I'm not totally sure if this will work as I've never tried it but there's a button on the post reply box that looks like a clipboard with a 'W' on it and you just paste your photo into the box that appears I think.
Aleatory said:Ugh, I've been having a ton of trouble posting pictures. How can I post one that's not on the internet (e.g. my hard drive?) I feel like a total n00b, usually I'm good at these things...:/
If it's on your hard drive and not the internet, you're going to have to upload it. Sign up for a Photobucket account, upload the photo, and stick the direct link in when the box prompst you for the image URL. Or you can up it to something like ImageShack, but you don't get to control what happens to it after you up it. Or up it to Facebook, right click, and copy image URL or location, depending on your browser.
Either way, the basic thing is you need to get it off your computer and onto the 'net before you can post it.
Oh Amber. I'll answer your question, of course, but it makes me a little sad.
Jorge Just is a longtime friend of the guys. He used to write the newsletters and generally liaise with the fans. He claimed to be an invisible robot. The reason we adore him (aside from the fact that he has a very clever way of wording things) is that on the old boards we couldn't type "Jorge" without it automatically changing to "Mr. Jorge, whom I adore." In fact, sometimes the quote function made it sometimes change to "Mr. Mr. Jorge, whom I adore whom I adore." Or, depending on how many times things would be quoted, there would be multiple Mr and whom I adores around the Jorge. It was amusing. The boards also used to change "Andy Ross" to "Rusty Ross," "utilize" to "use," and "reiterate" to "iterate." It also used to fix it when people misspelled Damian.
Jorge is taking some time off to finish school, he tweeted as much the other day. He'll be back.
One, double post!
Two, this makes me a little sad, too.
Three, I somehow missed the reiterate/iterate and Damian things. I guess I never had to write "reiterate" and was never misspelled Damian's name.
Aleatory said:Ugh, I've been having a ton of trouble posting pictures. How can I post one that's not on the internet (e.g. my hard drive?) I feel like a total n00b, usually I'm good at these things...:/
If it's on your hard drive and not the internet, you're going to have to upload it. Sign up for a Photobucket account, upload the photo, and stick the direct link in when the box prompst you for the image URL. Or you can up it to something like ImageShack, but you don't get to control what happens to it after you up it. Or up it to Facebook, right click, and copy image URL or location, depending on your browser.
Either way, the basic thing is you need to get it off your computer and onto the 'net before you can post it.
Hey, thanks for the answers. I decided I'll just put them on FB and do it that way...and I just uploaded some photos to the Imaginative/weird things to sign thread. Cool.
Remember a few months back, I announced that the UFC had an upcoming opportunity to submit some questions to Dan Konopka, the sweetest drummer in the world? Yeah, well you sent in your questions, and I passed them along. Now that the tour's over, Dan's back from his honeymoon and finally had some time to sit down and respond. Thanks, Dan! All us fans really appreciate this. :-D
Questions about music/touring/being part of OK Go What would you be doing if you weren't a drummer? I suppose bar-tending with a small drug dealing business on the side.... Although, I would love to go back to school and become a Chiropractor.
How did you get started as a drummer, and what/who is your inspiration? I started playing drums at about 10. My main influence was my older brother. He has played viola in orchestra's for as long as I can remember. I played stand up acoustic bass for about a year to emulate him and then realized I like pop music more. I really remember Kim Carnes, "Betty Davis Eyes" being a song that made me want to play drums. -Not totally sure why.
How well can you sing? Not well.
What's a standard day on tour like? The average day of tour has changed for OK Go a lot over the years. In the beginning, it usually started with a long van ride to the next club to play. -Then accessing that shitty club for how to load in gear and then scavenge for food... Now it usually begins with waking up at the gig, after a long over-night ride in a bus. Some days we'll fly and end up spending lots of time in airports. It's different for everybody. Safe to say we'll all at one point or another have our noses in our lap-tops, emailing...
Are there any states you have not yet played? Alaska, Hawaii, and I think, Nebraska. There's maybe one more but I can't think of it.
