So, who checked out the chat? I missed it because my work computer was being cranky, so someone please fill me in. All I know is that Tim just tweeted that someone is going to make him a new scarf, and it made my heart cry over Kalinda's scarf being potentially replaced.
Edit: It turns out that Tim has lost his beloved scarf and needs it to be replaced. That is Extra sad.
I think this was a sign for me to return to the OK Go world.
I think this was a sign for me to return to the OK Go world.
Yes, it was. Stop being not here.
Yes! Highlight the text, right click, click "copy", then reply to this thread, right click where you would start typing, hit "paste". That should get it posted!
Chat Room Log
Guest_65305 says: Hey Damian!
Guest_18758 says: woah woah woah woah
mlfm256 says: hi
Damian_OKGo says: hi
Guest_65305 says: How's it going? Is it early where you are?
gigwise says: hi dam
gigwise says: ian
gigwise says: !
mlfm256 says: im so sleepy right now....
Damian_OKGo says: yes. sleeeeeepy
crosal7 says: You still have another 4 minutes.. power nap?
Guest_58464 says: im sleepy ands its 4pm
crosal7 says: It's midnight where I am :
vegetativestate says: this is early
jbraz says: hi
Damian_OKGo says: my dogs are freaking the freak out because there's a guy cutting grass outside
crosal7 says: This is going to get insanely crowded, I feel.
mlfm256 says: lol
crosal7 says: Aww poor pups
Damian_OKGo says: I thought this whole event might entail sound.
Damian_OKGo says: which would mean bark bark bark
Damian_OKGo says: data is so much more civilized
gigwise says: here here
Damian_OKGo says: there there
vegetativestate says: citronella no bark collar
jbraz says: HIIII!
Damian_OKGo says: absolutely no bark collar
kdisanti says: no that's just mean
Damian_OKGo says: I just lock them up in the bedroom and they calm down
Guest_58464 says: thats a bit cruel
crosal7 says: What sorta dogs do you have?
mlfm256 says: i still have sleep eyes making it hard to read the screen
jbraz says: i have a tekel nano
Damian_OKGo says: medium black, tiny brown
crosal7 says: Cute cute.
Damian_OKGo says: technically I actually only have one dog.
Damian_OKGo says: then my dog has her own dog.
jbraz says: xD
Damian_OKGo says: what do the dif icons mean?
mlfm256 says: cute.
crosal7 says: Oh yeah! I think I read about that somewhere..
crosal7 says: (that sounds sort of creepy.)
Damian_OKGo says: (I am a talker, others are musicians, apparently)
Damian_OKGo says: no, not creepy
vegetativestate says: Did your dog get her dog spayed or neutered?
Damian_OKGo says: my dog was lonely, so I got her a dog
Damian_OKGo says: she is indeed fixed.
kdisanti says: haha no just funny
Damian_OKGo says: hey t
vegetativestate says: whats upper
crosal7 says: No no that's not what.. I.. meant.. never mind.
kdisanti says: hey tim and damian!
Damian_OKGo says: you got home safe, I see...
TIM_OKGO says: hello?
Damian_OKGo says: kiss kiss, nerd
TIM_OKGO says: hello back, nerd
jbraz says: hello
TIM_OKGO says: hello back, nerd
mlfm256 says: hi tim
Damian_OKGo says: that's holla back when you're in geeky net land
jaxface says: yay geeky net land
TIM_OKGO says: i am here
Guest_38732 says: Geeky net land is a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.
jaxface says: i received my tickets for yer London show in Jan yesterday
Damian_OKGo says: hi
jbraz says: i am going to the show in brussels
crosal7 says: I was in the UK while you were in the US, I'm going to be in the US when you're in the UK.. sadness.
adrian102399 says: hello?
