So I'm thinking - well, I know I'm doing a segment in my blog this summer on "really hot rockstars." The working title is "Totally Bangable Rockstars," but I might change it. Anyway, it's going to be a 10-week countdown of the rockstars I think I think are...well, bangable.
Problem is, I've got seven out of ten slots and I need three more rockstars to fill the bill. So I'm looking for your suggestions. And pictures. Pictures are good.
Keep in mind: this is going to be a highly personal, totally biased list that I'm doing for fun. (I won't tell you who's on it already.) You already know sort of know what sort of guys I find attractive. (If not, go look at the Beautiful People Thread.) So don't be offended if you suggest someone and I'm like "meh."
Right. Get cracking! I'm counting on you!
-Eugene Hutz of Gogol Bordello
-Young Bob Dylan (duh)
Can this list include girls? If so:
-Maya Arulpragasam (a.k.a. M.I.A.)
That's all I have. Too tired and all the people I am attracted to aren't necessarily that epically attractive, I just find them so because I find them fascinating/brilliant/whatever else. (ex. John Darnielle, Jack White, Paul Simon, Gordon Gano of Violent Femmes, etc.)
As are cookies.
I'll get on this when I have a mouse with a right button.
As opposed to now when you don't....?
Tyson Ritter (so cliché)
I know he does modeling and all and that certanly is not a plus to a rock star
sugarplum fairy guys (at least 3 of them are highly recomendable) all credit goes to Jaded, who presentedthem in this forum
Carl (Calle)
maybe latter i'll come up with better ideas...
My home computer is a mac.
Paolo Nutini!
Do you have Paolo Nutini?
Boy had a spot on the list since day one, haha.
Do you have Paolo Nutini?
He's cute, but...he's too cute. Does that make sense?
Keep 'em coming...
Keep 'em coming...
is that possible?
Keep 'em coming...
It makes sense.
The Paolo buddies understand.
carl barat
if for no other reason then as a child he wanted to be called belvedere.
Is that the same guitar that Damian has, except beak the fuck up?
He's pretty bangable, I must say.
I like pretty boys, just not...super-pretty boys? I don't know how to describe it, haha.
damian has an epiphone, carl has a gibson melody maker. for my own piece of mind. im sure no one will read this
OOH. What band is he in??
From Wikipedia:
Owen Pallett (born on September 7, 1979) is a violinist and singer from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and winner of the inaugural Polaris Music Prize.
Pallett is the principal member of the band Final Fantasy, which is essentially a solo project, although Leon Taheny is also credited as drummer and engineer. The name Final Fantasy is a tribute to the well-known video game series, of which Pallett is a fan.
Pallett has been noted for his live performances, wherein he plays the violin into a sampler controlled by foot pedals, which then loops back one or more of the previously played musical phrases as he plays additional parts simultaneously, a technique also used by other musicians. He has also performed with more traditional string quartets as backing musicians. Pallett is also well known for his work with Arcade Fire. He has often toured with them, and did the orchestral and string arrangements on both Funeral and Neon Bible.
C'mon kiddies, I know you have some more. My lil' ol' blog feels unloved.
you put him in there!
So cute
Or Jim from Air Traffic (thanks for making him known to me, Rachel!)
(Jim's the fourth on along)