See, Mr. Brandybuck would be an awesome pets name. For several years I've been wanting to name my next cat House, but now that House MD is so successful I don't feel like it's as funny anymore. It's only 'cause when we got my first cat when I was 9 I wanted to name him Chocolate and my sister wanted to name him Coffee and my Dad exclaimed, "Chocolate! Coffee! Why don't you just name it HOUSE!" and years later we decided it was hilarious and would name our next pet House, but no... everyone will just assum we named it after Hugh Laurie now Sob sob.
we should make a side poll..about what to name purple thing =D
Bill, maybe?
Bill, maybe?
yes yes yes!
we should make a side poll..about what to name purple thing =D
Bill, maybe?
I honestly squeed out loud when I read that! Yes!!
Depends on whose souls he's taking...
How about "Gamblore"!
For several years I've been wanting to name my next cat House, but now that House MD is so successful I don't feel like it's as funny anymore. It's only 'cause when we got my first cat when I was 9 I wanted to name him Chocolate and my sister wanted to name him Coffee and my Dad exclaimed, "Chocolate! Coffee! Why don't you just name it HOUSE!" and years later we decided it was hilarious and would name our next pet House, but no... everyone will just assum we named it after Hugh Laurie now
i'm crying i'm laughing so hard!!!
Purple thing!!