he is luurrvverrllyy! i'm seeing him on sunday wahay! sorry if this has already been brought up, but has anyone seen that video on youtube, of Dami, where a womans saying to him, 'u just insulted my little girl!' and he's all like, 'oh really? lovely' and the woman gets her camera out and records him saying,'hi hannah nice to c u' and sum1 says, 'u don't sound remorseful enough for me!' what i wanna know is, does anyone know wot it is he said or did to insult her her?
Hahahahaha, I'm all over this. Here's the video Emsey is referring to. Geez, I haven't thought about that in years.
Emsey, Hannah is my friend Liz's daughter. In February '07, OK Go played KOKO in London. Liz (who occasionally is on these boards as Toooldforthis), Hannah, Hannah's friend Tat, I, my husband, and Amy (on the boards as azulaco) went to the show. Hannah and Tat were 14 at the time, but we ignored the 16+ requirement and brought them in with us. At the time, Liz, Amy, myself, and a whole bunch of other older fans (meaning older than 25) had a myspace group called "OK Go for Grownups" because we couldn't stand the Juggling Club's lack of grammar/punctuation/ability to hold a conversation. "The Grownups," as we called ourselves, had a habit of going to concerts with signs:
There's Jedi_Grrrlie (Katy) who was studying in Paris and came over to meet us for the show, Azulaco/Amy, me, my husband Adam, Liz and Hannah post show. Anyway. So we were holding up the sign and Hannah got the brilliant idea to climb up on Tat's shoulders (Tat's the tallest 14-year-old I ever met) and hold up the sign. Damian says "There's a 5-year-old down here holding up a sign that says 'OK Go for Grownups.' I recognize that the drinking age is lower here, but you do know that 5 isn't really grown up, right? I mean, it doesn't even look like there's grass on the playing field." We were all a little mortified, Hannah especially, although it was a badge of honor to be heckled from stage by Damian. So after the show, Hannah, whose nerve amazed me even then, went right up to Damian and said "I'm not 5, I'm 14, and my playing field is none of your business!" Damian laughed and apologized immediately, saying "I'm a whole different kind of asshole onstage." He was a total sweetheart about it, and thanked her for being "the object of [his] fake scorn." Voila.
Nonetheless, as we fangirls are wont to do, when Liz went to Germany for a show with two other Grownups a few weeks later, she gave Damian a reminder of the story so that he might remember seeing her from last time. Karen, an American living in Germany at the time, is behind the camera, and her husband Chris is the one who chides Damian for not being remorseful enough. Angela is the quiet one who is in the shot but doesn't say anything. And there you have it.
samanferr! said:Can we get this man a new pair of pants? Same pair every show. They're lookin saggy if you know what I mean.
I wasn't going to say anything, but I did wonder if he's starting to use more tape just to keep them up…
I'd offer to get him a new pair. However, the last time I bought pants for a musician, it turned into a dangerous adventure. An outrageous episode of the sort that tests patience and personal boundaries. It was fun, but it was also the kind of thing that can get you 86'ed from the mall. There's a vintage shop in Vancouver that I'm still not allowed into because of my charge's changing room behavior.
I think the trick is to go shopping without the rock star.
Now we just need to get Damian's measurements. Anyone want to volunteer?
Even though the Filler article is old news and posted in another thread, I really think this photo should be here.
I also have a cute story about my mom and this pic.
When we first looked at the Filler Magazine article, she got to this photo and said, "Oh My" in a way that you would think she had just viewed something really dirty.
Fast forward to a few days later. My mom was looking at my Tumblr when all of a sudden I heard the same "Oh My."
I couldn't see the computer screen, but I knew exactly what she was looking at.
Come to think of it, I have some pants exactly like the one's he's wearing. **insert dirty joke here** I wore them when I performed Invincible, actually.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....re=related THIS WAS ONE IS ADORABLE
Hahahahaha, I'm all over this. Here's the video Emsey is referring to.
