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  • squashedbanana said:
  • Hello Nic and Chris, This thread had me in tears with your stories, as well as Raina and Rachel's. I'm so sorry for the pain that you've all been through but I'm glad that you've been able to find comfort with the music. Welcome!
  • DJRose said: Oh crap, guys.  We missed Trish's birthday.  I feel like the crappiest fan ever. :-( Happy Belated Birthday, Trish.  Although, if you wanted, you could take a page out of my book and celebrate the whole damn month.  That's good times, …
  • Tempe Arizona said: Question, I was just fishing round youtube and saw a part of a song called "Lousiana Land." I really liked it! Looks like it was supposed to be apart of the third album, but didn't make the cut. So, if I want to get that song,…
  • Like Becky and Jenny said, this really was a great show. The crowd was unbelievably awesome. It was so much fun to sing along with everyone in the audience. And Boardies always make a show so much more spectacular. My craptastic pics are here. And…
  • I'm sorry about your Grandma, Rachel. It is such an incredibly sad song. Christel, I think the crowd was cheering when Damian and Tim (I believe) were hitting the sides of the bells and creating that dramatic sound. There's a better video from Burl…
  • Thanks for the write-ups, guys. It's fantastic to be able to relive such an amazing night through your words and memories. I think this show was my favorite of the four that Becky and I went to last week. They were all special but this one stands o…
  • Yay Tempe for new Teeny OK Go!!! And I heart Tiny Tim.
  • Hope you're having fun, Tempe! Happy Anniversary, Darbie! (A few days late.) My happy is that I will be in Chicago with Beckysioux on Saturday! And that I'll be seeing OK Go in 2 days (and 4 days and 5 days)! And seeing Violetchaos, Appl…
  • Autumn216 said: Skip to 1:10. That's Tim,right? From the picture on Twitter? O.M.G.!!!  (Also at :50 and 3:18)
    in Tim Comment by Snack_Cakes October 2010
  • Damian... Happy Birthday from me and Happy Birthday from MTV, too!
  • JennyHP said: ChristelAdina said: I was going to embed it for you Amber (and Jenny HP! Welcome!), but neither of the ways I usually use here are working today. I will try again… AHA! Tada! (I used special magical powers, apparently) I actually made …
  • Great articles, Becky. The second one mentions that it was also shot in 3D. I wonder if we'll eventually get to see it that way. Could you imagine how awesome that would be with the dogs jumping at the camera and the spinning chairs? Please make it …
  • beckysioux said:As much as I love aross, puppy wins hands down. Especially that puppy. He's my favorite (after Bunny, of course).
  • Jade already posted the videos from Samsung's new camera campaign in the White Knuckles thread. But now there's a Last Leaf video thread so... Here's the part about bread that Aleatory referred to: (Taken from the Samsung NX100 campagn trailer.) U…