If you were to create a video for one of Ok Go's songs how would it go? When I am at work I imagine all of the office equipment being blown up like in "Invincible" but to the tune of "Get Over It". : )
I would like to see one of their videos display the age range of their fans. Have some old timers in there, some of the middle aged folk, teens, and some wee little ones all partying together.
Granted it doesn't have anyone younger than like 16, but it still has a nice age range in there.
As for vids, I'm thinking they have some of the best ideas that I could never come up with myself. But like you suggested, I'd like to see another one with fans. Though, I'm sure what I was thinking of has been done before. Please stop here if you don't want to read teh stupid. I was thinking that it would show people walking through the streets of a city *cough* Chicago *cough* lip-syncing one of their songs. Of course, I thought of this because I keep walking around singing "WTF?" to and from work. I think it'd be awesome to see the scape of a city via iPod/CD player/Walkman-listening & singing people.
Now, which song? Well, "WTF?" and "This Too Shall Pass" have already been done, so that leaves 11 more. Actually, 10 more. I think "Last Leaf" should be Damian and Damian only. And I really hope that *if* there is a video for it, it's shot the way it was recorded.
K. I'm done.
Do you mean you'd like basically a video of him playing it, or do you know something special about how it was recorded that would make this extra-great?
When I spoke with Damian at the DeKalb show, he told me how it was recorded. It's him in the woods with two microphones and a guitar. That's it. He said that you can hear frogs in the background.
While I really don't think "Last Leaf" will be one of the songs on the new album to be turned into a video, if it is, I really hope it's shot the way that it was recorded.
Hannah! I love that idea! That would be so awesome. They could do so much with that. Or like really big instruments. All four of them jumping on guitar strings or like a huge drum kit.
And I tried listening to Last Leaf with good-ish headphones to try to hear the frogs but I can't :( If they do end up making the video, if it was just Damian in a dark room in black and white, it would be perfect, to me anyway.
You can hear the frogs on the CD version. Once Before the Earth Was Round is over, turn up the volume and you can hear someone say something and then the frogs in the background. I don't know why, but the iTunes version cuts the first 12 seconds and goes directly to the guitar.
A boardie named Tabetha who used to stop by the forum a lot once made a fantastic Teeny Ok Go video. Sadly, yt took down her account and the video is gone. I wish she'd come back and start posting again.
Oh….that's sad! Do you remember the story of the Teeny OK Go video? I mean what happened in the video? That would really interest me, because I've never seen the video
It wasn't really a story. It was about 40 seconds long and really captured the energy of having Teeny Ok Go in your kitchen. The background was of a kitchen sink. Somebdy fill me in on the details if I miss anything. She was fantastic with photoshoping and computer art. She took a picture of Tim and added a parachute and made it look like Tiny Tim was sailing by the kitchen sink. She took a pic of Damian and made it look like Dinky Damian was riding a kitten across the sink. I can't quite remember what Diminutive Dan and Runty Rusty did. It ended with a Picture of Damian and a photoshoped giant spoon, to look like Dinky Damian, walking across the sink with a spoon. It ended with a voice over clip of Damian saying "I'm pretty good in the kitchen." (Since Dinky Damian likes to hit the Big Person with spoons when she doesn't listen, and he likes to boss her around in the kitchen.) The music was set to "Here Comes the Fire."
Wasn't Runty Rusty riding a robot?
Yay for alliteration!
Yes, he was! Too cute. I think a picture of Dan (Diminutive Dan) moved across the image and at the same time you could hear, "Hi, I'm Dan."
In response to things to shout during IWYSOBICB, I came up with the next video. To avoid repetitiion in this thread, I'll just link to that post.
But if you have ideas to add (and ways to get the guys to actually DO IT!) post them here.
I'm only now seeing this post. How much other stuff have I missed? I guess I'm not checking the boards often or thoroughly enough.
Becky, how do you hear these things? I never would have picked up on that. Very cool.
And since it's become a boardie thing to announce, my sum is 23!
