Now. Both of you to your corners. You're both saying too much for either of you to properly respond (K, you and I went through something similar, did we not, dear?), and therefore not getting the full meaning of each others' statements. Therefore corners for both of you, ok?
My thoughts on "The Fix Is In" - I always thought it was about how easy it is to get comfortable in daily routines and just never quite move on.
Sox. Series? Yep.
A ha ha ha! All this about The Fix is In.
Okay, here's my just touching the surface 2-cents.
First, there's a funny story about this university class that talked about Hollywood film auteurs and one of the film directors happened to be invited to attend the day the topic was about him. There was an intense dialogue among the students and teacher about the meaning of the license plate that was on a car in a central scene in one of his early seminal films and many theories about the meanings of the combinations of the numbers and letters were debated. The Director interrupted to tell them that the really meaning was -- they didn't have the budget to get the car they wanted, so they used the car that belonged to one of the crew because he agreed to let them use it -- ergo, there was absolutely NO hidden meaning in the license plate, it just happened to be what was on the car.
As someone who dabbled heavily in what some people call gambling - although I actually was making pretty good money at it, as a handicapper at the racetrack (so I didn't really consider myself a "gambler" since that often equates with "loser" in people's minds), who got so heavily involved I quit my job to get my racing license, buy a racehorse and go live at the racetrack for a year -- I can tell you with absolutely authority that "the fix is in" is not an archaic term in gambling circles, but something you'll hear every day - at least once - if you are at the track.
"The Fix is In" immediately reminded me of what I had heard every day for years - a reference to a game that is rigged so that the winner is already predetermined.
The reference to "on the penthouse floor" "one smidgen more" reminded me of what I've seen people who are often part of that glitteratti (gambling, Hollywood, pro sports) end up doing - which is carpet mining their expensive carpet for that last bit of cocaine in the house.
So, for me, overall "The Fix is In" made a lot of sense because I've seen people for whom the entire song, end to end, fit - starting out with a person with a dream, ending up finding out that dream is not what it seemed, moving in glitteratti circles and being short-circuited by the traps found in that lifestyle. Thus the fix is in. The words in the song are the words a person who had been a part of all of that would use to describe their experience - including "the fix is in."
Ultimately though, true art generally has as many interpretations as the lives it touches. It is really what it means to YOU, how it affects YOU, that matters. So all of the above is just my personal interpretation.
Edited to add -- Oh yea, and one more thing: When I write creatively, I often discover that my subconscious has added layers of meaning I didn't consciously intend. So even the original artist might not initially know all they are telling...
I wanted to give you all roses, but then I thought, maybe I could make you smile with something happier:
What was supposed to be fun became not so fun, and it was my fault- I'm sorry Meg, Alice, Tempe and everybody. This was such a wonderful topic, inviting us all to "jot down your meaning." The meanings are the loveliest parts to me- I think about them all the time and the more I listen, the more I love this band...I think my first post at this forum was a topic about this very issue, about the meanings and the brilliance. The Fix Is In has the kind of deep beauty that makes you feel small, like looking into the sun. Damian Kulash is a poetic genius to me, and somehow, maybe because this song shines so quietly, so grandly, maybe because I love it so much, I've always believed that it was magnificently profound. I just couldn't match up a "listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere" plot-based narrative. It had to go beyond plot to me, like Kafka, like Bellow, like Carver- because to me, Damian Kulash is a literary genius, as they are. And after all, he went to college to study a field that centered on symbolism. But I know I'm being silly. And that he isn't a writer: he's a musician. And really, I'm just too silly to have a right to talk... I love to hear what other people have to say. I think Alice's escapism theory is very astute and I think Rachel's idea of getting caught up in routine is a new and perceptive angle. And as I said before, hungryasthewolf's drug view is really fascinating. Keaton, I loved reading what you had to say: how the song drew out stories you personally knew. And I agree with you about the subconscious levels and interpretations- the art takes on a life of its own. It would have been so much fun if more people had shared but they didn't and that was because of me. I confess that I felt my suggestion of the importance of the setting was dismissed as if I were a child and it got worse from there- I shouldn't have kept posting though. I was wrong and it was very bad of me to do so. So, I guess I'm trying to say that I really regret what happened. I hope the board can forgive me, even though I don't deserve it.
Aww, I think everyone just got swept up in debate. The problem with debating is that each person is expressing his/her thoughts, and because those are his/her own thoughts, it's easy to get emotional. It can feel like someone who doesn't agree is aiming it personally, even when that is not the case. Honestly, before it got personal, I think we were all fascinated by the debate and the thoughts all parties were putting out there. It was a bloody good debate and fascinating reading before it got a bit messy. Thank you for the great reading up to that point, and hugs to both parties for having such strong spirit.