What is the funniest thing that has ever happened on tour? I scared the living shit out of everyone once. (Night time. Totally lost. Half the band and crew in one car and the rest in a van.) We we're driving through a cornfield, I snuck out of the van with no shirt on and a goat mask screaming past the the other car while they were trying to get us un-lost. Andy Ross practically shit his pants.
Who is your favorite or the coolest band of those you've toured with as opener or headliner? Cheap Trick, we opened for them in Philly.
Where is your favorite place you have played in the US? In the world? New York is always a good time. But hands down, Paris is the best place to play (or do anything).
How does it feel to be done touring? Great. Relaxing. Just got married and had a wonderful honeymoon in Hawaii. It was incredible.
Are you excited to get back into the studio? Yes. Totally.
What do you miss most about "regular life" while on tour? Sleeping in the same bed.
If OK Go were a family, who's Mom, who's Dad, who's the annoying little sibling, and who's Crazy Uncle Walter? (Feel free to assign different familial roles, these are just suggestions) That's a tough one. Not sure if this is accurate, but... Damian = Dad, aka Randle. Tim = Mom, aka Edith. Andy = 1st cousin, aka Lou. Dan = Uncle, aka Danimal. These aren't real nick-names. I'm just making this shit up.
Questions to give us more insight into The Great Konopka.
Do you like the song "Danny boy"? And to follow up, would you enjoy a gaggle of fans singing Danny boy to you after a gig? Yes. I do like that song. Nah, I'm not sure I would like that sung to me.
When you fill out a survey that asks for occupation, do you write in "rockstar"? I write "musician" and I keep the quotes in there.
How tall are you? 6' 0''
What's your favorite food? Tacos!
Do you have any pets? No. Looking to get a dog. Thinking about getting some fish. (ed. note: they have a cat these days.)
What was your first car like? 1976 Cadillac Seville.
What are some words that you really, really overuse? "Like" "Of Course" "Probably" and without a doubt "Totally."
How do you feel about High School Reunions? Do you plan on going to your next one? I like them. Never been to one. Wanted to go to my 10th year one but missed it. I was pissed. The girl I dated in high school is married with 3 (sons of her own) boys now. I wanted to see her again.
Are you aware of how awesome you are? ..... Not awesome. I am not awesome. I'd prefer Super-Dooper.
The following two questions were posed by a dental student: Would you rather go bungee jumping or go to the dentist? Bun-gee.
Put these things in order of scariness: snakes, spiders, and dentists? And why? 1. Snakes / venom, 2. Dentists / drills-and when they floss you, 3. Spiders / They're creepy.
Thanks a million times over to Dan for taking time out to answer these questions for us, and to Milosh for being awesome. Or Super-Dooper. Whatever.
Unrequited Orchestra of Locomotion is a song the guys used to do. It was never released as a single and there were two versions available through the songs account (back when we had one) and OK Go Central; one live and one studio.
Yey! Thanks for reposting that interview, Rachela. I still like being more scary than spiders but slightly less scary than snakes.
Question, I was just fishing round youtube and saw a part of a song called "Lousiana Land." I really liked it! Looks like it was supposed to be apart of the third album, but didn't make the cut. So, if I want to get that song, where do I go? Will it be apart of the Extra Nice addition maybe? Wasn't there originally a version of the third album released on itunes that had deleted bonus songs? Because I'm betting that's where the person got it who had posted part of it.
Question, I was just fishing round youtube and saw a part of a song called "Lousiana Land." I really liked it! Looks like it was supposed to be apart of the third album, but didn't make the cut. So, if I want to get that song, where do I go? Will it be apart of the Extra Nice addition maybe? Wasn't there originally a version of the third album released on itunes that had deleted bonus songs? Because I'm betting that's where the person got it who had posted part of it.
I LOVE Louisiana Land! It's on the Paracadute version of OTBCOTS but yes, it was an iTunes bonus.
I'm pretty sure it'll be on the Extra Nice Edition, too.