Geez, I haven't thought about that in years.
Emsey, Hannah is my friend Liz's daughter. In February '07, OK Go played KOKO in London. Liz (who occasionally is on these boards as Toooldforthis), Hannah, Hannah's friend Tat, I, my husband, and Amy (on the boards as azulaco) went to the show. Hannah and Tat were 14 at the time, but we ignored the 16+ requirement and brought them in with us. At the time, Liz, Amy, myself, and a whole bunch of other older fans (meaning older than 25) had a myspace group called "OK Go for Grownups" because we couldn't stand the Juggling Club's lack of grammar/punctuation/ability to hold a conversation. "The Grownups," as we called ourselves, had a habit of going to concerts with signs:
There's Jedi_Grrrlie (Katy) who was studying in Paris and came over to meet us for the show, Azulaco/Amy, me, my husband Adam, Liz and Hannah post show. Anyway. So we were holding up the sign and Hannah got the brilliant idea to climb up on Tat's shoulders (Tat's the tallest 14-year-old I ever met) and hold up the sign. Damian says "There's a 5-year-old down here holding up a sign that says 'OK Go for Grownups.' I recognize that the drinking age is lower here, but you do know that 5 isn't really grown up, right? I mean, it doesn't even look like there's grass on the playing field." We were all a little mortified, Hannah especially, although it was a badge of honor to be heckled from stage by Damian. So after the show, Hannah, whose nerve amazed me even then, went right up to Damian and said "I'm not 5, I'm 14, and my playing field is none of your business!" Damian laughed and apologized immediately, saying "I'm a whole different kind of asshole onstage." He was a total sweetheart about it, and thanked her for being "the object of [his] fake scorn." Voila.
Nonetheless, as we fangirls are wont to do, when Liz went to Germany for a show with two other Grownups a few weeks later, she gave Damian a reminder of the story so that he might remember seeing her from last time. Karen, an American living in Germany at the time, is behind the camera, and her husband Chris is the one who chides Damian for not being remorseful enough. Angela is the quiet one who is in the shot but doesn't say anything. And there you have it.
Snack Cakes says: "gaffer tape as confetti barrier". LOL!!!
So true, though. After the concert, there was confetti falling out of strange places.
Thanks for sharing your amazing story. You're like a Boardie Superstar.
I remember watching that video and wondering about the backstory. I should've known that you would be involved in some way!
I actually found confetti in my undies after the Tampa show.
pretty sure no one has posted this
Superstar? Maybe. Crazed fan? Definitely.
I'm ubiquitous, what can I say? ;-)
I wasn't going to say anything, but I did wonder if he's starting to use more tape just to keep them up…
I'd offer to get him a new pair. However, the last time I bought pants for a musician, it turned into a dangerous adventure. An outrageous episode of the sort that tests patience and personal boundaries. It was fun, but it was also the kind of thing that can get you 86'ed from the mall. There's a vintage shop in Vancouver that I'm still not allowed into because of my charge's changing room behavior.
I think the trick is to go shopping without the rock star.
Now we just need to get Damian's measurements. Anyone want to volunteer?
Not necessarily Hot, just Cute. An oldie but a goodie. Part of what I like to call the "Urge to Perch" series:
Even though the Filler article is old news and posted in another thread, I really think this photo should be here.
I also have a cute story about my mom and this pic.
When we first looked at the Filler Magazine article, she got to this photo and said, "Oh My" in a way that you would think she had just viewed something really dirty.
Fast forward to a few days later. My mom was looking at my Tumblr when all of a sudden I heard the same "Oh My."
I couldn't see the computer screen, but I knew exactly what she was looking at.
Yeah, Oh My.
Oh. See. You had to go and say that. Now I'm thinking really "Oh My" thoughts about this picture.
That picture......
Oh, there are no words. That is....oh, my.
Come to think of it, I have some pants exactly like the one's he's wearing. **insert dirty joke here** I wore them when I performed Invincible, actually.