Damian_OKGo says: me too
kdisanti says: your concert in island was the best concert i've ever been to
Damian_OKGo says: jaxface, is your last name jax?
adrian102399 says: haha
jaxface says: nah, my first name is
jaxface says: short for jacqueline
TIM_OKGO says: your first name is jaxface????
mlfm256 says: oh i can't wait till you tour the US.......are you coming back to san diego.......i missed you last time you came
TIM_OKGO says: your first name is jaxface?
kdisanti says: and thank you for introducing our ears to Princeton. they were amazing
Damian_OKGo says: they're nice boys
jaxface says: ha! no, i'd probably have to hurt my parents if that was the case
adrian102399 says: hey ok go, my d is doing a cover of no sign of life. its super fun to play
Damian_OKGo says: they're joining my choir this week
adrian102399 says: d, no smileys
crosal7 says: (psst! you should play a show at Wake Forest.. because that completely makes sense.) (.. it doesn't. tiny school.)
TIM_OKGO says: they didn't go to princeton though
kdisanti says: they were so nice...but firing them with anas...harsh
TIM_OKGO says: don't let the name fool you
kdisanti says: i know. they grew up on princeton st!
Puppet_Master says: you
TIM_OKGO says: they went to university of michigan
kdisanti says: david goes to ucla
TIM_OKGO says: they should be called U 0f M
taylorwinning92 says: hey guys!!
Damian_OKGo says: hi
vegetativestate says: They reminded me of the kids from my 3 sons
TIM_OKGO says: hi taylor
Puppet_Master says: hello
kdisanti says: that concert was so awesom though
kdisanti says: *awesome
Damian_OKGo says: they do sort of look like that, but in person they're basically like 4 willises.
Puppet_Master says: How is everyone today?
adrian102399 says: i wanna see you guys at the 930 club again
adrian102399 says: it was awesome
Damian_OKGo says: that's willis as in whatyoutalkingaboutwillis
jaxface says: personally i'm good P_M haha how are you?
Damian_OKGo says: good, puppetmaster
vegetativestate says: As in Different Strokes??
Puppet_Master says: fine and dandy
taylorwinning92 says: im good too
jaxface says: excellent
crosal7 says: Super.
adrian102399 says: guitar
gigwise says:
Damian_OKGo says: gift from a fan... we were just given handmade miniatures of ourselves. little clay us's from the WTF vid. that was pretty cool
crosal7 says: that's kind of scary
TIM_OKGO says: favorite gift from a fan is a hand knitted purple scarf that says TIM on it, and I lost it recently, and I'm very sad about it.
mlfm256 says: 'yeah US.....
ushowbo says: The clay figures were so cute!
crosal7 says: but really awesome at the same time?
Damian_OKGo says: D&A get to sleep
jaxface says: haha wow
jaxface says: i can make you a replacement, Tim
TIM_OKGO says: jaxface, please!
taylorwinning92 says: who came up with the idea of doing the entire Here it goes again dance on treadmills??
adrian102399 says: when you guys do tour the US in the future, do you think you'll come back to the 930 club in DC?
Damian_OKGo says: my sister
vegetativestate says: So Tim needs a new scarf!
Damian_OKGo says: yes, 9:30
TIM_OKGO says: i sort of feel like i'm going to die without that scarf.
adrian102399 says: sweet!!!!
vegetativestate says: get to knitting yall
crosal7 says: I'd knit you a new scarf
kdisanti says: what about chicago
Damian_OKGo says: (it's one of our favorite places to play)
crosal7 says: But I'm not coming to any shows any time soon.. wrong continent and such
jaxface says: nice, count on it
jaxface says: what colour do you want the 'TIM' to be?
kellkolo says: You realize that now your going to get a bajillion scarves
Puppet_Master says: Random Question: If you had a Tardis and were able to time travel, where would you go and why?
jaxface says: haha you definitely are
adrian102399 says: thats awesome to hear!! ive been there 10 times
Damian_OKGo says: there's a knitting group in Austin texas that made a er for a bus. and I excrement you not, they're called 'Knitta Please'
kdisanti says: you have any shows planned for chicago?
crosal7 says: hahahaha. "i excrement you not" .. I'm going to have to use that one
Puppet_Master says: "I excrement you not" LOL
crosal7 says: <3
jaxface says: yeah i have their website bookmarked!