Not sure if this is the right place for this question, but where would one learn who wrote the songs? I can't find it anywhere on the CD insert, but I read a post in tumblr that Damian definitely did not write I want you so bad I can't breathe...
okgononsense said:Not sure if this is the right place for this question, but where would one learn who wrote the songs? I can't find it anywhere on the CD insert, but I read a post in tumblr that Damian definitely did not write I want you so bad I can't breathe...
I wouldn't trust that Wikipedia list. I had asked aross about his writing While You Were Asleep back in April and he said that he did not write it. While it sounds a lot like him, Damian is the author.
Until they, OK Go, actually list who wrote what, I would only take that list at face value.
I wouldn't trust that Wikipedia list. I had asked aross about his writing While You Were Asleep back in April and he said that he did not write it. While it sounds a lot like him, Damian is the author.
Until they, OK Go, actually list who wrote what, I would only take that list at face value.
Okie dokie
EDIT: *deletes this original post because it had no relevancy [still in sleepmode]*
Do you think they'll have written who wrote it on the Extra Nice Edition?
I might be getting it sometime this week.
I wonder who put it down as Andy who wrote it then. *shrugs* Meh.
I'm not totally sure if this will work as I've never tried it but there's a button on the post reply box that looks like a clipboard with a 'W' on it and you just paste your photo into the box that appears I think.
Give it a go :)
If it's on your hard drive and not the internet, you're going to have to upload it. Sign up for a Photobucket account, upload the photo, and stick the direct link in when the box prompst you for the image URL. Or you can up it to something like ImageShack, but you don't get to control what happens to it after you up it. Or up it to Facebook, right click, and copy image URL or location, depending on your browser.
Either way, the basic thing is you need to get it off your computer and onto the 'net before you can post it.
One, double post!
Two, this makes me a little sad, too.
Three, I somehow missed the reiterate/iterate and Damian things. I guess I never had to write "reiterate" and was never misspelled Damian's name.
Hey, thanks for the answers. I decided I'll just put them on FB and do it that way...and I just uploaded some photos to the Imaginative/weird things to sign thread. Cool.
It's Damian's favourite word. It means "grapefruit" in French. "Paracadute," meaning "parachute" in Italian, is a close second, I believe.
Awesome. It's a pretty cool word. Also, I like that you spell 'favourite' with a u. I think it looks cooler that way.
Can someone send me the link to that email interview with Dan on myspace. I'm feeling a bit lazy today.
You mean the one I did back when I ran the UFC? Sure.
Current mood:
Category: Music
Questions about music/touring/being part of OK Go
What would you be doing if you weren't a drummer?
I suppose bar-tending with a small drug dealing business on the side.... Although, I would love to go back to school and become a Chiropractor.
How did you get started as a drummer, and what/who is your inspiration?
I started playing drums at about 10. My main influence was my older brother. He has played viola in orchestra's for as long as I can remember. I played stand up acoustic bass for about a year to emulate him and then realized I like pop music more. I really remember Kim Carnes, "Betty Davis Eyes" being a song that made me want to play drums. -Not totally sure why.
How well can you sing?
Not well.
What's a standard day on tour like?
The average day of tour has changed for OK Go a lot over the years. In the beginning, it usually started with a long van ride to the next club to play. -Then accessing that shitty club for how to load in gear and then scavenge for food... Now it usually begins with waking up at the gig, after a long over-night ride in a bus. Some days we'll fly and end up spending lots of time in airports. It's different for everybody. Safe to say we'll all at one point or another have our noses in our lap-tops, emailing...
Are there any states you have not yet played?
Alaska, Hawaii, and I think, Nebraska. There's maybe one more but I can't think of it.
What is the funniest thing that has ever happened on tour?
I scared the living shit out of everyone once. (Night time. Totally lost. Half the band and crew in one car and the rest in a van.) We we're driving through a cornfield, I snuck out of the van with no shirt on and a goat mask screaming past the the other car while they were trying to get us un-lost. Andy Ross practically shit his pants.
