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  • The bedbugs are back in my room.
  • I took this down before because I got shy, but I'm actually oddly proud of it, so whatever. I used to practice all the time and got to the point that I could do this pretty easily: It's not fantastic, but I was thrilled. I can still go down into a…
  • God. I love Cirque du Soleil. I know it's ridiculous, but it makes me so incredibly happy. I thinks it's absolutely fascinating what the human body can do. I've been inspired to start stretching again. The first time I saw Cirque about 5 years …
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Apr 29 2009, 12:58 AM) Neil Cicierega is a freaking genius And I still love Animorphs hardcore. I own all the books, all the spin-offs, and I have the whole tv series on my computer. Such a great series. My god. YESSSSSSSSSS…
  • First and foremost, apologies in advance to all Yankee fans (I have no team loyalties when it comes to sports... except the Habs), but I just thought this was so cool: If nothing else, it's just REALLY BAL…
  • and my roommate and I shouting our respective scores from our respective rooms I like surrounding myself with things that overwhelm me emotionally when I am already emotionally overwhelmed. Example: while studying for finals (whil…
  • Perhaps I just wasn't in the mood. I dunno, I felt like it was trying too hard to look like a mix between Juno and a Michel Gondry film. But, at that hour, I was so enamored with Let the Right One In and bloated on cookies, I was out of my mind. E…
  • Rented Let the Right One In with the boyfriend. Made the mistake of renting Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist (as a "palette cleanser," said the boyfriend) as well. Let the Right One In was everything I wanted it to be: quiet with long, beautifu…
  • Happy birthday!
  • OK OK OK, it's (again) not really a "show" in the music sense, but I'm going with my roommates to go see Cirque du Soleil's new show in Montreal! I am SUPER psyched; I had such an obsession with Cirque in high school (going so far as trying to lear…
  • Going to a Craft Your Own Gender night at a local skillshare with a friend. I've gotten more comfortable just being myself around people (read: being completely insane). A couple of friends and I planned a Guerrilla 50s Club Night (where we'd all …
  • BAAAAH I am late but happy birthday nonetheless
  • birthday birthday it is yours! Have a happy one
  • At least they were thorough. You have to admire that.
  • QUOTE There are a number of changes from the book in the film. Much of the book's ending has been changed, with the climactic battle and Dumbledore's funeral being removed. Heyman commented that the end battle was removed to "[avoid] repetition" wit…