Excuse the length here! This is ending, okay? Just want to assure everyone of this and part this thread with an explanation that'll hopefully put it back on track.
Nobody probably wants this to stop more than Tabetha and me. But I know others want it to stop too, and I'm just going to finish with this post, because this could go on indefinitely, (which should be quite apparent!). Whether a person likes long analysis and debate or not, the (false!) accusations from a couple days ago really bothered me at first. But I don't think they're going to bother many others, and if others don't care all that much (and I wouldn't blame them), then I'm not going to care either. I'm not going to care a few days or a week or a month from now, and Tabetha's probably not going to care about any of this a few days, a week, or a month from now, if we're anywhere near "normal". So if things won't matter in the near future, they might as well not matter, starting right now.
The discussion started a few days ago and my latest post has been there about 24 hours now. Most readers who'd remotely care, must have read them by this point. They understand this or that, or believe this or that, or they don't. I wouldn't expect much to change by continuing. So, after some thinking about that, I think I'll just delete them now, to have a halfway-clean thread for people to come back to and enjoy. Yea, I think that's what I'm going to do.
That's somewhat easy because I think I make a respectable case even if it's incomplete, and even if it's wrong. To say my approach is "simple" would be wrong as it's obviously pretty detailed, but there's really no need on my part for everyone to agree with the actual interpretation or even see it. I did a little test and took the lyrics to someone else I respect, who can parse words and meanings very well, and they said, "Gambling," without my saying anything. They even knew the phrases already, and cut me off and defined them when I started to ask whether they noticed them. So while that doesn't necessarily mean I've got the song all figured out, if anything, I'm satisfied that my guess is not a universally bad or unfounded guess at all, even if it's wrong here or there, or there are other things I don't see off the bat. I also see a lot to analyze; by now that much should be clear, and I see "levels"(?) and "meaning" too; they're just not always the ones or the kinds that occur to Tabetha. And in a couple places at least, I am able to see or entertain that, she might be on to some things.
It's also getting dropped because, not to sound like a bad fan or anything, or like someone who doesn't appreciate lyrics (because I do), I really don't care as much about what this one song means, as this lengthy discussion about it probably makes it seem. Like the others with other concerns and things to read, I usually spend my analyzing time, analyzing other things besides lyrics to an OK Go song. Where this song was concerned, it was the analysis I liked most, but this is just one song out of a lot of other interesting stuff to ponder. I'd have parsed it over a year ago if it particularly mattered that much.
This place isn't the kind of controlled environment that would help to ensure a smooth debate, like a place specifically set up for debate would be. Relatively speaking, it's got some inherent additional dangers as it's relatively "un-policed", and because it's not primarily a debate forum with an understanding of what you can expect from other participants. Without such an understanding like you'd have in a forum specifically set up for such things, there's not as much in the way of a guarantee that when you make a point, someone isn't going to read too much into it.
Also, debate needs people who don't talk past each other to be remotely interesting, when it comes down to it, and I don't think we have this here, so it's really amounts to pointless exasperation.
I just heard from a real angel of a pal who told me she got booted from an entertainment forum, and I can't believe it! She's such a sweet person, but that actually happened to her! I'd guess it could happen to almost anyone, then. So no matter what gets said, it might be good to remember that this is an isolated incident, and that there shouldn't be too much reading into any single person here--me or Tabetha or anyone else who might have posted something since yesterday, or anyone else who might be in this situation in the future. I'm going to let it go and assume Tabetha's still a good person regardless of what I experienced here, no matter how much I dislike it. I still think that's a safe enough assumption despite what happened. She ought to consider doing the same for me; it'd seem to be the fair thing to do. And just let go and enjoy whatever there is left to enjoy.
We're moving, and as of this morning, some new things involved with moving house (internationally) need taken care of, and it's only going to get busier. The phone is ringing off the hook today. Not only do I not desire to continue any of this, but I can't afford the time anyway, except for one "I'm dropping it, have fun" post and some quick deleting. I'll have some free time, but not for this. No time to read any new posts since yesterday's, or any personal messages about it someone might be inclined to send; maybe someone said something good last night, but no offense, I have good reasons here for leaving it alone now. I'm off to quickly clean up my part in this thread (and hope I don't miss a post) and then I'm going to leave it alone for the others to enjoy, and then do some other stuff I really gotta do. Have fun!
Aw, guys, I'm glad you semi-worked it out. That debate was starting to scare me.
