apparently some VA people just can't understand it), but it's not something I can just turn on or off after having it this long. Besides, I like the way i say 'coffee', 'dog', 'water', and countless other words.
When I was four I moved to San Francisco (briefly) and by the end of my 6 months or what ever it was over there, I had an American / Californian accent. The video of me as a little kid is hilarious. But when I moved back, the English accent came back fairly quickly. Actually, I spent about 4 days in Nottingham recently and I started saying "glass" and "grass" like they do instead of my posh-ish "glarss" and "graarss" type accent. Maybe I'm just malleable?
Katy - I love french accents! I try to get it perfect but it's so hard...