Damian_OKGo says: no chicago shows booked right now. looking at April, I believe
TIM_OKGO says: maybe like lavender on darker purple situation. the TIM being lavender.
Christa426 says: FINALLY!
kdisanti says: i can't wait!!! island was quite a trip...wanna go to one much closer to home lol
kdisanti says: ( )
roboclaw says: Have you seen any good movies lately?
TIM_OKGO says: Knitta Please rules
e5170 says: has the H1N1 virus affected touring at all? (or how much you will be able to interact with fans?)
jaxface says: ooh ok
jaxface says: i'll see if i can work that
Christa426 says: I would just like to remind you guys that you haven't been to St Louis in about two and a half years.
Damian_OKGo says: T, did I ever show you the picture of the bus... it's beyond
kdisanti says: r0ck island
gigwise Burps...
ushowbo says: I've seen photos of that bus cozy. Wow!
Damian_OKGo says: Christa, I apologize
TIM_OKGO says: Yeah, the bus is .
mlfm256 says: Yeah guys don't get sick missed the last show when you came to san diego....
crosal7 says: jaxface you're like a superfan gosh.. cupcakes, scarves, all of it
TIM_OKGO says: you showed it to me in Make Magazine
mlfm256 says: and i didn't get to see you
kdisanti says: jan 12: damian and tim. look for a youtube video of three college students having an OK Go celebration party, everything ok go. our entire day dedicated to you and the new cd
Damian_OKGo says: we played a make-up gig...
Christa426 says: Haha all is well. Are you guys sitting in the same room on different computers?
roboclaw says: What's your favorite song off the new album?
adrian102399 says: thats pretty hardcore, kdisanti
ushowbo says: Make Magazine! Have you guys made any projects out of there?
mlfm256 says: i know but i didn't go, because it got sold out fast
TIM_OKGO says:, will do.
jaxface says: haha i'm not a superfan per se, just a nice person
hcapurro says: I miss you guys, when are you coming back to SF?
Damian_OKGo says: mlfm, your original ticket was still good.......
LozzMyles says: HEY GUYS!
Damian_OKGo says: make magazine: we're doing a video now that they're writing a piece on
Damian_OKGo says: hi lozz
kellkolo says: awesomeee
Damian_OKGo says: SF, april also, I think
jaxface says: Damian - does the video involve knitted goods?
Damian_OKGo says: it might
jaxface says: or maybe cupcakes?
hcapurro says: That sounds about right, usually see you guys March-Aprilish. So stoked :]
taylorwinning92 says: how long have you guys been together as OK Go for?
mlfm256 says: oh.....
adrian102399 says: and DC, april, or may?
Damian_OKGo says: what it does certainly involve is me getting catapulted across a warehouse
jaxface says: oooh
vegetativestate says: Do you guys have a stylist?
jaxface says: wow cool
crosal7 says: Damian/Tim -- favorite cereal?
Damian_OKGo says: taylor: 11 years as a d, 23 years as friends
jaxface says: stunt double?
TIM_OKGO says: Christa426 we are in different places all together. damian and i have resorted to only communicating in chat rooms now. the FBI are after us, so it's the best way to communicate preventing the feds from reading our lips when being watched.
roboclaw says: I'm in the process of opening a gourmet cupcake shop in the Chicagoland area, free cupcakes for the guys, whenever you'd like!
crosal7 says: aww that's adorable.
Christa426 says: Wow
jaxface says: awesome
Damian_OKGo says: no stunt double. I'm flying!
jaxface says: no excrement, that's wicked
sunnyside1334 says: sounds fun
Christa426 says: Hahaha thank you, Tim
kellkolo says: This lag is making me sad, I can't tell if you guys replied to stuff I asked/said because by the time it posts a whole bunch of other stuff was said
jaxface says: yeah it's a bit like public transport
jaxface says: but with interwords..
