Sorry, it's taken me a few days to respond. Work's been kinda crazy all week so I haven't had that much time. Anyway, Mom, Adam, Ginny and I went to see Bonerama at the DuPont Clifford Brown Jazz Festival in Rodney Square. Rodney Square is quite literally across the street from my apartment. I could've listened to the show from my apartment (but my windows face away from the square, so I couldn't have watched). We all got dinner (except Ginny, who was quite amazed at the number of people in her park) and settled down in the front, as close to the stage as we could get without straining our necks. I saw the boys walking around, and went over to say hi to Mark. I told him that we'd met once before and he said "Yes, at the 9:30 Club, right?". You all know that was right and I was amazed that he'd recognized me. I told him how the day after that 9:30 Club show, Barack Obama had spoken in the very park they were about to play. He was very impressed by that. And then I said "and I live there" pointing at my building. He said "wow so this is as close to a living room concert as you're gonna get, huh?" I passed the messages from you girls on - basically saying "All the OK Go girls send their love" - and he lit up as soon as I said "OK Go". Also I said hi from Stacey which too got a smile.
The guys came onstage in a little bit, asking us to all rise for the National Anthem, of which they did a spot-on rendition. Then, if memory serves, they played Hang Up The Phone and Drive. Adam and I stayed standing/dancing, but everyone else sat down again, which was a disappointment because it wasn't long before the douchebags behind us asked us to sit. Ah well. The guys still played a great set. Thankfully Craig said "You know, when the Dirty Dozen Brass Band gets up here y'all won't be sitting anymore, so you might as well get up now" right before "Shake Your Rugulator", so I got to dance to that (even the douchebags were dancing . After the song though they all sat again (what kind of crap city do I live in?) then I just joined a group of people who looked like they were Bonerama followers up at the front and danced with them. They're now doing a cover of "Folsom Prison Blues" that is pretty fantastic. Mark does a great job on vocals for that!
Ginny, I think, was a little overwhelmed by the number of people in her park and the loud music, and was not even remotely exuberant (those of you who have met Ginny know what I mean by this) preferring instead to snuggle up by Adam. Awww, little baby.
The last song of the set, they had the drummer from The Dirty Dozen Brass Band come up, and Eric danced around with a cowbell. I got pictures, not to worry. More Cowbell!
After the set, we all went over to the sidelines to say hello to the guys, and ended up talking to Eric for like 20 minutes or so (he remembered my face, or at least he said he did). I mentioned that the OK Go girls sent their love and he said "Where *are* they?". I said "Chicago" and he said, "oh, because we played Annapolis recently and it sold out before we even got there, we thought it was all of you but it was all an older crowd". But he remembered the OK Go fan presence in Chicago!
We went home because Mom was tired and had to drive back to Baltimore anyway, so I went on the computer for a bit, then went back out to the festival by myself to catch the end of the DDBB set. I came out just in time to see Bonerama jamming on stage with them! Yay! I also remember catching a really cool cover of Marvin Gaye's "What's Goin' On".
There was an afterparty down at the Sheraton, and I headed down for it. It was supposed to be some sort of jam session, and Mark said during the set that they would probably be there. I only stayed for a few minutes though, because I was there by myself (Adam wasn't interested) and a Creepy McCreeperson old man started hitting on me. There was no sign of the Bone boys coming to the party anytime soon that I could tell, so I just chose to go home instead. Sorry. That's a really boring end to the story, I know.
Sorry, it's taken me a few days to respond. Work's been kinda crazy all week so I haven't had that much time. Anyway, Mom, Adam, Ginny and I went to see Bonerama at the DuPont Clifford Brown Jazz Festival in Rodney Square. Rodney Square is quite literally across the street from my apartment. I could've listened to the show from my apartment (but my windows face away from the square, so I couldn't have watched). We all got dinner (except Ginny, who was quite amazed at the number of people in her park) and settled down in the front, as close to the stage as we could get without straining our necks. I saw the boys walking around, and went over to say hi to Mark. I told him that we'd met once before and he said "Yes, at the 9:30 Club, right?". You all know that was right and I was amazed that he'd recognized me. I told him how the day after that 9:30 Club show, Barack Obama had spoken in the very park they were about to play. He was very impressed by that. And then I said "and I live there" pointing at my building. He said "wow so this is as close to a living room concert as you're gonna get, huh?" I passed the messages from you girls on - basically saying "All the OK Go girls send their love" - and he lit up as soon as I said "OK Go". Also I said hi from Stacey which too got a smile.
The guys came onstage in a little bit, asking us to all rise for the National Anthem, of which they did a spot-on rendition. Then, if memory serves, they played Hang Up The Phone and Drive. Adam and I stayed standing/dancing, but everyone else sat down again, which was a disappointment because it wasn't long before the douchebags behind us asked us to sit.
Ginny, I think, was a little overwhelmed by the number of people in her park and the loud music, and was not even remotely exuberant (those of you who have met Ginny know what I mean by this) preferring instead to snuggle up by Adam. Awww, little baby.
The last song of the set, they had the drummer from The Dirty Dozen Brass Band come up, and Eric danced around with a cowbell. I got pictures, not to worry. More Cowbell!
After the set, we all went over to the sidelines to say hello to the guys, and ended up talking to Eric for like 20 minutes or so (he remembered my face, or at least he said he did). I mentioned that the OK Go girls sent their love and he said "Where *are* they?". I said "Chicago" and he said, "oh, because we played Annapolis recently and it sold out before we even got there, we thought it was all of you but it was all an older crowd". But he remembered the OK Go fan presence in Chicago!
We went home because Mom was tired and had to drive back to Baltimore anyway, so I went on the computer for a bit, then went back out to the festival by myself to catch the end of the DDBB set. I came out just in time to see Bonerama jamming on stage with them! Yay! I also remember catching a really cool cover of Marvin Gaye's "What's Goin' On".
There was an afterparty down at the Sheraton, and I headed down for it. It was supposed to be some sort of jam session, and Mark said during the set that they would probably be there. I only stayed for a few minutes though, because I was there by myself (Adam wasn't interested) and a Creepy McCreeperson old man started hitting on me. There was no sign of the Bone boys coming to the party anytime soon that I could tell, so I just chose to go home instead. Sorry. That's a really boring end to the story, I know.
I'll post pics later.