its amazing when a couple of my friends and i stay around the school after hours and just talk shit all night, and we always end up laughing over the stupidest things. good times.
a thing that made me happy after a long day of chem labs and craptastic lectures....
setting the stage: after watching an hour and a half movie in 500+ people lecture it was 6:30pm and the teachers assistant was answering questions for a question sheet...
thing that made me happy: he used the word phrase "super awesome".... HAHAHA.... i was the only one laughing... i love that he said that... i dunno why, maybe i was just way too tired...
second thing that made me happy: hearing a song on the radio on the way home that had the lyrics "I wish it was Sunday. 'Cause that's my funday!".... i laughed and my mom was like "what" and i was like "naw..." and she was like "..."
-Sitting in on classes I don't normally attend. Sure, it's kinda odd, but since I'm a senior, the teachers tend not to care. I just like seeing the differences between classes -Buying random posters and putting them up in our teen center ("Emoham Lincoln" was joined by "Goth Washington," both pictures of the presidents with some... um... alterations). -Discussing stereotypes of different countries openly with the German exchange student (this was brought on by a picture of a German man weating leiderhosen (sp?). We laughed and told her we were sorry if it was stereotypical. She replied by saying that some people in germany, indeed, do wear that. We proceeded to ask for the American stereotype. She replied, "obese cowboys." I thought that was awesome.) -cleaning (it can be really relaxing. Sometimes my maternal instinct gets the better of me). -Not having to go in until 3rd period (9 am) for the rest of the year compared to the usual 7:20. God, I love sleep.
-Speaking of foreign exchange students, we have one from Spain that likes to tan for some odd reason. He came to school on Tuesday all fried, but he was dark anyway so it was weird. Anyway, he was freaking out about it, and my friend Heather asked, "Miguel, are you coked up?" He just flipped out some more. hahahahaha. That makes me happy.
-Watching my art teacher draw a mustache in permanent marker on my friend's face.
-My principal making "I'm watching you" finger signals at the basketball game to my assitant principal. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Second time I've seen that! It's like he's on a secret mission and was about to execute it. hahaha.
-Proving that white men really can jump. I (sort of) have the picture to prove it.
-Seeing a guy at the basketball game with tight pants (guy pants, like Damian Kulash tight pants)!!!!
-Seeing the other school's mascot, which is a muskrat. He was dancing and shaking his ass. hahaha.
-getting kissed on the cheek by my friend Katie (I'm a loved one. )
-car horns that sound like a sick duck. hahaha.
Oops, forgot one!
-My friend Mason, the "assistant assistant coach". He's one amazing freshman.
shit, when i saw her there at the train station waiting for me, for some reason i couldnt help but smile from ear to ear, i must have looked like the worlds biggest idiot, but i dont care.
shit, when i saw her there at the train station waiting for me, for some reason i couldnt help but smile from ear to ear, i must have looked like the worlds biggest idiot, but i dont care.
I've been busy in the past few days, so I've had time to think about what else makes me happy.
-my new closet! It's huge. It can fit my bed in there, and I have a full size bed. I might need more clothes. -getting the internet back again. -seeing this cat yesterday morning that jumped about 5 ft. in the air. I almost died from laughing so much. hahaha. I think it was rabid . . . -seeing that my friend Heather stayed home today too. (I'm sick, she's probably skipping ) -laughing at someone who got shocked by a wall outlet. hahahahaha. I have a weird sense of humor. -the fact that some 4th grader gave my Sociology teacher a love note when he was a substitute teacher. hahaha. He turned her lunch offer down though. What a heart-breaker. -Lime drops! -writing.
-tissues with aloe (my nose is in love with 'em) -having deep(ish) convos with near strangers -Making a mini animal army with my friend's play-dough -Getting to be the "hot man" to sign my friends b-day shirt (she was supposed to have "17 hot men" sign her shirt and we both got a kick out of my signing it since I am not a man.. I think) -Providing my own critique of the State of the Union address -Peanut M&Ms -Myspace. Lots and lots of Myspace -Squirrel fishing -watching the indie movies my friends make with Barbies (they're actually quite brilliant). -drawing for the first time in months -my piano. 'tis my lovely.
this week, everyone in the province of alberta should be recieving $400 from the man! i live in alberta, and i will blow it all on poptarts, and gameboy games!
-KEVIN IS MY DEBATE PARTNER!!!! YAY! He makes me happy. He's my best guy friend. -Kokomo I'm not much of a Beach Boys fan, but this song is pretty cool. Aruba, Jamaica, oooo, I wanna take ya . . . -chicken ceaser salad. my mom brought me one home. yummy.
-recieving TONS of hugs when I went back to school today. (I got jumped a few times ) -sociology baseball. -my friend's current oil painting, which are a bunch of clouds and one single feather. (it reminds me of Forrest Gump!) -watching my same friend as above talk to a fly at lunch today. hahahahaha -listening to this techno song called "Fuck Sonnet" today. hahahahaha. -fruit gushers
and I have a long one now.
-I was in this conversation between my friend Kevin, Maria, and myself. She was talking about this one guy at career center that keeps bugging her, that goes to a nearby school that I used to go to. I asked who he was, and I know his brother, who is a senior at that school. So I freaked out and said, "OH! I know his brother!!! He has BEAUTIFUL eyes!!!! Hey Kevin, it's the same guy I showed you with the pretty eyes!"
Maria laughs at me and says, "Really?! Well I know him to so I'm going to tell him tomorrow! How do you know him?"