Damian_OKGo says: kellkolo, ask again
Damian_OKGo says: DC might be sooner. unclear.
gigwise Hiccups...
kellkolo says: I was just asking about possibilities of Canada shows, and I was showing you my universitys here it goes again dance
mlfm256 says: cool
Damian_OKGo says: you don't love it when I call you Kim.... what's up?
mlfm256 says: how was it meeting kermit the frog
LozzMyles says: I can't believe your playing my hometown in Brighton, normally I have to go up to London
crosal7 says: hahahaha
Damian_OKGo says: thanks for the link, will check it
gigwise says: it'll probably be soundwave festival in late feb
jaxface says: haha
Damian_OKGo says: I'm not sure i need to answer the kermit question. can
Christa426 says: Any favorite restaurants to visit regularly while visiting a particular city?
Damian_OKGo says: can't you tell I was like crying?
TIM_OKGO says: it doesn't sound as honest as when black francis says it, it just doesn't
LozzMyles says: you did look over the moon
ushowbo says: Why was there bubble wrap on the floor???
mlfm256 says: i know....u looked so happy
roboclaw says: D - Your video of meeting Kermit was the most enjoyable thing I've seen in awhile.
Damian_OKGo says: whatever, kim
roboclaw says: Have you seen any OK Go inspired tattoos?
LozzMyles says: KIm Nordwind haha
Damian_OKGo says: yeah... I was beyond happy. It's pretty crazy to meet an idol who doesn't actually exist.
Damian_OKGo says: I think the bubble wrap was his "house"
kellkolo says: ok I guess your not coming to Canada then, I have to go study for my exam now. If you have time, consider watching this video? <-- it is here it goes again at my university, 2500+ people kn
jaxface says: it's weird to think of it that way
ushowbo says: Doesn"t exist?! Is this like Santa?
Christa426 says: I was really inspired by your political activism last year in support of Obama, and your overall political stances for such a long time.
LozzMyles says: Kermit is better than santa
vegetativestate says: Whoa Damian that's a very existential observation
Damian_OKGo says: I've seen a few tats. lyrics, usually.
crosal7 says: I want to meet Kermit.. that would make my life
sunnyside1334 says: Kermit lives in bubble wrap
crosal7 says: Kermit is way cooler than Santa
Emmi says: Dutchie in the room
Damian_OKGo says: there was one tatto of Jar Jar Binx and Tim fencing together. inspired
crosal7 says: haha wow that's random
agentnumone says: haha
roboclaw says: That's fantastic.
Christa426 says: I was so happy, in fact, that I made my own OK Go bumper sticker that says OK Go: Rockers, Winners, and Liberals
Damian_OKGo says: thanks christa!
jaxface says: naw Kermit is cool and everything but he's no fat bearded man who drinks a lot and gives you stuff
jaxface says: unless.. :s
roboclaw says: but he's KERMIT THE FROG.
Damian_OKGo says: (you should get to know kermit better, then... he can really put them back)
agentnumone says: you guys ever think of making an ipod ap?
crosal7 says: But Santa didn't sing the Rainbow Connection!!
sunnyside1334 says: I'll bet he's really skinny in person.
vegetativestate says: Damian, do you ever listen to progressive talk radio?
jaxface says: fair
jaxface says: i guess he is an amphibian
Damian_OKGo says: we have some iphone app ideas... hopefully soon
mlfm256 says: aww i love that song
jaxface says: ooh do it
agentnumone says: thats amazingg
Damian_OKGo says: vegiestate, no, not much.
crosal7 says: There could be a fun one like your WTF video.. people can drag around objects and they'll leave the image trails
crosal7 says: -shrug-
mlfm256 says: if you guys love christmas and love kermit the frog you must see muppet christmas carol...
roboclaw says: I would love to see you guys on Craig Ferguson, he's phenomenal.
Christa426 says: This thing is driving me nuts. Did you guys get my message about political activism and such?
