Seriously. My fingers are really long, long enough for people to regurally notice them and state either 1) "You'd be really good at guitar/piano!" (I do play piano) or 2) "aliieeeeen fingers!"
This is what happens when you search "hipster robot" on Google Image: beep beep They've totally sold out boop beep
How could I forget robocop? He's basically the robot army leader. I mean, he is justice and who doesn't love justice nowadays?
Though he is definitely the leader of the future, the revolution will come with one Inspector Gadget. He's basically the missing link between humans and robots.
I remember getting really u pset in the live action movie because they actually gave Dr. Claw a claw. HE NEVER HAD A CLAW.
all the robots would have to have that heart in the middle of their chest, though. like on all those superscene sweatshirts and stuff. those annoy me. is a scenester different than a hipster? I don't even know. cause if they are different, then I suppose hipsters could do without the robots-with-hearts. huh.
oh! and I saw this really cute scene kid with tight purple pants.. he also had a purple bandana and purple shoes. I was impressed by his matching skills.
speaking of robots (or rather, metallic beings) with hearts:
What exactly puts anyone in the hipster catergory? Ever since I moved to Chicago, it's hipster this and that . . .
I've been called a hipster since I've been here [my friend Jeff calls me an indie kid at least twice a day, when he was here at least; not in Connecticut.] But all the hipsters in Chicago are pretentious. Not me at all.
And aren't hipsters supposed to be nonconformists? They're kind of being hypocritical because they're conforming within they're group.
I'm just curious as to what everyone here thinks a hipster is.
hipsters are hip... but i dont think its only about following trends. And just because you wear a band shirt, that doesnt make you a hipster! Heck knows that im the most unhip person out there and im wearing my okgo shirt right now. I think its more about the additude. You know the "im the shit" adittude?
but yes... to me hipsters are the new beatniks...
maybe Mel should comment on this whole hipster thing, her being he hipster that i have contact with daily.
I'm honestly not even sure. Hipsters don't call themselves hipsters because you're not a hipster if you try, apparently... which doesn't even make sense.
Hipsters are generally classified, as far as I can tell, as being into retro fashion, whether that be vintage clothing or Polaroid pictures. It used to be in to work at American Apparel, but since it's now considered a hipster store, apparently it's not so in anymore (hoorah logic!).
It seems to be an entire group based on trying to one-up. The goal is to find something before anyone else does and claim it, kind of.
It's just like punk: there were actually a group of people who embodied this style because, simply, they liked it. Suddenly, it became cool and people tired to emulate it, creating an entire argument about who was most "true" to the style. One-upping after one-upping after one-upping.
In the New York area at least, hipster is almost always followed by "douchebag."
Then there's the different kind of hipster, the kind that looks like any other hipster, but isn't TRYING. They're doing it because they honestly love doing collecting specific things or dressing a certain way (or, as I've discovered, they just want cheaper clothes so a thrift store is the best solution). These hipsters are actually manageable because, to talk to them, it doesn't feel like an act (because it's not) and it doesn't feel as condescending.
I don't even know. Most "hipsters" I've met are trying to emulate something, which is why it can be so annoying, because it's such an effort.
I wouldn't take what your friend says as an insult, you are certainly not a hipster douchebag. You probably are just creative, have a fashion sense, listen to indie music, and have eccentric interests, immediately gaining you the title "hipster."
The thread is only prefixed with "hipster" because we were talking about how hipsters most likely love robots (retro, yaknow) and how we could recruit an army of them with an Uncle Sam R2D2.
maybe Mel should comment on this whole hipster thing, her being he hipster that i have contact with daily.
I want to respond saying that im not a hipster but then you might think that I am in saying that Im not. so Then... i will just respond with *humph*
I bascically see about 50 hipsters a day more than a hundred if i'm downtown about 10000 if i go to the art college area.
From my knowledge a hipster is not just someone with wide brimmed glasses and an appitite for music blogs (I'm saying this to fel... stop calling me a hipster) its basiclly someone whos into something thats not the norm. Tontoile is right and explained it really eloquently.
I think hipsters: -use obscure refrences and give homages -are very original and in that sometimes very unoriginal ( the whole conforming to the nonconformist lifestyle thing ) -and sometimes wacky and fun but also sometimes douchebagy... but these are the peeps who try and be hipsters... and have like a "im greather than you" persona. I don't know... you can find these people in any group is suspect... just a larger amount is the hipster one.