Who is your favorite or the coolest band of those you've toured with as opener or headliner?
Cheap Trick, we opened for them in Philly.
Where is your favorite place you have played in the US? In the world?
New York is always a good time. But hands down, Paris is the best place to play (or do anything).
How does it feel to be done touring?
Great. Relaxing. Just got married and had a wonderful honeymoon in Hawaii. It was incredible.
Are you excited to get back into the studio?
Yes. Totally.
What do you miss most about "regular life" while on tour?
Sleeping in the same bed.
If OK Go were a family, who's Mom, who's Dad, who's the annoying little sibling, and who's Crazy Uncle Walter? (Feel free to assign different familial roles, these are just suggestions)
That's a tough one. Not sure if this is accurate, but... Damian = Dad, aka Randle. Tim = Mom, aka Edith. Andy = 1st cousin, aka Lou. Dan = Uncle, aka Danimal. These aren't real nick-names. I'm just making this shit up.
Questions to give us more insight into The Great Konopka.
Do you like the song "Danny boy"? And to follow up, would you enjoy a gaggle of fans singing Danny boy to you after a gig?
Yes. I do like that song. Nah, I'm not sure I would like that sung to me.
When you fill out a survey that asks for occupation, do you write in "rockstar"?
I write "musician" and I keep the quotes in there.
How tall are you?
6' 0''
What's your favorite food?
Do you have any pets?
No. Looking to get a dog. Thinking about getting some fish. (ed. note: they have a cat these days.)
What was your first car like?
1976 Cadillac Seville.
What are some words that you really, really overuse?
"Like" "Of Course" "Probably" and without a doubt "Totally."
How do you feel about High School Reunions? Do you plan on going to your next one?
I like them. Never been to one. Wanted to go to my 10th year one but missed it. I was pissed. The girl I dated in high school is married with 3 (sons of her own) boys now. I wanted to see her again.
Are you aware of how awesome you are?
..... Not awesome. I am not awesome. I'd prefer Super-Dooper.
The following two questions were posed by a dental student:
Would you rather go bungee jumping or go to the dentist?
Put these things in order of scariness: snakes, spiders, and dentists? And why?
1. Snakes / venom, 2. Dentists / drills-and when they floss you, 3. Spiders / They're creepy.
Thanks a million times over to Dan for taking time out to answer these questions for us, and to Milosh for being awesome. Or Super-Dooper. Whatever.
Okay, tried and failed three times to embed, so I'm just putting the link in.
Train aka AKA Unrequited Orchestra Of Locomotion
Where is this from?! It's awesome!
Unrequited Orchestra of Locomotion is a song the guys used to do. It was never released as a single and there were two versions available through the songs account (back when we had one) and OK Go Central; one live and one studio.
Yey! Thanks for reposting that interview, Rachela. I still like being more scary than spiders but slightly less scary than snakes.
Question, I was just fishing round youtube and saw a part of a song called "Lousiana Land." I really liked it! Looks like it was supposed to be apart of the third album, but didn't make the cut. So, if I want to get that song, where do I go? Will it be apart of the Extra Nice addition maybe? Wasn't there originally a version of the third album released on itunes that had deleted bonus songs? Because I'm betting that's where the person got it who had posted part of it.
I LOVE Louisiana Land! It's on the Paracadute version of OTBCOTS but yes, it was an iTunes bonus.
I'm pretty sure it'll be on the Extra Nice Edition, too.
It says on there that Tim wrote it :)
I wouldn't trust that Wikipedia list. I had asked aross about his writing While You Were Asleep back in April and he said that he did not write it. While it sounds a lot like him, Damian is the author.
Until they, OK Go, actually list who wrote what, I would only take that list at face value.
Okie dokie
EDIT: *deletes this original post because it had no relevancy [still in sleepmode]*
Do you think they'll have written who wrote it on the Extra Nice Edition?
I might be getting it sometime this week.
I wonder who put it down as Andy who wrote it then. *shrugs* Meh.