So, I kow many of us are fond of Tally Hall, seeing as they opened for our boys not too long ago.
Anyways, I also know that Tally Hall is amazingly amazing, no matter what.
And they're on the Late Late show w/ Craig Ferguson tomorrow night (CBS, 12:35, etc.)
And everyone should watch them. And wonder at the wonderfulamazingawesomeness of Tally Hall.
and go to their website just a thought.
Discuss the Tallies, and anything else.
I have to say....I really want to see these guys on the 11th....but I have to find someone to go with me, as it's at the Knitting Factory and the KF = WAY SKETCHY.
I think I'm going to the Knitting Factory show, though I'm still looking for a few others to come with me. We'll see.
I think my friends and I are planning a Tally-trip into boston on the 9th. the show itself is 18-plus, but hopefully they'll be willing to talk to us before the show.
LET ME KNOW. 'Cause I'll go if you go.
I will DEF. let you know if I go. I just need to see if some more kids from my town want to tramp over to NYC with me. I really want to see Tally live before I head off to college.
I fell asleep before they came on
dude i talked to you like an hour before they performed. i was just left it on the cbs after i finished watching pr. ugh i was so tempted to change it to conan, but i was like no what if i miss tally hall. i'm sorry but conan is my late night king. lol
Also, at the taping they played "Spring and a Storm", which will be shown on some later date, and they also talked with Craig Ferguson.
Afterwards, there was a chat in the HiddenInTheSand chatroom, and the band members also showed up for a while. 'Twas extremely fun, and if there is another chat after a major event, I shall let all you Ok Go boardies know so you can come join.
They were also featured in an LA times article, which can be found here.
Finally, the band is making/has made a video for "Good Day", and it will be released sometime in conjunction with the Sept. 12 re-release of M4.
Afterwards, there was a chat in the HiddenInTheSand chatroom, and the band members also showed up for a while. 'Twas extremely fun, and if there is another chat after a major event, I shall let all you Ok Go boardies know so you can come join.
They were also featured in an LA times article, which can be found here.
Finally, the band is making/has made a video for "Good Day", and it will be released sometime in conjunction with the Sept. 12 re-release of M4.
nice... i would love to know the next chat!! i had heard about them making a video but i didn't know which song it was for.
hahaha i always love reading their journals, it cracks me up!
haha i love this picture!!
anyways, Tally Hall was Band Of The Day yesterday on
If they got a good enough rating, they would become Band Of The Week, then Month, then Year. You get the idea.
Anyways, I don't think they need very much help getting a good rating (over 10,000 votes and counting, 99% A+ rating, 1% F), but I thought I'd let you guys know.
If you really feel like contributing, you can hop over to and give them an A+ rating.
Think of it as a warm-up for all the serious voting going on over at vh1. believe me, this stuff is easy compared to over there.
anyways, Tally Hall was Band Of The Day yesterday on
If they got a good enough rating, they would become Band Of The Week, then Month, then Year. You get the idea.
oh yah i got an email about that, i was all happy for the guys.
and it needs to be moved to the new forum.
but in the meantime, I feel like spamming some of my love for Tally Hall.
they're currently touring with Guster. no Boston dates yet =( but many in the middle of the country and then a new york one and a connecticut one, both by themselves, so I'm hopeful.
umm they signed with Atlantic, major label and all, so that was nice, big news. Then they re-recorded Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum for like the fifth time, still yet to be released. I can't wait till I can be all cool and say, "pssh I have MMMM from their indie label days." cause I'm sure that will happen soon.
the video for 'Good Day' was shown last year at their own shows, but still hasn't been released officially, as far as I can tell. which is frustrating, to say the least. the people who saw it said it was amazing.
ooh, picture time!
from their most recent journals:
^^ not quite as recent, but it's the first one I found of Andrew.
okay I'm done.
edit: nevermind
best interview ever:
edit: nevermind again
I got them to come to my high school a few years back.
...I've just noticed that I lurk alot on alot of the forums I'm on...
I also love how I started it, and so far I've been the only one to ever resurrect it.
anyways, I saw Tally Hall last Thursday with Katy!!!! (Jedigrrlie)
I was also visiting Smith, as I may be going to college there next year.
And we walked like, five minutes into downtown Northhampton to the venue
and it was FANTASTIC
which is to be expected.
and I'm sosososososososososooooo glad that they're finally back in existence.
Best video in all of existence? Just kinda
they re-recorded their cd professionally, and released it on April 1st, and I bought it at the show, and it was worth buying again. The quality is better and they've changed some stuff and the case/booklet are way different and entertaining.
and I got the lyric booklet signed, so that's always good =D
and I actually talked to them!!!!
which, for me, is a pretty big accomplishment.
but their website is down
it's supposedly coming back on my 18th birthday, though! (next Tuesday!)