TIM_OKGO says: crosal7 no santa didn't sing rainbow connection, but little known fact, santa did write rainbow connection
jaxface says: haha that film is amazing
vegetativestate says: If you ever do, check out Thom Hartmann, he's worth a listen for sure!
jaxface says: lol wtf it's funny because it's an ok go song lol
Christa426 says: I LOVE muppet christmas carol
jaxface says: hahaha my cat smells like cat food humour
mlfm256 says: best christmas movie out there
crosal7 says: WHOAA.. (to Tim.)
Damian_OKGo says: yes, christa, I responded with a thanks.
crosal7 says: That could very well be a life changing fact. hahaha
LozzMyles says: What's the set list gonna be like on your UK tour, mostly new and Oh No or a big mix of everything?
mlfm256 says: christa did you see last nights episode it was awesome with all the puppets...huh
jaxface says: oh no don't tell
vegetativestate says: I don't think of NPR as super super progressive I guess.
Damian_OKGo says: mixed bag.
roboclaw says: It was pretty awesome, I couldn't stop laughing about the puppets.
TIM_OKGO says: crosal7 yeah, santa penned a lot of songs for those guys (the muppets) think he wrote it ain't easy being green too
jaxface says: (or do i don't mind really)
gigwise Sneezes...
mlfm256 says: but yeah guys you should go on craig ferguson....hes alright
crosal7 says: Supposedly Santa used to be green and Coca-Cola rebranded him completely.. (ohh marketing class.)
jaxface says: oh yeahh isnit
crosal7 says: Well then. Respect for Santa.
agentnumone says: I just want to say that you guys were the first real concert i ever went to. i've came to your concerts every time you've came back to toronto. not jsut because i liked your shows but because your music just keeps getting better
gigwise says: Can we have the last couple questions for the d now guys!
crosal7 says: .. still love Kermit, though.
jaxface says: righty
gigwise says: chats gotta end
taylorwinning92 says:
jaxface says: what is your guys' favourite tv show of the last 20 years?
vegetativestate says: Noam Chomsky spoke about being censored by them
roboclaw says: I just found my cd from Sept. 2002
e5170 says: NOOOOoo
crosal7 says: What's your favorite cereal? (worth trying one more time. But I have no idea why I'm asking?)
agentnumone says: like my taste in music has changed from indie ... to electronic tand now funk and i still love you guys
ushowbo says: Love you guys! Thanks for the chat!
mlfm256 says: awww
kellkolo says: Ok I am going to try one more time, I am sorry for the ridiculous amount of times I have asked this, are you coming to Canada any time soon?
Damian_OKGo says: fave tv shows: the wire and arrested development
vegetativestate says: MUAH!!! /sfx2
LozzMyles says: cheers, can't wait for the brighton show!!!!!!!
roboclaw says: Thanks for talking to us guys
TIM_OKGO says: crosal7 says: Supposedly Santa used to be green and Coca-Cola rebranded him completely.. (ohh marketing class.)....Oh Yeah, so you know then.
sunnyside1334 says: do you use a lot of Febreze?
crosal7 says: Thanks for taking the time to connect with your fans and such
Mireille528 says: arrested development is so hilarious
Mireille528 says: love it
LozzMyles says: I'm bringing about hundred people to cheer you on, enjoy your time there
crosal7 says: Maybe some day I'll see you .. some day .. Wake Forest. THink about it! ( I know it won't happen )
jaxface says: ooh cool
mlfm256 says: that shouldn't have been cancelled
TIM_OKGO says: I love 30 Rock
jaxface says: i've been meaning to check arrested development out
hcapurro says: You guys should do chats more often, totally made my day :]
Christa426 says: Thanks for taking the time out so early in the morning to chat with us and answer crazy questions.
roboclaw says: Do you watch Glee?
agentnumone says: thanks for this !
jaxface says: i've heard good things about 30 too
jaxface says: erk
Damian_OKGo says: canadian dates: we don't know... the calendar keeps changing too fast. we'll announce it as soon as we know
TIM_OKGO says: And I always love SNL
jaxface says: *Rock
agentnumone says: COMMUNITY is a great showw
mlfm256 says: Whats you favorite color?