I met him at his school's prom last year. I wanted to tell him about his eyes, but he had a girlfriend then and I didn't want to sound weird or get beaten up by his girlfriend. haha.
So she's going to tell him (His name is Andy. ) and I'm pretty excited about it!
Instead of greeting people, I have a few things I do with my friends that generally confound the rest of the people in the hallway. -One of my friends and I generally dance in the middle of the hall, disrupting the rest of the movement. Today's dance? Tango. -My other friend and I, whenever we see eachother, run up to eachother giggling and flailing, bump hips, then walk away normally like nothing happened. It's so amusing to watch peoples' reactions.
-laughing with friends for an hour over little things
a thing that made me happy after a long day of chem labs and craptastic lectures....
setting the stage: after watching an hour and a half movie in 500+ people lecture it was 6:30pm and the teachers assistant was answering questions for a question sheet...
thing that made me happy: he used the word phrase "super awesome".... HAHAHA.... i was the only one laughing... i love that he said that... i dunno why, maybe i was just way too tired...
second thing that made me happy:
hearing a song on the radio on the way home that had the lyrics "I wish it was Sunday. 'Cause that's my funday!".... i laughed and my mom was like "what" and i was like "naw..." and she was like "..."
-Buying random posters and putting them up in our teen center ("Emoham Lincoln" was joined by "Goth Washington," both pictures of the presidents with some... um... alterations).
-Discussing stereotypes of different countries openly with the German exchange student (this was brought on by a picture of a German man weating leiderhosen (sp?). We laughed and told her we were sorry if it was stereotypical. She replied by saying that some people in germany, indeed, do wear that. We proceeded to ask for the American stereotype. She replied, "obese cowboys." I thought that was awesome.)
-cleaning (it can be really relaxing. Sometimes my maternal instinct gets the better of me).
-Not having to go in until 3rd period (9 am) for the rest of the year compared to the usual 7:20. God, I love sleep.
-Watching my art teacher draw a mustache in permanent marker on my friend's face.
-My principal making "I'm watching you" finger signals at the basketball game to my assitant principal. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Second time I've seen that! It's like he's on a secret mission and was about to execute it. hahaha.
-Proving that white men really can jump. I (sort of) have the picture to prove it.
-Seeing a guy at the basketball game with tight pants (guy pants, like Damian Kulash tight pants)!!!!
-Seeing the other school's mascot, which is a muskrat. He was dancing and shaking his ass. hahaha.
-getting kissed on the cheek by my friend Katie (I'm a loved one.
-car horns that sound like a sick duck. hahaha.
Oops, forgot one!
-My friend Mason, the "assistant assistant coach". He's one amazing freshman.
i was gona make some today.
but i didnt.
the end.
Gorgeous! That made me happy!
-my new closet! It's huge. It can fit my bed in there, and I have a full size bed. I might need more clothes.
-getting the internet back again.
-seeing this cat yesterday morning that jumped about 5 ft. in the air. I almost died from laughing so much. hahaha. I think it was rabid . . .
-seeing that my friend Heather stayed home today too. (I'm sick, she's probably skipping
-laughing at someone who got shocked by a wall outlet. hahahahaha. I have a weird sense of humor.
-the fact that some 4th grader gave my Sociology teacher a love note when he was a substitute teacher. hahaha. He turned her lunch offer down though. What a heart-breaker.
-Lime drops!
-having deep(ish) convos with near strangers
-Making a mini animal army with my friend's play-dough
-Getting to be the "hot man" to sign my friends b-day shirt (she was supposed to have "17 hot men" sign her shirt and we both got a kick out of my signing it since I am not a man.. I think)
-Providing my own critique of the State of the Union address
-Peanut M&Ms
-Myspace. Lots and lots of Myspace
-Squirrel fishing
-watching the indie movies my friends make with Barbies (they're actually quite brilliant).
-drawing for the first time in months
-my piano. 'tis my lovely.
-FINALLY seeing the Federal Truth in Music PSAs. ahahaha.
-Kokomo I'm not much of a Beach Boys fan, but this song is pretty cool. Aruba, Jamaica, oooo, I wanna take ya . . .
-chicken ceaser salad. my mom brought me one home. yummy.
-sociology baseball.
-my friend's current oil painting, which are a bunch of clouds and one single feather. (it reminds me of Forrest Gump!)
-watching my same friend as above talk to a fly at lunch today. hahahahaha
-listening to this techno song called "Fuck Sonnet" today. hahahahaha.
-fruit gushers
and I have a long one now.
-I was in this conversation between my friend Kevin, Maria, and myself. She was talking about this one guy at career center that keeps bugging her, that goes to a nearby school that I used to go to. I asked who he was, and I know his brother, who is a senior at that school. So I freaked out and said, "OH! I know his brother!!! He has BEAUTIFUL eyes!!!! Hey Kevin, it's the same guy I showed you with the pretty eyes!"
Maria laughs at me and says, "Really?! Well I know him to so I'm going to tell him tomorrow! How do you know him?"
I met him at his school's prom last year. I wanted to tell him about his eyes, but he had a girlfriend then and I didn't want to sound weird or get beaten up by his girlfriend. haha.
So she's going to tell him (His name is Andy.
OK, I'm done.
hahaha, this Andy does. Hid eyes make me melt.
-One of my friends and I generally dance in the middle of the hall, disrupting the rest of the movement. Today's dance? Tango.
-My other friend and I, whenever we see eachother, run up to eachother giggling and flailing, bump hips, then walk away normally like nothing happened. It's so amusing to watch peoples' reactions.
This makes me obscenely happy