I thought it was a little disjointed and, besides the couple of exemplarary songs, not as good as, say, Chutes Too Narrow. Don't get me wrong, the Shins are still fantastic, but it was kind of like Arcade Fire's new album "Neon Bible," still really good above other artists in the general music community, but not as good as earlier albums.
Right, this band isn't exactly famous - I know them personally. And they've just made a new video which I think is totally fantastic, so I've put it up on youtube for them and I thought I'd show you guys seeing as you appreciate good music and you are all pretty awesome yourselves
Tell me what you think of it so I can pass it onto the band!!
ooh and mixtape - i got two of feists albums! Let it Die and The Reminder - both are brilliant!! thanks so much for introducing me to the genius of leslie feist! and shes one of the many members of Broken Social Scene?! wow craaazy! mushabooooooooom what a fun word! wooo sorry im rather hyper...
ooh and mixtape - i got two of feists albums! Let it Die and The Reminder - both are brilliant!! thanks so much for introducing me to the genius of leslie feist! and shes one of the many members of Broken Social Scene?! wow craaazy! mushabooooooooom what a fun word! wooo sorry im rather hyper...
Wow, no problem! I'm so glad you like her this much!! I'm seeing her at the end of May, I'm sososo excited.
i found this vid of ben afleck drunk harrasing some chick trying to interview him. hes not gross being drunk tho. hes suprisingly cute. he does like french peppy la pew voices. if hes like that normally too hes my type ^^ anyways heres the link http://youtube.com/watch?v=NMq6xDHBKwQ
This is one of the best musical performances in existence. It's Violent Femmes playing "Add it Up" and the bass at the end is INSANE. Like, he just picks away in a way that no bassist should be able to do. I love them so much.
(It also has one of the most hilarious lyrics in any song "Words all fail the magic prize, nothing I can say when I'm in your thighs")
I thought it was a little disjointed and, besides the couple of exemplarary songs, not as good as, say, Chutes Too Narrow. Don't get me wrong, the Shins are still fantastic, but it was kind of like Arcade Fire's new album "Neon Bible," still really good above other artists in the general music community, but not as good as earlier albums.
i loved every song
even that one that wasnt really a song lol
well kinda... on one of those massive airport treadmills. Probably not a homage at all. But its very awesome.
well kinda... on one of those massive airport treadmills. Probably not a homage at all. But its very awesome.
dude that was really awesome!!!
and i like the song too..
i've never heard of feist before.. sort of reminds me of imogen heap!
thats is TOO COOL.
i definitely needa get her album. she seems awesome.
Tell me what you think of it so I can pass it onto the band!!
Thank you
I Hate Falling
very Yellow Submarine!
ooh and mixtape - i got two of feists albums! Let it Die and The Reminder - both are brilliant!! thanks so much for introducing me to the genius of leslie feist! and shes one of the many members of Broken Social Scene?! wow craaazy! mushabooooooooom what a fun word!
wooo sorry im rather hyper...
Lol, yep. They're very into the Beatles. It's my dad's band, btw (this is the dad who supposedly looked like Damian
Thanks! I'll let em know
wooo sorry im rather hyper...
Wow, no problem! I'm so glad you like her this much!! I'm seeing her at the end of May, I'm sososo excited.
ohhh! you rule! hope you have a great time!
I loooove feist a lot. One of the few chick voices I can stand... maybe becasue shes not trying to be something shes not, and rocks the deep voice.
Did you guys ever see the Feist video for "One Evening"? its so awesome. Feist AND Buck 65... too rad.
you lie! how do you know this. hahahaha. youre so right though, would have been so many good genes to choose from.
oooo awesome!! i'm gonna try to see her in june - but i can't figure out when tickets go on sale!
I loooove feist a lot. One of the few chick voices I can stand... maybe becasue shes not trying to be something shes not, and rocks the deep voice.
Did you guys ever see the Feist video for "One Evening"? its so awesome. Feist AND Buck 65... too rad.
agreed! (the chick voice stuff)
and i like that video
er and the song its one of my favs!
hes not gross being drunk tho.
hes suprisingly cute.
he does like french peppy la pew voices.
if hes like that normally too hes my type ^^
anyways heres the link
This is one of the best musical performances in existence. It's Violent Femmes playing "Add it Up" and the bass at the end is INSANE. Like, he just picks away in a way that no bassist should be able to do. I love them so much.
(It also has one of the most hilarious lyrics in any song "Words all fail the magic prize, nothing I can say when I'm in your thighs")