Soooo, Let's discuss The Unsacred Hearts, shall we?
Rusty Ross and his buddy Travis Harrison started this band together with friends Joe Willie (vocals) and Dave Siegel (guitar). Andy played bass, and was replaced by (Smilin') Andy Bean (of the Two Man Gentlemen Band) when he left. I have actually had the opportunity to see The Unsacred Hearts live, and I really like them. Anyway, the point of this post is to tell you that the original 7 song EP by The Unsacred Hearts is available for FREE download until Friday, by clicking
Of course, I just bought the freaking thing the other night (no lie). But you guys go download it for free. It's actually got ARoss on it.
I just didn't understand any of them... (my written english is my good english as you see)
I just didn't understand any of them... (my written english is my good english as you see)
I think when someone asks what my music taste influence is, I might just say all the boardies
ps- first song: "I was raised..." GREAT!!!!
thanks in advance Rachel
So Rusty Ross left and was replaced by another Andy,
then moved to LA and replaced Andy Duncan?
still, that's really cool. I'll prolly get around to it eventually.
Also, my other fave is "Stuck Inside A Mobile Home..."
I didn't forget you, Rosa, I've just had a busy few days.
then moved to LA and replaced Andy Duncan?
still, that's really cool. I'll prolly get around to it eventually.
That was going through my head while I was downloading.
Andy replaced Andy who replaced Andy.
And yes, like Katie, said, it's worth it.
Yes and today is your LAST CHANCE! It's coming down at MIDNIGHT, EST, I believe, so you've got 7 and half hours left from RIGHT NOW.
I was gonna last night, but then other stuff came up and my friends and I had to have like, major philosophical discussions and complain about the state of the school and shit.
and it completely went outta my head
oh well
I was gonna last night, but then other stuff came up and my friends and I had to have like, major philosophical discussions and complain about the state of the school and shit.
and it completely went outta my head
oh well
Then buy it, Meg! It's not very expensive!
Point of Pride
Don't Start Cryin' Now (Live 2005)
Holy Crap that's ANDY!!!!
I love when Joe goes up to him ahhahaha
Yes, I chose to leave that a delicious surprise when I posted the linkies
(Also, I was 99% sure it was him. But just in case it wasn't, I didn't want to embarrass myself and get hopes up)
i don't know what it is about the music, but it's just a little different and... so perfect all at the same time.