I was also going to try and get friends to dance with me. Well, actually these lovely people I met hanging out in my friend Aaron's vintage clothing store, Kitsch (I go in to talk to him because he has such a packed schedule that the only time we can get together is when he's at work, this group of teenagers just started hanging out because Aaron's cool). There's an adorable, super-skinny boy-shaped bundle of love named Phillip, his soft-spoken girlfriend, Savvy, her best friend and another girl, Lindsay, who followed me into the grocery store after seeing me at Kitsch, because she felt the impulse to say something nice, and now she comes around, sometimes, too. They all like OKGo, and Phil's always dancing around the store anyway, so I was planning to ask Aaron if we could film a White Knuckles Dance Party in his store. Unfortunately, my mechanical issues may keep me from connecting with them any time soon.
So I may film myself in front of sheet draped bookshelves, just in case. I'm never going to achieve this level of cuteness, though!
Thanks for the kind words, you all. :) I'm excited to see the videos starting to stack up. I'd like to join PinkMuffin and beckysioux in encouraging everyone else to get a video posted, too! I think it would be outstanding if we got our "White Knuckles" video together before OK Go puts theirs out (assuming they plan to do a video for it, which I hope the do).
The guy giving me the camera went on holiday before dropping it by. He's back later this week, I think, so I'll remind him. And then, I will record some silliness and decide it should never be seen!
For right now we're just uploading to YouTube, setting the privacy to unlisted and then posting the link here. If that is of course what you're asking.
Once we get to the editing phase, I'm thinking we'll have to send the editor the actual file so it can be spliced, diced and made epically awesome.
But we still need more Boardie videos. So, come on kids, pop in OTBCOTS and rock out to White Knuckles!
autumnraina said: I think it would be outstanding if we got our "White Knuckles" video together before OK Go puts theirs out (assuming they plan to do a video for it, which I hope the do).
FYI for everyone: The boys are doing a White Knuckles video, they just finished filming it in Eugene :D:D:D and it will be released in mid-September. I know this is true, I heard it straight from Damian himself on Saturday night.
autumnraina said: I think it would be outstanding if we got our "White Knuckles" video together before OK Go puts theirs out (assuming they plan to do a video for it, which I hope the do).
FYI for everyone: The boys are doing a White Knuckles video, they just finished filming it in Eugene :D:D:D and it will be released in mid-September. I know this is true, I heard it straight from Damian himself on Saturday night.
Stop saying that. It's freaking me out! Were they really here at all? No! Corvallis is close but it's not Eugene (No no, no don't think about it).
I don't have a solid blue coloured sheet :/
And this is just in case I can't get together with my friend to dance with on camera :)
You are too cute, Jade. Nice job!
I was also going to try and get friends to dance with me. Well, actually these lovely people I met hanging out in my friend Aaron's vintage clothing store, Kitsch (I go in to talk to him because he has such a packed schedule that the only time we can get together is when he's at work, this group of teenagers just started hanging out because Aaron's cool). There's an adorable, super-skinny boy-shaped bundle of love named Phillip, his soft-spoken girlfriend, Savvy, her best friend and another girl, Lindsay, who followed me into the grocery store after seeing me at Kitsch, because she felt the impulse to say something nice, and now she comes around, sometimes, too. They all like OKGo, and Phil's always dancing around the store anyway, so I was planning to ask Aaron if we could film a White Knuckles Dance Party in his store. Unfortunately, my mechanical issues may keep me from connecting with them any time soon.
So I may film myself in front of sheet draped bookshelves, just in case. I'm never going to achieve this level of cuteness, though!
So adorable! How did you keep up your energy to hop so much? Goodness knows I'da died after the first two times.
And look at you, mom! You totally rocked it! Most excellent job.
So, where are everyone else's videos? Hmm?
I like your version!! You really rocked it!
I have a little question about all the videos!!
Shall we send our videos to Grapies or is it enough to upload it on YouTube??
Oh..and I know I've already posted my video on here and well, no one said something about it,
so I will ask once again if it's okay that I'm standing that far away from the camera or
shall I make a new video?? I just want to be sure that it's alright :)
I think your video is perfect the way it is. It's really up to you if you want to submit another one. I don't think you have to, though.
Autumnraina, Jade, Melanie - the videos are fantastic!
Shame on me. I still haven't done mine yet.
And Melanie, your video is great as is. Jumping on the bed, throwing the pillows... the whole thing is so cute!
Okay…that's cool with me because I don't think I will have that much time in summer holidays
to make a new video for this project.
@ Debbie Thank you…I'm glad you like it
You should really make your own video!!
So far we have only 4 videos I think….and that's way too little!!
Just a little reminder to all the boardies who haven't done a video yet
EDIT: I was always the one who motivates my soccer team at half time…(even if I was not that good in playing soccer ;))
So, has anyone else made their vid yet?
I'm sorry, Christel, but did you see the heinous but joyful of my clip ala Flashdance sweatshirt?
So, you're saying I should take my passion... and make it happen... is that it, Amber?
For right now we're just uploading to YouTube, setting the privacy to unlisted and then posting the link here. If that is of course what you're asking.
Once we get to the editing phase, I'm thinking we'll have to send the editor the actual file so it can be spliced, diced and made epically awesome.
But we still need more Boardie videos. So, come on kids, pop in OTBCOTS and rock out to White Knuckles!
We're still doing this right?
FYI for everyone: The boys are doing a White Knuckles video, they just finished filming it in Eugene :D :D :D and it will be released in mid-September. I know this is true, I heard it straight from Damian himself on Saturday night.
Stop saying that. It's freaking me out!
Were they really here at all? No! Corvallis is close but it's not Eugene (No no, no don't think about it).