Also! First let me preface this with the fact that there is nothing wrong with shopping at Urban Outfitters. It's actually a pretty cute store.
Anyway, I've always identified hipsters from "hipsters" by where they shop. Hipsters shop mainly at thrift stores, though I've found this is not to actually be cool, but because it's cheap. It's afforable clothing! Though I'm not sure if it applies to everyone, most of my friends have a specific thing they look for. My boyfriend looks for cast iron pans (lord knows why). One of his best friends is currently searching for paintings of religious figures (bishops, priests, deacons, etc.) because he thinks it's hilarious. I usually look for odd animal pins (I have a parrot pin and a beaded killer whale so far which is, admittedly, not much). But mainly, it's such a cheap place to shop and many of these people don't want to spend money on clothing, but would save it for other things (a new bike, art supplies, etc.)
Then there is the "hipster." These are the people that shop at Urban Outfitters, places where the prices are 30 times the thrift store price ($5 Goodwill dress versus $60 Urban Outfitter dress, often they look very much alike). The clothes are made to emulate the look of shopping at a thrift store. I mean, this is the store that sells Holga cameras (which I really want P.S) and frames with which to frame record covers. It's catering to that style at a very jacked up price. It's the place to go if one doesn't feel like sifting through racks at thrift stores. It's a very specific image which I don't particurally understand. Yes, the clothes are often very cute (like I said, I have nothing against the store itself), but why would someone who is desperately trying to be nonconformist shop at a place that mass produces clothing that is made to look nonconformist? What? (Of course, I have hipster friends who shop at Urban Outfitters and I could care less, the clothes look good on them. Maybe I'm biased because they're my friends, but still.)
P.S. I would shop at Urban Outfitters if I had the money, I just don't. So I go to thrift stores and buy my sundresses there. Also, I found that I just really like thrift store clothing. I found a ridiculous green shirt that ended up being a Gloria Vanderbilt design circa the 1980s. Of course, I've since most likely ruined it because I got White Out on it while doing a crossword.
I guess I just like thrift stores more because I never know what I'll find whereas at Urban Outfitters, though cute, I know exactly what to expect.
I sound like a douche, don't I?
But the real thing I'm trying to say it, to everyone who's trying to be a hipster, just do what YOU LIKE. Maybe THAT will become the new "in" thing to do. I'm just tired of people trying so hard.
Oh, I do. I admire you both.
Seriously. My fingers are really long, long enough for people to regurally notice them and state either 1) "You'd be really good at guitar/piano!" (I do play piano) or 2) "aliieeeeen fingers!"
This is what happens when you search "hipster robot" on Google Image:
beep beep They've totally sold out boop beep
I blame my lack of guitarness on having small fingers...
Happy Robot!
hes not a hipster as hes too polite to be a hipster... but if you know what Im talking about and you're not older than 20... youre a hipster.
Though he is definitely the leader of the future, the revolution will come with one Inspector Gadget. He's basically the missing link between humans and robots.
I remember getting really u pset in the live action movie because they actually gave Dr. Claw a claw. HE NEVER HAD A CLAW.
robotic dogs:
I had one like this... I don't know what happened to it
super high-tech soccer-playing robotic dogs.
and, of course:
K-9, the original robotic dog.
and personally I don't think I count as a hipster, but shhhhh you don't know that.
I was R2D2 for halloween in 4th grade, though.
Oh hipsters.
all the robots would have to have that heart in the middle of their chest, though. like on all those superscene sweatshirts and stuff. those annoy me.
is a scenester different than a hipster? I don't even know.
cause if they are different, then I suppose hipsters could do without the robots-with-hearts.
oh! and I saw this really cute scene kid with tight purple pants.. he also had a purple bandana and purple shoes. I was impressed by his matching skills.
speaking of robots (or rather, metallic beings) with hearts:
mel, we are too alike... but you rock harder at making robo-schematics..
i know atleat 2 more robo/theymightbe giants songs i can find though... maybe later
I've been called a hipster since I've been here [my friend Jeff calls me an indie kid at least twice a day, when he was here at least; not in Connecticut.] But all the hipsters in Chicago are pretentious. Not me at all.
And aren't hipsters supposed to be nonconformists? They're kind of being hypocritical because they're conforming within they're group.
I'm just curious as to what everyone here thinks a hipster is.
but yes... to me hipsters are the new beatniks...
maybe Mel should comment on this whole hipster thing, her being he hipster that i have contact with daily.
