Hellolover86, for those of you who don't know, has graciously taken on the role of documenting and filming everything that goes on when we have our Boardie convention
I've always said that I want to teach English as a second language abroad, but really, I more of want to travel all over Europe. When I went to Italy in 10th grade, my tour guides both taught ESL in Italian high schools and did the guiding thing on the side, which I thought was really kinda' cool. That trip was what made me decide that I wanted to study languages.
That's pretty much exactly what I want to do. I'm planning on a semester or a year in Italy as a junior cause I'm an Italian minor, then I want to move to Italy once I graduate if I can afford it. I would love to just be a tour guide, but I don't think that would pay the rent. Unless of course I become the kept woman of some rich Italian man who'd let me give tours on the side.....hmm....haha
You speak Portuguese also? That's awesome. Do your parents speak either of those languages or did you just learn them cause you felt like it or what?
Yeah I wish I could spend an extra year in college just to take a bunch of classes that I'm interested in but that don't fit my major/minors. There are way too many fascinating classes to pick from!
That's pretty much exactly what I want to do. I'm planning on a semester or a year in Italy as a junior cause I'm an Italian minor, then I want to move to Italy once I graduate if I can afford it. I would love to just be a tour guide, but I don't think that would pay the rent. Unless of course I become the kept woman of some rich Italian man who'd let me give tours on the side.....hmm....haha
You speak Portuguese also? That's awesome. Do your parents speak either of those languages or did you just learn them cause you felt like it or what?
Yeah I wish I could spend an extra year in college just to take a bunch of classes that I'm interested in but that don't fit my major/minors. There are way too many fascinating classes to pick from!
I wish my college offered so many interesting course. You can be a kept woman if you try. I am only 23 and have had 7 husbands. I marry progressively richer. (Now, for some reason nobody in my class believes me when I tell all that. They say it's BS)
And you know, no matter what, it's never too late to be a tour guide, even if you'd have to do it in a few years. Everybody here is such a world traveler. I am mucho jealous.
That's pretty much exactly what I want to do. I'm planning on a semester or a year in Italy as a junior cause I'm an Italian minor, then I want to move to Italy once I graduate if I can afford it. I would love to just be a tour guide, but I don't think that would pay the rent. Unless of course I become the kept woman of some rich Italian man who'd let me give tours on the side.....hmm....haha
You speak Portuguese also? That's awesome. Do your parents speak either of those languages or did you just learn them cause you felt like it or what?
Yeah I wish I could spend an extra year in college just to take a bunch of classes that I'm interested in but that don't fit my major/minors. There are way too many fascinating classes to pick from!
Italy is gorgeous. Definitely go. I'm planning on visiting while I'm over there- I loved Florence.
My dad is actually Portuguese; he moved over here with my uncle and my Avõ (Grandmother, for you non-Portuguese speakers) when he was lik, 9. Unfortunately, I never learned to speak Portuguese when I was younger. Which now, of course, I wish he had taught me because that would make things a bunch easier. Also, I don't speak with him as much as I should. But that's my own fault.
As for French, I just started learning that in 7th grade because it was that or Spanish, and my dad was like "NO SPANISH!" (I don't know why he has a personal grudge against Spanish. I think it's because people are always like, "Oh, isn't Portuguese just like Spanish?" and I think it bothers him. But I've definitely noticed that I understand more Spanish now that I've been learning Portuguese.) My mom knows a little French, and both of my brothers have taken it in high school. My brother Jonathan was actually getting really good, but he got one of the sucky French teachers at school, and that discouraged him, so now he's taking German.
There are so many more courses I want to take! I'm really hoping I can take an Art History class while I'm abroad- I mean, hello, I can go to the Louvre... And I want to take a Film Studies class before I graduate.
Italy is gorgeous. Definitely go. I'm planning on visiting while I'm over there- I loved Florence.
My dad is actually Portuguese; he moved over here with my uncle and my Avõ (Grandmother, for you non-Portuguese speakers) when he was lik, 9. Unfortunately, I never learned to speak Portuguese when I was younger. Which now, of course, I wish he had taught me because that would make things a bunch easier. Also, I don't speak with him as much as I should. But that's my own fault.
As for French, I just started learning that in 7th grade because it was that or Spanish, and my dad was like "NO SPANISH!" (I don't know why he has a personal grudge against Spanish. I think it's because people are always like, "Oh, isn't Portuguese just like Spanish?" and I think it bothers him. But I've definitely noticed that I understand more Spanish now that I've been learning Portuguese.) My mom knows a little French, and both of my brothers have taken it in high school. My brother Jonathan was actually getting really good, but he got one of the sucky French teachers at school, and that discouraged him, so now he's taking German.
