I have been a little MIA from the board for awhile, but tonight I was going back through past posts and thought it would be fun to create a thread to tide us over until we hear from the boys again. (I hope this isn't stupid.) Personally, I am in a little withdrawal and could use the stimulation.
Favorite OK Go experience. Or your favorite meetup with boardies. Or your reactions upon meeting the guys. Your OK Go bedroom. The reindeer you snagged from eBay. Your first concert. A Fine Tooth merch you now own. The child you secretly fathered with Tim and did not tell anyone about. All must involve pictures.

Indianapolis, IN, June 19th, 2007.
Prolly one of my favorite, decent pictures I have ever had taken of Dan and I.
For a sec before I really looked at it or read the post I almost thought it was Dan and his wife.
I'm having the OK GO DT's, so I know what you mean. I can only hope for some random show thrown in the mix sometime soon, like they did with the Luther gig, which I was lucky enough to have been able to travel to.
I mean, come on. Top that. The man is poking my boobs with a Sharpie after I made him squee all over the place.
Oh, sophomore year...
I love reminiscing!
I have to work on an art project right now, so I don't have time to write right now, but I'll definitely be back when I have time.
well, i have two
the first was my first concert when dan gave my friends and i his drumstick
the second was my second concert when dan came out and took a picture w/ my friend and i
both experiences were amazingly awesome
or super duper, shall we say?
I can smile now because neither of our teams made it into the WS.
Jennifer, beautiful pic of you and Dan.
Katy, simply awesome. I want Damian to poke my boobs now.
This is my favorite time hanging out with Damian. GWU, September '07. See, he walked right by Amy and me on his way out (presumably to Starbucks) and we just smiled, waved, and let him be. So when he came back, he actually came over to talk to us. And we got to talk to him for an extended period of time too, if I remember correctly. That was also the day Dan used my cell phone and took us "backstage", and oh, my favorite picture with Andy is from that day too. I look eh, but he looks GOOD.
But how could I possibly leave this out? Damian misspelled "whose" on the back of my Mayo shirt, only to realize it too late. You cannot fix sharpie though, so it will forever remain incorrect.
I mean, come on. Top that. The man is poking my boobs with a Sharpie after I made him squee all over the place.
Oh, sophomore year...
I was hoping you would post that picture! Best expressions ever.
For a sec before I really looked at it or read the post I almost thought it was Dan and his wife.
.....what are you saying? You're saying I couldn't be his wife?!?
I'm probably like the most I've-never-met-OK Go OK Go fan ever so my fondest memories happened right here on the boards.
Through OK Go I have learned the true meaning of obsessing. haha
Does the scarf I made count as a child I secretly fathered with Tim without his knowledge but then gave him complete custody? Except I told everyone about that.
Haha. Don't worry T. Dog. We all know Dan is your boy.
This picture just made my life. Everytime I see it, I crack up. Get it girl!
I have a number of fave experiences, not all of them photographed, but:
- Telling Tim that I wanted him in my mouth by accident. As embarrassing as that was... it was pretty amusing.
- Standing between Damian and Dan in a chip shop with the three of us joking around while we waited for "chips with chips".
- Damian's ridiculous squee over the idea of me and Rachel meeting "through OK Goness". The jump, air punch, face scrunch combo.
- That whole show with Rachel. With the hand-delivering of set lists, the throwing of picks, Damian smiling at me after singing the line "You're so damn hot" and the hug from Tim.
- This picture:
- That whole show with Rachel. With the hand-delivering of set lists, the throwing of picks, Damian smiling at me after singing the line "You're so damn hot" and the hug from Tim.
I left those for you to tell.
1. I LOVE London, and combining London and OK Go ... wow
2. it was a weekend of fun, chocolate-heaven and feather boa!
3. ALICE!!!
4. meeting Damian in the pub , meeting Tim TWICE, haha, and meeting Andy, taking photos and showing them the first ever made mayo OK Go shirt
5. the video I took for Alice cause she had to leave early
pretty much every person I met on here, and all the fun of these boards, endless discussions about all sorts of hair ...
5. the video I took for Alice cause she had to leave early
This gig was amazing. Meeting Susi was amazing. The video Susi got me was so amazing I squealed and freaked out all the local dogs with my high-pitchedness.
I like to go back to the pub where Susi met Damian, just because everytime I go there I know that two of my fave people were once standing, together, in that place.
I slightly remember this mentioned somewhere else LOL
Ok, so I just must know...exactly what were you intending to say when you made the slip.. LOL
How ridiculously photogenic of both of you...
I slightly remember this mentioned somewhere else LOL
Ok, so I just must know...exactly what were you intending to say when you made the slip.. LOL
I was telling him that I wished he was my dentist, to which he laughed and replied that he didn't think it'd be a good idea and that I really didn't want that... so I (perfectly innocently) went "Sure I do, I want you in my mouth!". Then I sorta realised what I'd said as he looked ever so slightly shocked and I started going "Wait, no, I didn't mean..." but he just laughed and seemed ok with it. So no harm done!!
I was telling him that I wished he was my dentist, to which he laughed and replied that he didn't think it'd be a good idea and that I really didn't want that... so I (perfectly innocently) went "Sure I do, I want you in my mouth!". Then I sorta realised what I'd said as he looked ever so slightly shocked and I started going "Wait, no, I didn't mean..." but he just laughed and seemed ok with it. So no harm done!!
OH YEAH, now I remember!
Think of it this way - he'll always remember you..
You guys have the most wonderful stories.
10/25/05- I joined the Ok Go boards (which, btw, means that I missed my THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY on the boards! Whoa!)
10/26/05- Ok Go played in Boston, and I couldn't go because it was 18+ and I was 15
1/27/06- Ok Go played again in Boston, and again it was 18+
11/16/06- Ok Go played a show for FNX's anniversary thing, and it was 21+ so I couldn't go, though I was 16 by this point.
12/8/06- Ok Go played at Mix 98.5's holiday concert, and that was also 21+ so I couldn't go.
3/28/07- Ok Go opened for Snow Patrol at the Agganis Arena, and tickets sold out too quickly for me to buy them.
4/20/07- Ok Go played in Worcester, and it didn't work out logistically. But it was okay, because
4/21/07- I SAW OK GO PLAY IN MAINE AT MY BROTHER'S COLLEGE AND IT WAS INCREDIBLE!!!! And then at midnight, the 22nd of April, I turned seventeen! and then, I met them, officially on my 17th birthday!! yayyyy! photographic proof below
6/23/07- Ok Go opened for the Fray at the Tweeter Center, and no one would come with me so I couldn't go.
I feel like there ought to be some Boston shows between now and June of 07, but I can't remember any. Is that right? Have they really not been in Boston for almost a year and a half? I'm puzzled...
Anyways, that's my long list of Ok Go relatedness. Not counting all the shows in Amherst/Noho or in Providence that I couldn't go to because they were too far away for me while I was in high school.
Other board-related highlights include meeting Katy/seeing Tally Hall with her, and also how my looking seriously at Smith College was influenced by her a long time ago and now I'm actually here, and that's just crazy I tell you. Crazy.
I got pics with all of them, but this was definitely the best one. See, I straightened my hair beforehand, but in the humidity of the show it sort of failed, and the end result was...interesting. Seriously. This is the only one where it looks at all normal.
That's my setlist. It's up on my wall in my dorm.