QUOTE (limegreenandtangerine @ Oct 23 2007, 12:03 PM)
I've always wondered what Let It Rain was all about. Any theories?
I always thought it was about about the death (or near-death) of a drunk driver. "What's in your glass, do you feel better now?" You know? And the rain makes the whole dying and "car spinning out of control" thing even sadder.
But then the idea that the car was controlling itself, as if the car wanted to destroy this girl, with phrases like "automatic pilot," "self-sustaining system," and "cruise control" sort of throw me off.
But then the idea that the car was controlling itself, as if the car wanted to destroy this girl, with phrases like "automatic pilot," "self-sustaining system," and "cruise control" sort of throw me off.
My thoughts on "The Fix Is In" - I always thought it was about how easy it is to get comfortable in daily routines and just never quite move on.
I agree with DJRose, here. I always thought it was about settling into mediocrity, thus the strip mall wasteland. I always thought the signs that they were talking about were the subtle social distinctions in different areas. Like, the south side of some cities is considered trashy, while in others it's classy, etc. So, in traffic school we never learn that missing a turn means arriving in a area where you don't fit in (or just don't want to.)
Let it rain: I think this on is about a relationship gone bad. I always imagine a vengeful ex-girlfriend who's in the self-distructive part of the post-break-up. Of course, the alcoholic reference makes sense, too. I think it's safe to say it's about self-destruction on some level, though. Thoughts?
Crash the Party is about Tabatha, Angela, Sherri, Arnaldo, and Nida Myself and who ever else crashed the House of Blues Sennheiser NAMM Party in Anaheim.
QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Nov 2 2007, 12:16 PM)
QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Nov 2 2007, 12:27 AM)
That song is about me. Haha.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Nov 2 2007, 12:42 PM)
Really? "You're So Damn Hot" is about me.
QUOTE (bakersfield Fan @ Nov 2 2007, 03:24 PM)
Crash the Party is about Tabatha, Angela, Sherri, Arnaldo, and Nida Myself and who ever else crashed the House of Blues Sennheiser NAMM Party in Anaheim.
OMG, this is why I always come back here... you guys are so funny!
About the particular meaning of the songs, I guess my mind's just too literal for Damian's lyrics (or Damian's style is too figurative for me more likely )...anyhow, I took a look at Let it Rain and the Fix is In.
Let it Rain I think it's a metaphor between a car spinning out of control and someone's frenzied state of mind (probably induced by alcohol), both which lead towards ominous consecuences, death particularly. The mood of that song reminds me of a bit of U2's Stay (Faraway So Close), which includes these verses: Dressed up like a car crash/ Your wheels are turnin' but you're upside down.
The Fix Is In LOL, I told you I was too literal...I'll just play it safe by saying I don't fully get it.
I believe rock lyrics use lots of poetic license anyways, I rarely delve into their meaning cause more times than not rock-musicians themselves won't. Many a time with OK Go's lyrics I'm reminded by Damian himself that, I never say quite what I mean, and never mean quite what I say, and how did that get out of me, and what the hell did I mean to say?
BUT, I must agree 100% that CCC Cinnamon Lips is from Tim to Christy without shadow of a doubt
i also like knowing what DWYW is all about and just picturing the whirlwind of a relationship that was... hahaha
a point and a cookie
katie, I agree w/ what you said about DWYW, it's full of awesomeness
Now. Both of you to your corners. You're both saying too much for either of you to properly respond (K, you and I went through something similar, did we not, dear?), and therefore not getting the full meaning of each others' statements. Therefore corners for both of you, ok?
My thoughts on "The Fix Is In" - I always thought it was about how easy it is to get comfortable in daily routines and just never quite move on.
Sox. Series? Yep.
A ha ha ha! All this about The Fix is In.
Okay, here's my just touching the surface 2-cents.
First, there's a funny story about this university class that talked about Hollywood film auteurs and one of the film directors happened to be invited to attend the day the topic was about him. There was an intense dialogue among the students and teacher about the meaning of the license plate that was on a car in a central scene in one of his early seminal films and many theories about the meanings of the combinations of the numbers and letters were debated. The Director interrupted to tell them that the really meaning was -- they didn't have the budget to get the car they wanted, so they used the car that belonged to one of the crew because he agreed to let them use it -- ergo, there was absolutely NO hidden meaning in the license plate, it just happened to be what was on the car.
As someone who dabbled heavily in what some people call gambling - although I actually was making pretty good money at it, as a handicapper at the racetrack (so I didn't really consider myself a "gambler" since that often equates with "loser" in people's minds), who got so heavily involved I quit my job to get my racing license, buy a racehorse and go live at the racetrack for a year -- I can tell you with absolutely authority that "the fix is in" is not an archaic term in gambling circles, but something you'll hear every day - at least once - if you are at the track.