That's so fun. People always assume that my grandparents speak Italian, and of course they don't. It's cool that you have someone to practice with. I definitely don't--haha no one speaks Italian outside of Italy. Which I guess could be considered a good thing, cause it means I'll have to go back to Italy--damn. What a terrible thing to do. haha
Yeah I absolutely love Italy. I went a year and a half ago and fell in love with so much about it. I'm definitely going back, even if for some reason I don't get to study there.
I've been trying to get my cat to quit, but you know how hard it is. Nicotine is just so damn addictive.
I took Italian for a year so I could study abroad in Italy and have a small understanding of what everyone was saying and then decided that I didn't want to study abroad in Italy. I don't know why I do things like that to myself.
I want to study in Ireland, but I don't think it's going to happen. Too many transfer problems and such, so it looks like I'm going to England...where they speak English! YAY!
I took Italian for a year so I could study abroad in Italy and have a small understanding of what everyone was saying and then decided that I didn't want to study abroad in Italy. I don't know why I do things like that to myself.
I want to study in Ireland, but I don't think it's going to happen. Too many transfer problems and such, so it looks like I'm going to England...where they speak English! YAY! And no, I don't think any of the boys did.
Ah, thankie for answering my question. I want to go to England! The birthplace of my lads, the Beatles. I must make a pilgrimage there! Also the birthplace of Davy Jones as well as the Rolling Stones. There must be something up with the water there to make so many musicians.
I took Italian for a year so I could study abroad in Italy and have a small understanding of what everyone was saying and then decided that I didn't want to study abroad in Italy. I don't know why I do things like that to myself.
I want to study in Ireland, but I don't think it's going to happen. Too many transfer problems and such, so it looks like I'm going to England...where they speak English! YAY! And no, I don't think any of the boys did.
If you're in England (or anywhere in Europe, for that matter) next year, I'm visiting you. Or you're visiting me. FYI.
On a similar note, my friends and I were debating about whether or not you're supposed to put two spaces after a period when you're writing a paper.
I'm totally late on this, but I just wanted to comment that the whole two spaces thing came into existence when typewriters were used, since the letters on typewriters are all the same size and the two spaces were necessary to seperate sentences and such. Since computer letters are different, two spaces are no longer necessary, and one is generally considered acceptable these days. It's true. *taps temple* But then, I also think there is a legitimate place for the word u-t-i-l-i-z-e in the English language.
I want to study in Ireland, but I don't think it's going to happen.
I really wanted to study in Ireland too, but study abroad isn't looking like it's going to work out for me right now. I just have too much to cover since I transferred and decided to do a double major and stuff. I'm planning to go on a work abroad program the summer after I graduate, though, so...yay.
Oh! Lol, of course! I forgot about you cute little Canadians. You also get to share in the joy that is Ok Go. And mixtape has been to the most kick ass Ok Go venue one could ever hope to go to (the living room of a Victorian house, how cool is that).
Oh! Lol, of course! I forgot about you cute little Canadians. You also get to share in the joy that is Ok Go. And mixtape has been to the most kick ass Ok Go venue one could ever hope to go to (the living room of a Victorian house, how cool is that).
That would be so cool. In someones house. Wow I cant even imagine how awsome that is.
Yes... Yes we are.
That's pretty much exactly what I want to do. I'm planning on a semester or a year in Italy as a junior cause I'm an Italian minor, then I want to move to Italy once I graduate if I can afford it. I would love to just be a tour guide, but I don't think that would pay the rent. Unless of course I become the kept woman of some rich Italian man who'd let me give tours on the side.....hmm....haha
You speak Portuguese also? That's awesome. Do your parents speak either of those languages or did you just learn them cause you felt like it or what?
Yeah I wish I could spend an extra year in college just to take a bunch of classes that I'm interested in but that don't fit my major/minors. There are way too many fascinating classes to pick from!
BTW, are you aware your cat is smoking? Probably not too good for its lungs...
BTW, are you aware your cat is smoking? Probably not too good for its lungs...
First cockroaches, now the cat...are you an animal rights activist now, girlie?
You speak Portuguese also? That's awesome. Do your parents speak either of those languages or did you just learn them cause you felt like it or what?
Yeah I wish I could spend an extra year in college just to take a bunch of classes that I'm interested in but that don't fit my major/minors. There are way too many fascinating classes to pick from!
I wish my college offered so many interesting course. You can be a kept woman if you try. I am only 23 and have had 7 husbands. I marry progressively richer. (Now, for some reason nobody in my class believes me when I tell all that. They say it's BS)
And you know, no matter what, it's never too late to be a tour guide, even if you'd have to do it in a few years. Everybody here is such a world traveler. I am mucho jealous.