andy says: yearse, webchat time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
agentnumone says: you guys please go on SNL!
kellkolo says: thanks <3
taylorwinning92 says: thanks guys for bringing amazing music to my stereo, and taking the time to talk to me lol, thanks heaps guys
agentnumone says: it would make my year if you guys were on SNL
Christa426 says: Hope to see you soon, and good luck with the record release!
mlfm256 says: they have to be invited. to snl
jaxface says: thanks for the chat folks, looking forward to bringing you showgifts, ha, and the concert nat
vegetativestate says: Thanks for making moderm music sound good again! BYE! xoxoxox
roboclaw says: cupcakes at your next chicago show!
LozzMyles says: do you plan to release any of your records on vinyl LP's?
crosal7 says: Sad that you'll probably forget who I am by the time I get to see you..
crosal7 says: thanks again!
jaxface says: haa you're gonna get so many cupcakes and scarves from this chat
Mireille528 says: before you go, I just wanna say it for the last time...come to Taiwan if you can!
Damian_OKGo says: the new album is coming out on vinyl
crosal7 says: You'll be warm AND happy.. and.. on a sugar high! YAY
TIM_OKGO says: crosal7 I never forget a chat room chatter
jaxface says: i'm considering making a big badge saying "JAXFACE"
agentnumone says: IT IS ON VINYL!? yayaaay
LozzMyles says: that's amazing!
jaxface says: ooooh yesss vinyl
mlfm256 says: and im definatly coming to the next san diego show
Damian_OKGo says: taiwan, ahoy
kellkolo says: hahha
crosal7 says: Haha I've used my university email name too.. random.
crosal7 says: Meh.
jaxface says: winnn
crosal7 says: Well I'll start babbling to the bouncers about Santa and Tim..
hcapurro says: Tim- you should do your old podcasts that end with "that is all for now" I miss those
jaxface says: haha
crosal7 says: They'll shoo me out
agentnumone says: <3
Mireille528 says: is that a yes?!
jaxface says: me too me too
roboclaw says: Those podcasts were pretty fantastic.
Christa426 says: The podcasts ruled
agentnumone says: I miss the rusty blog
TIM_OKGO says: hcapurro I will take that under consideration
mlfm256 says: can;t believe its been an hour
kellkolo says:
LozzMyles says: how did you get passion pit to remix your song, it's so good
jaxface says: oh yeah, practical thing - do you guys have a support act and what kinda time do you tend to go onstage if the doors open at 7?
hcapurro says: They were totally the best podcasts. And the ones where you guys would interview people, totally awesome
Damian_OKGo says: taiwan: if we can... there's a lot that goes into booking a show, but if we get the opportunity, we'll be there.
Christa426 says: The Trish interview was my favorite
agentnumone says: i loved the aunt tims podcasts... she made my day
sunnyside1334 says: we need a Dance Like OKGO workout video
Mireille528 says: sure...I'll keep my fingers crossed
jaxface says: hahahaha yeah we do
kellkolo says: YES
Christa426 says: The Simpsons episode cracked me up
kellkolo says: with pingpong too
TIM_OKGO says: LozzMyles Yeah, the Passion Pit Remix of This Too Shall Pass is pretty sweet. I'm glad you like it.
vegetativestate says: come to First Ave and record a live album like Prince!
crosal7 says: Ah. Solution! I'll follow you on twitter Tim
crosal7 says:
roboclaw says: BOoooooooooooooo
agentnumone says: why?
gigwise Shoots...
crosal7 Shoots...
hcapurro Shoots...
Christa426 Shoots...
Damian_OKGo Shoots...
roboclaw Shoots...
jaxface Shoots...
Mireille528 Shoots...
kellkolo Shoots...
agentnumone says: thanks so muchh
LozzMyles says: It's really cool, it sounds so much like PP and you guys all in one
jaxface says: see you guys in january!