"The Fix is In" immediately reminded me of what I had heard every day for years - a reference to a game that is rigged so that the winner is already predetermined.
The reference to "on the penthouse floor" "one smidgen more" reminded me of what I've seen people who are often part of that glitteratti (gambling, Hollywood, pro sports) end up doing - which is carpet mining their expensive carpet for that last bit of cocaine in the house.
So, for me, overall "The Fix is In" made a lot of sense because I've seen people for whom the entire song, end to end, fit - starting out with a person with a dream, ending up finding out that dream is not what it seemed, moving in glitteratti circles and being short-circuited by the traps found in that lifestyle. Thus the fix is in. The words in the song are the words a person who had been a part of all of that would use to describe their experience - including "the fix is in."
Ultimately though, true art generally has as many interpretations as the lives it touches. It is really what it means to YOU, how it affects YOU, that matters. So all of the above is just my personal interpretation.
Edited to add -- Oh yea, and one more thing: When I write creatively, I often discover that my subconscious has added layers of meaning I didn't consciously intend. So even the original artist might not initially know all they are telling...
What was supposed to be fun became not so fun, and it was my fault- I'm sorry Meg, Alice, Tempe and everybody. This was such a wonderful topic, inviting us all to "jot down your meaning." The meanings are the loveliest parts to me- I think about them all the time and the more I listen, the more I love this band...I think my first post at this forum was a topic about this very issue, about the meanings and the brilliance. The Fix Is In has the kind of deep beauty that makes you feel small, like looking into the sun. Damian Kulash is a poetic genius to me, and somehow, maybe because this song shines so quietly, so grandly, maybe because I love it so much, I've always believed that it was magnificently profound. I just couldn't match up a "listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere" plot-based narrative. It had to go beyond plot to me, like Kafka, like Bellow, like Carver- because to me, Damian Kulash is a literary genius, as they are. And after all, he went to college to study a field that centered on symbolism. But I know I'm being silly. And that he isn't a writer: he's a musician. And really, I'm just too silly to have a right to talk...
I love to hear what other people have to say. I think Alice's escapism theory is very astute and I think Rachel's idea of getting caught up in routine is a new and perceptive angle. And as I said before, hungryasthewolf's drug view is really fascinating. Keaton, I loved reading what you had to say: how the song drew out stories you personally knew. And I agree with you about the subconscious levels and interpretations- the art takes on a life of its own. It would have been so much fun if more people had shared but they didn't and that was because of me. I confess that I felt my suggestion of the importance of the setting was dismissed as if I were a child and it got worse from there- I shouldn't have kept posting though. I was wrong and it was very bad of me to do so.
So, I guess I'm trying to say that I really regret what happened. I hope the board can forgive me, even though I don't deserve it.
awh, Sally, it's okay
and hey, at least our arguments/debates are really intelligent... which is more than the rest of online can say
Nobody probably wants this to stop more than Tabetha and me. But I know others want it to stop too, and I'm just going to finish with this post, because this could go on indefinitely, (which should be quite apparent!). Whether a person likes long analysis and debate or not, the (false!) accusations from a couple days ago really bothered me at first. But I don't think they're going to bother many others, and if others don't care all that much (and I wouldn't blame them), then I'm not going to care either. I'm not going to care a few days or a week or a month from now, and Tabetha's probably not going to care about any of this a few days, a week, or a month from now, if we're anywhere near "normal". So if things won't matter in the near future, they might as well not matter, starting right now.
The discussion started a few days ago and my latest post has been there about 24 hours now. Most readers who'd remotely care, must have read them by this point. They understand this or that, or believe this or that, or they don't. I wouldn't expect much to change by continuing. So, after some thinking about that, I think I'll just delete them now, to have a halfway-clean thread for people to come back to and enjoy. Yea, I think that's what I'm going to do.
That's somewhat easy because I think I make a respectable case even if it's incomplete, and even if it's wrong. To say my approach is "simple" would be wrong as it's obviously pretty detailed, but there's really no need on my part for everyone to agree with the actual interpretation or even see it. I did a little test and took the lyrics to someone else I respect, who can parse words and meanings very well, and they said, "Gambling," without my saying anything. They even knew the phrases already, and cut me off and defined them when I started to ask whether they noticed them. So while that doesn't necessarily mean I've got the song all figured out, if anything, I'm satisfied that my guess is not a universally bad or unfounded guess at all, even if it's wrong here or there, or there are other things I don't see off the bat. I also see a lot to analyze; by now that much should be clear, and I see "levels"(?) and "meaning" too; they're just not always the ones or the kinds that occur to Tabetha. And in a couple places at least, I am able to see or entertain that, she might be on to some things.