Hipsters are generally classified, as far as I can tell, as being into retro fashion, whether that be vintage clothing or Polaroid pictures. It used to be in to work at American Apparel, but since it's now considered a hipster store, apparently it's not so in anymore (hoorah logic!).
It seems to be an entire group based on trying to one-up. The goal is to find something before anyone else does and claim it, kind of.
It's just like punk: there were actually a group of people who embodied this style because, simply, they liked it. Suddenly, it became cool and people tired to emulate it, creating an entire argument about who was most "true" to the style. One-upping after one-upping after one-upping.
In the New York area at least, hipster is almost always followed by "douchebag."
Then there's the different kind of hipster, the kind that looks like any other hipster, but isn't TRYING. They're doing it because they honestly love doing collecting specific things or dressing a certain way (or, as I've discovered, they just want cheaper clothes so a thrift store is the best solution). These hipsters are actually manageable because, to talk to them, it doesn't feel like an act (because it's not) and it doesn't feel as condescending.
I don't even know. Most "hipsters" I've met are trying to emulate something, which is why it can be so annoying, because it's such an effort.
I wouldn't take what your friend says as an insult, you are certainly not a hipster douchebag. You probably are just creative, have a fashion sense, listen to indie music, and have eccentric interests, immediately gaining you the title "hipster."
The thread is only prefixed with "hipster" because we were talking about how hipsters most likely love robots (retro, yaknow) and how we could recruit an army of them with an Uncle Sam R2D2.
I want to respond saying that im not a hipster but then you might think that I am in saying that Im not. so Then... i will just respond with *humph*
I bascically see about 50 hipsters a day more than a hundred if i'm downtown about 10000 if i go to the art college area.
From my knowledge a hipster is not just someone with wide brimmed glasses and an appitite for music blogs (I'm saying this to fel... stop calling me a hipster) its basiclly someone whos into something thats not the norm. Tontoile is right and explained it really eloquently.
I think hipsters:
-use obscure refrences and give homages
-are very original and in that sometimes very unoriginal ( the whole conforming to the nonconformist lifestyle thing )
-and sometimes wacky and fun but also sometimes douchebagy... but these are the peeps who try and be hipsters... and have like a "im greather than you" persona. I don't know... you can find these people in any group is suspect... just a larger amount is the hipster one.
your just the most original person i know... even though you stole my face
Anyway, I've always identified hipsters from "hipsters" by where they shop. Hipsters shop mainly at thrift stores, though I've found this is not to actually be cool, but because it's cheap. It's afforable clothing! Though I'm not sure if it applies to everyone, most of my friends have a specific thing they look for. My boyfriend looks for cast iron pans (lord knows why). One of his best friends is currently searching for paintings of religious figures (bishops, priests, deacons, etc.) because he thinks it's hilarious. I usually look for odd animal pins (I have a parrot pin and a beaded killer whale so far which is, admittedly, not much). But mainly, it's such a cheap place to shop and many of these people don't want to spend money on clothing, but would save it for other things (a new bike, art supplies, etc.)
Then there is the "hipster." These are the people that shop at Urban Outfitters, places where the prices are 30 times the thrift store price ($5 Goodwill dress versus $60 Urban Outfitter dress, often they look very much alike). The clothes are made to emulate the look of shopping at a thrift store. I mean, this is the store that sells Holga cameras (which I really want P.S) and frames with which to frame record covers. It's catering to that style at a very jacked up price. It's the place to go if one doesn't feel like sifting through racks at thrift stores. It's a very specific image which I don't particurally understand. Yes, the clothes are often very cute (like I said, I have nothing against the store itself), but why would someone who is desperately trying to be nonconformist shop at a place that mass produces clothing that is made to look nonconformist? What?
(Of course, I have hipster friends who shop at Urban Outfitters and I could care less, the clothes look good on them. Maybe I'm biased because they're my friends, but still.)
P.S. I would shop at Urban Outfitters if I had the money, I just don't. So I go to thrift stores and buy my sundresses there. Also, I found that I just really like thrift store clothing. I found a ridiculous green shirt that ended up being a Gloria Vanderbilt design circa the 1980s. Of course, I've since most likely ruined it because I got White Out on it while doing a crossword.
I guess I just like thrift stores more because I never know what I'll find whereas at Urban Outfitters, though cute, I know exactly what to expect.
I sound like a douche, don't I?
But the real thing I'm trying to say it, to everyone who's trying to be a hipster, just do what YOU LIKE. Maybe THAT will become the new "in" thing to do. I'm just tired of people trying so hard.