TIM_OKGO says: Ok. Thank you everyone!
crosal7 says: 'cause they have things to do.. and sleep to enjoy..
ushowbo says: Bye!
taylorwinning92 says: thanks guys
Damian_OKGo says: thanks eveyone!
Mireille528 says: thanks for your time
mlfm256 says: do you all have twitters.....
roboclaw says: tim does!
sunnyside1334 says: take care!!
LozzMyles says: Bye see you next year!
crosal7 says: mlfm google it
hcapurro says: See you guys soon :]
jaxface says: cupcakes! scarf! excellent!
TIM_OKGO says: Its been wonderful chatting.
Mireille528 says: ciao ciao
mlfm256 says: aww good ,,,,and happy holidays..
Damian_OKGo says: I hate you, tim
Mireille528 says: ciao ciao
jaxface says: hahaha
jaxface says: it's kim remember
Damian_OKGo says: (did I say that out loud?)
jaxface says: !
agentnumone says: Kermit rules
roboclaw says: No, you hate Kim.
TIM_OKGO says: Yes, I do. TimothyNordwind on Twitter. OKGO has a Twitter too.
Damian_OKGo says: everyone.
jaxface says: e
crosal7 says: it is kim
crosal7 says:
mlfm256 says: cool ill check that out
kellkolo says:
sunnyside1334 says: yep
TIM_OKGO says: Watch your mouth Damian.
roboclaw says: Gonna get smacked.
Guest_57921 says:
jaxface says:
mlfm256 says: ...
taylorwinning92 says:
sunnyside1334 says:
mlfm256 says: im gonna copy this transcript now
TIM_OKGO says:
sunnyside1334 says: you're so funny, Tim
roboclaw says:
taylorwinning92 says:
taylorwinning92 says: gone...
mlfm256 says: aww
crosal7 says: Following on twitter. yay.
mlfm256 says: yeah....everyone runs to twiter
schmollyy says: is it over?
hcapurro says: I think so. They're both gone, right?
schmollyy says: i missed it, i was sleepingg
mlfm256 says: yeah
schmollyy says: i thiough t it was at 4
sunnyside1334 says: yeah
mlfm256 says: i woke up for this at 8
sunnyside1334 says: I skipped work
hcapurro says: Me too, haha.
schmollyy says: i thought it was at 4, so i thought i was goood.
schmollyy says: lol
mlfm256 says: it was wierd like my body had some kind of internal alarm clcok
schmollyy says: what did they say?
mlfm256 says: you want me to print out the transcript
sunnyside1334 says: Tim lost his "tim" scarf
schmollyy says: haha
Damian has a choir? I want to join. ♫ I LOVE to sing with a choir ♪ There aren't any rockin' ones in my town. Maybe I should change that.
"Damian_OKGo says: DC might be sooner. unclear."
Oh. Oh happiness. Camp DJRose will be open for business once again!
Damian_OKGo says: yeah... I was beyond happy. It's pretty crazy to meet an idol who doesn't actually exist.
Damian_OKGo says: I think the bubble wrap was his "house"
So, Damian stepped on Kermit's house? Nice way to show an idol how much you like them.
Also, Chicago not until April? Makes me sad.
Oh. Oh happiness. Camp DJRose will be open for business once again!
Rachel, I might take you up on the offer, all depending on logistics and stuff.
TIM_OKGO says: i sort of feel like i'm going to die without that scarf.
This makes me so sad, but strangely happy at the same time.
If they go back to Taiwan, I'm pretty sure I HAVE to go too. Even though I was just there. But I already miss it. Grandparents and yummy food are over there!
And yes to Arrested Development and 30 Rock being OK Go approved.
i totally got to ask about the muppet cd/kermit love
and ipod ap
also i got to okgo freak out...
and declare my love.
that was rad.
hjfaljhsfljhasuglbflsahkvb!! They remember!!
agentnumone, that was totally awesome how damian was freaking out about kermit
That adds a new dimension of cute to it. I think that bumps it up to down-right-adorable!
He needs to go to the diner next to the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC. They sell Red Velvet Pancakes. FOR SERIOUS.