It's also getting dropped because, not to sound like a bad fan or anything, or like someone who doesn't appreciate lyrics (because I do), I really don't care as much about what this one song means, as this lengthy discussion about it probably makes it seem. Like the others with other concerns and things to read, I usually spend my analyzing time, analyzing other things besides lyrics to an OK Go song. Where this song was concerned, it was the analysis I liked most, but this is just one song out of a lot of other interesting stuff to ponder. I'd have parsed it over a year ago if it particularly mattered that much.
This place isn't the kind of controlled environment that would help to ensure a smooth debate, like a place specifically set up for debate would be. Relatively speaking, it's got some inherent additional dangers as it's relatively "un-policed", and because it's not primarily a debate forum with an understanding of what you can expect from other participants. Without such an understanding like you'd have in a forum specifically set up for such things, there's not as much in the way of a guarantee that when you make a point, someone isn't going to read too much into it.
Also, debate needs people who don't talk past each other to be remotely interesting, when it comes down to it, and I don't think we have this here, so it's really amounts to pointless exasperation.
I just heard from a real angel of a pal who told me she got booted from an entertainment forum, and I can't believe it! She's such a sweet person, but that actually happened to her! I'd guess it could happen to almost anyone, then. So no matter what gets said, it might be good to remember that this is an isolated incident, and that there shouldn't be too much reading into any single person here--me or Tabetha or anyone else who might have posted something since yesterday, or anyone else who might be in this situation in the future. I'm going to let it go and assume Tabetha's still a good person regardless of what I experienced here, no matter how much I dislike it. I still think that's a safe enough assumption despite what happened. She ought to consider doing the same for me; it'd seem to be the fair thing to do. And just let go and enjoy whatever there is left to enjoy.
We're moving, and as of this morning, some new things involved with moving house (internationally) need taken care of, and it's only going to get busier. The phone is ringing off the hook today. Not only do I not desire to continue any of this, but I can't afford the time anyway, except for one "I'm dropping it, have fun" post and some quick deleting. I'll have some free time, but not for this. No time to read any new posts since yesterday's, or any personal messages about it someone might be inclined to send; maybe someone said something good last night, but no offense, I have good reasons here for leaving it alone now. I'm off to quickly clean up my part in this thread (and hope I don't miss a post) and then I'm going to leave it alone for the others to enjoy, and then do some other stuff I really gotta do. Have fun!
I've always wondered what Let It Rain was all about. Any theories?
I always thought it was about about the death (or near-death) of a drunk driver. "What's in your glass, do you feel better now?" You know? And the rain makes the whole dying and "car spinning out of control" thing even sadder.
But then the idea that the car was controlling itself, as if the car wanted to destroy this girl, with phrases like "automatic pilot," "self-sustaining system," and "cruise control" sort of throw me off.
What does everyone else think?
What does everyone else think?
Maybe he liked Knight Rider lol.
I agree with DJRose, here. I always thought it was about settling into mediocrity, thus the strip mall wasteland. I always thought the signs that they were talking about were the subtle social distinctions in different areas. Like, the south side of some cities is considered trashy, while in others it's classy, etc. So, in traffic school we never learn that missing a turn means arriving in a area where you don't fit in (or just don't want to.)
Let it rain: I think this on is about a relationship gone bad. I always imagine a vengeful ex-girlfriend who's in the self-distructive part of the post-break-up. Of course, the alcoholic reference makes sense, too. I think it's safe to say it's about self-destruction on some level, though. Thoughts?
That song is about me. Haha.
Really? "You're So Damn Hot" is about me.
About the particular meaning of the songs, I guess my mind's just too literal for Damian's lyrics (or Damian's style is too figurative for me more likely
Let it Rain I think it's a metaphor between a car spinning out of control and someone's frenzied state of mind (probably induced by alcohol), both which lead towards ominous consecuences, death particularly. The mood of that song reminds me of a bit of U2's Stay (Faraway So Close), which includes these verses: Dressed up like a car crash/ Your wheels are turnin' but you're upside down.
The Fix Is In
I believe rock lyrics use lots of poetic license anyways, I rarely delve into their meaning cause more times than not rock-musicians themselves won't. Many a time with OK Go's lyrics I'm reminded by Damian himself that, I never say quite what I mean, and never mean quite what I say, and how did that get out of me, and what the hell did I mean to say?
BUT, I must agree 100% that CCC Cinnamon Lips is from Tim to Christy without shadow of a doubt