Ok, so for the last few days I've had video ideas beating a tattoo about my brain pan. These aren't limited to the ZeroGravity "Before the Earth Was Round" ideas I linked to in the "Pictures & "Stuff" thread. They aren't even limited to OK Go, but lately, most of them do find their way to connections with OTBCOTS tracks.
So one idea that's been flickering has to do with lights and patterns of lights, and signals and signs and such. It started to come to me when I was trying to come up with a better idea for the Creative Allies USB contest last Sunday, and "I Want You So Bad I Can't Breathe" was playing. I started thinking of what the lyric is describing, but in a darker way. Like he's stalking this girl through the streets after the club closes… but the music kept reminding me of light. Literal light and I imagined stepping in the reflections in puddles in time to the music. Then that moved to the sounds in the song reminding me of not the steps as she walks, but of the music of the street itself at night.
I put the idea aside when the song ended (and again envisioned my OKGO ZeroG video idea during "BTEWR, it makes me giggle ). But then I had this dream Wednesday night, involving the guys in the band. I may share that in the dream thread, but part of it does pertain to the video idea so I'll relate that here: We were in a venue that seemed like an old, Victorian theatre. At first I thought they were going to play the handbells because from my perspective there was a table (and Damian was putting on gloves). But as I got closer, they tilted the table and there were all these bulbs and fuses and it was clear they weren't attached to any sort of power source. Damian began "playing" them and they were lighting up in all these fascinating patterns and arranging themselves into symbols and letters… and I was too busy watching them (and the crowd's awed reaction—it was like they thought something supernatural was going on!) to notice exactly, but Damian seemed to be doing something between the movements people make when they are playing music on stemware, or when they're spinning plates, and the motions of conducting an orchestra. Anyway, the dream got weird from there and has nothing to do with the video, except that its weirdness work me up at 4:15 this morning and I had to get up and listen to music.
So I was thinking about the patterns and symbols Damian was coaxing or conducting from the filaments and fuses, and when "I Want You So Bad I Can't Breathe" came on the mix I was listening to, it all sort of came together in my head. I don't know if I can explain it properly, but light does a dance to the song, beginning indoors with LEDs on appliances, indicators on equipments, EQ displays, flickering lights/chandeliers/lamps, etc. Perhaps the video can actually start with a close up on the Bleep Box? The lights turn on/off/blink in a sequence leading outside–at night, obviously–and the beat and various instrumentation is accented or illustrated by the various lights… the camera follows this light orchestration, with streetlamps, car headlights, blinkers, traffic signals and walk signals, and neon signs and symbols playing different roles in the arrangement.
Everything has to go dark near the end and then floodlights or something could come back up after the false ending, but other than coordinating the sequence this would be fairly easy to achieve as one continuous take. I mean the camera, or cameras, would just "follow" the lights, first hand-held or dolly and then in a vehicle.
I should probably just write this up as a shooting script, then it might be clearer, but what do you guys think. Do you think OKGo would be interested in something like this for a video? Is it challenging enough?
Is it a good fit for the song, or even a good idea at all? Or am I still dreaming?
Like I said above, Damian told me that you could hear frogs in the background. Since I have both versions on my iPod, I noticed that Last Leaf didn't start as quickly on the CD version as on the iTunes version. Then I turned it up and found the awesome frogs. Had Damian not told me there were frogs in the background of the recording, I probably would have never gone looking for them.
And speaking of quiet/random things on recordings, if you turn up the volume toward the end of Losing Eyeballs from Cantarell, you can hear movement and a chair rolling. Again, there was a lag in between songs and I pumped up the volume.
When I heard of the frogs, I was like :
"Wait...I always heard birds in the beginning of Last Leaf!!..so where are the frogs??"
Well, now I realize that these "birds" are frogs !! Jesus...how can I confuse frogs with birds!!
That's simply embarrassing
Not embarrassing at all. Sometimes frogs sound like birds. I kind of assumed birds at first too. In various places where I grew up, frogs were everywhere and what you heard in the morning was almost always a frog and not a bird. I called it dawn's "frogsong."
Edited to add: I was always slightly disappointed that frogsong sounded nothing like "The Rainbow Connection." ;) Guess I didn't get up early enough for that part.