This was released this morning:
We Are Scientist drummer 'relinquishes his duties'
Michael Tapper quits band ahead of UK tour
1 hour ago
We Are Scientists' drummer Michael Tapper has quit the band.
The sticksman has departed the group and will not accompany them on their forthcoming tour.
According to the band, the split is amicable and they issued the following statement to NME.COM: "Michael Tapper has relinquished his duties as drummer of We Are Scientists in order to pursue other things."
A permanent replacement is yet to be named.
Meanwhile, the band kick off their UK tour next week (November 7), playing a series of university venues.
As previously reported, at some dates the band will support themselves, offering self-improvement seminars to fans.
The band will play:
Edinburgh University Student Union (November 7)*
Leeds University Student Union (8)*
Keele University Student Union (12)*
Bournemouth University Student Union (22)*
Cardiff University Student Union (24)*
Glasgow University Student Union (December 6)*
Newcastle University Student Union (10)*
London University Student Union (14)*
* Brain Thrust Mastery sessionFrom
NME. The rest of the tour dates are listed
on their 'Space.Tragic! I was never Tapper's biggest fan, but's sad to see him go. Glad to know that Keith and Chris are still doing that huge-ass UK tour, though (anybody who goes to the 15 Nov. show and laughs maniacally for me wins 50 quid*) and that they're keeping the band together.
One of my other favourite bands sort of...disbanded last week, too. Arrgh at the bad news!
*In Monopoly money, I haven't got 50 quid lying around to go giving out to people.
How am I supposed to kidnap him if he's not in the band and touring?
I am sad.
michael was the shizit!
aasdgfkahdfgjklhadf lghag
awww, but he's so adorable!!
I think WAS will survive without him, but that's really sad. I really liked Michael Tapper.
Oh, yeah, they absolutely will.
And honestly, it's not like the whole band-member-leaving-post-second-record-pre-major-tour hasn't been done before (*coughOKGocough*).
This made me more upset about his leaving:
(ps AMAZING avatar... I really need some Dr. Who ones...)
I've got this picture of him as my background. It's completely orgasmic. I had this one up before that.
Hi, I don't have a thing for super-skinny guys with glasses. Not at all.
he definitely looks great in glasses.
okay, I'ma stop getting off-topic now, I promise.
Is not so great akshually.
Well, it's certainly not With Love and Squalor, anyway.
try and enfuse me guys
try and enfuse me guys
They're quite good live, actually, and I like most of the live versions of these tracks loads better.
You'll have a good time, I promise.
Where are you seeing them?
try and enfuse me guys
I see them in two weeks (or so...) and I'm really looking forward to it, they really are great live and funny! Really, even is the songs of the new album aren't that great (I haven't listened to any, apart from after hours...) you'll have a great time, I'm sure of it.
Is not so great akshually.
Well, it's certainly not With Love and Squalor, anyway.
i only heard a few songs but i agree. it's not as good as the first one...
it seems too different. i really like impatience though.
Me and my friend took over 300 pics and several videos and we bought posters and talked to Keith and got the set list and it was amazing.
I haven't had time to edit the pictures, so they're all in the wrong angle, this was the only one decent enough to show right now.
AMAZING SHOW, haha, really.