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edited November -1 in OK Go
i found this site and it had me on the floor laughing.

basically you put in a word and it places it in a slogan

here are my favourites...

*Get Ok Go or Get Out

*Everything We Do is Driven by Ok Go.

*Maybe She's Born With It, Maybe It's Ok Go. laugh.gif

*But I'd Rather Have a Bowl of Ok Go.

*Devon Knows How They Make Ok Go So Creamy. tongue.gif

*Feel the Damian.

*Think Once, Think Twice, Think Damian.

*I Liked The Damian So Much, I Bought The Company!

*Whatever You're Into, Get Into Tim.

*Behold the Power of Tim.

*Because I'm Worth Tim.

and they have Movie quotes

*Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce ok go. Aren't you? laugh.gif

*With great power comes great ok go.

*Listen to them. Children of the ok go. What music they make.

*One damian's too many, and a hundred's not enough. wub.gif


  • There's another site that does that. My personal favorite was:

    OK Go keeps going and going and going...
  • happy.gif that's a good one.

    i'm becoming obsessed with making slogans now
  • Ok Go... better than your face.
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ May 15 2007, 09:37 AM)
    Ok Go... better than your face.

    I'm definitely yanking that one for my own, personal use. biggrin.gif This will teach the next person I see a lesson.
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ May 15 2007, 04:37 PM)
    Ok Go... better than your face.

    laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif i love that
  • you can do it when you ok go it ....

    feel the ok go....

    it's that ok go feeling ... (<< love that one...)

    wear ok go....

    wow, could do that for hours, even more weird lines to puzzle my friends...harhar
  • LOVE the Rufus avatar.
  • I love it adds new slogans to my sig every time I post something new wink.gif.
  • haha this is great: these are good haha=

    If You Like A Lot Of Ok Go On Your Biscuit, Join Our Club.

    Please don't squeeze the OK Go.

    It's not all OK Go, OK Go, OK Go, you know <--woah that ones weird

    Go crack and OK Go

    Super Damian is almost here

    The Good Damian kids go for.

    My Anti-drug is Damian.

    Can't do it in real life? Do it on Tim. <--wtf??

    Too orangey for Tim.

    Ok i had too much fun with that biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (ktlou7492 @ May 16 2007, 08:58 PM)
    Can't do it in real life? Do it on Tim.

    laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
    That's my favourite.
  • QUOTE (toiletdog @ May 15 2007, 03:10 PM)
    I'm definitely yanking that one for my own, personal use. biggrin.gif This will teach the next person I see a lesson.

    I kinda want to make a tshirt with it saying that...

    ... its like my insult i used to say to fel when she said something was bad...
    " OH YA?! its better than your face !"

    go ahead and use it. then tell me what they say!

    If You Like A Lot Of Ok Go On Your Biscuit, Join Our Club.

    HAHAHAH this made me laugh.
  • QUOTE (Electra @ May 16 2007, 04:46 PM)
    laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
    That's my favourite.

    mine tooooooo
  • I wanna use all these slogans! I don't know where or how, but I will use them!
  • QUOTE (ytel82 @ May 19 2007, 03:03 AM)
    I wanna use all these slogans! I don't know where or how, but I will use them!

    I am a lot late on this but...

    Make a bunch of buttons and wear them all over your body. Try to sell them to the neighborhood kids too.

    "Splash some OK Go on."

    "Everything we do is driven by OK Go."

    "WOW! I could have hand an OK Go!"

    "Pardon me, do you have any gray OK Go?"

    This will entertain me for hours. Thank you.
  • I think, therefore I Ok Go
    Nothin' says lovin' like Ok Go from the oven
    Stop. Go. Ok Go.

    Andy, Dan, and Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore need some slogans! (The Andy ones can do for Duncan or Ross):

    Gotta Lotta Andy
    There's no wrong way to eat an Andy ---->best one ever!

    Why have cotton when you could have Rusty?

    A glass and a half in every Dan
    There ain't no party like a Dan party

    My goodness, my J0rge!
    Four out of five dentists recommend J0rge
    With a name like J0rge, it has to be good
  • The OK Go Is Mightier Than The Sword

    Where do you want OK Go to go today? <---- my house

    151 Countries, One OK Go

    Pride of the OK Go for over a hundred years

    It makes your OK go smack

    OK Go - The Freshmaker!

    haha i love these
  • Can You Tell Ok Go From Butter?

    It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Dan.

    The Non-Sticky Sticky Andy.

    There Ain't No Party Like A Damian Party.

    How Many Licks Does it Take to Get to the Center of a Tim?

    This thing is so fun laugh.gif
  • QUOTE (yummy @ Jun 4 2007, 12:04 AM)
    How Many Licks Does it Take to Get to the Center of a Tim?

    My new favorite laugh.gif
  • Double the pleasure, double the OK Go.

    thats the one i got...


    EDIT: i just typed in "Damian"

    and it brought up this...

    "Is Damian in you?" wink.gif

    i just about fell out of my chair.



    i have decided to put that in my signature. you must not steal it from me.
  • ^^ HAHAHAHAHA these are all fabulous

    "is damian in you?"

    dw mel i won't steal it....

    oh i don't even have a signature. how did that happen...
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