You speak Portuguese also? That's awesome. Do your parents speak either of those languages or did you just learn them cause you felt like it or what?
Yeah I wish I could spend an extra year in college just to take a bunch of classes that I'm interested in but that don't fit my major/minors. There are way too many fascinating classes to pick from!
Italy is gorgeous. Definitely go. I'm planning on visiting while I'm over there- I loved Florence.
My dad is actually Portuguese; he moved over here with my uncle and my Avõ (Grandmother, for you non-Portuguese speakers) when he was lik, 9. Unfortunately, I never learned to speak Portuguese when I was younger. Which now, of course, I wish he had taught me because that would make things a bunch easier.
As for French, I just started learning that in 7th grade because it was that or Spanish, and my dad was like "NO SPANISH!" (I don't know why he has a personal grudge against Spanish. I think it's because people are always like, "Oh, isn't Portuguese just like Spanish?" and I think it bothers him. But I've definitely noticed that I understand more Spanish now that I've been learning Portuguese.) My mom knows a little French, and both of my brothers have taken it in high school. My brother Jonathan was actually getting really good, but he got one of the sucky French teachers at school, and that discouraged him, so now he's taking German.
There are so many more courses I want to take! I'm really hoping I can take an Art History class while I'm abroad- I mean, hello, I can go to the Louvre... And I want to take a Film Studies class before I graduate.
My dad is actually Portuguese; he moved over here with my uncle and my Avõ (Grandmother, for you non-Portuguese speakers) when he was lik, 9. Unfortunately, I never learned to speak Portuguese when I was younger. Which now, of course, I wish he had taught me because that would make things a bunch easier.
As for French, I just started learning that in 7th grade because it was that or Spanish, and my dad was like "NO SPANISH!" (I don't know why he has a personal grudge against Spanish. I think it's because people are always like, "Oh, isn't Portuguese just like Spanish?" and I think it bothers him. But I've definitely noticed that I understand more Spanish now that I've been learning Portuguese.) My mom knows a little French, and both of my brothers have taken it in high school. My brother Jonathan was actually getting really good, but he got one of the sucky French teachers at school, and that discouraged him, so now he's taking German.
That's so fun. People always assume that my grandparents speak Italian, and of course they don't. It's cool that you have someone to practice with. I definitely don't--haha no one speaks Italian outside of Italy. Which I guess could be considered a good thing, cause it means I'll have to go back to Italy--damn. What a terrible thing to do. haha
Yeah I absolutely love Italy. I went a year and a half ago and fell in love with so much about it. I'm definitely going back, even if for some reason I don't get to study there.
I've been trying to get my cat to quit, but you know how hard it is. Nicotine is just so damn addictive.
I want to study in Ireland, but I don't think it's going to happen. Too many transfer problems and such, so it looks like I'm going to England...where they speak English! YAY!
And no, I don't think any of the boys did.
I want to study in Ireland, but I don't think it's going to happen. Too many transfer problems and such, so it looks like I'm going to England...where they speak English! YAY!
And no, I don't think any of the boys did.
Ah, thankie for answering my question. I want to go to England! The birthplace of my lads, the Beatles. I must make a pilgrimage there! Also the birthplace of Davy Jones as well as the Rolling Stones. There must be something up with the water there to make so many musicians.
I want to study in Ireland, but I don't think it's going to happen. Too many transfer problems and such, so it looks like I'm going to England...where they speak English! YAY!
And no, I don't think any of the boys did.
If you're in England (or anywhere in Europe, for that matter) next year, I'm visiting you. Or you're visiting me. FYI.
I'm totally late on this, but I just wanted to comment that the whole two spaces thing came into existence when typewriters were used, since the letters on typewriters are all the same size and the two spaces were necessary to seperate sentences and such. Since computer letters are different, two spaces are no longer necessary, and one is generally considered acceptable these days. It's true. *taps temple* But then, I also think there is a legitimate place for the word u-t-i-l-i-z-e in the English language.
I really wanted to study in Ireland too, but study abroad isn't looking like it's going to work out for me right now. I just have too much to cover since I transferred and decided to do a double major and stuff. I'm planning to go on a work abroad program the summer after I graduate, though, so...yay.
Anyway, yeah...school. Yay. kthxbye
Oh! Lol, of course! I forgot about you cute little Canadians. You also get to share in the joy that is Ok Go. And mixtape has been to the most kick ass Ok Go venue one could ever hope to go to (the living room of a Victorian house, how cool is that).
That would be so cool. In someones house. Wow I cant even imagine how awsome that is.