Like I told Amber when she mentioned this, I'll be glad to help y'all editing if you still need it (well, like the poor job I did on our video, but anywayz), I like doing this sort of thing (stressing myself to the top, have a fight with my hair and making my cushion turn into something that shapes exactly like my butt from being 15 hours sitting in front of the computer, fighting with windows)
autumnraina said: I think it would be outstanding if we got our "White Knuckles" video together before OK Go puts theirs out (assuming they plan to do a video for it, which I hope the do).
FYI for everyone: The boys are doing a White Knuckles video, they just finished filming it in Eugene and it will be released in mid-September. I know this is true, I heard it straight from Damian himself on Saturday night.
Stop saying that. It's freaking me out! Were they really here at all? No! Corvallis is close but it's not Eugene (No no, no don't think about it).
I hate to post something so off-topic, but…
THEY WERE IN EUGENE?! I am pretty sure my heart stopped for a moment when I read that. I just…I can't wrap my head around that. Augh I want to be in Eugene with OK Go with OK Go in Eugene! (Yes, I am aware that that sentence made no sense. I have no idea how to properly articulate that thought.)
And back on topic now, hmm…The walls in my room are blue…
Edit (in quick before I can't edit anymore) - The boards kept telling me my math was wrong. UM, I'm pretty sure 5+1 is 6.
autumnraina said: I think it would be outstanding if we got our "White Knuckles" video together before OK Go puts theirs out (assuming they plan to do a video for it, which I hope the do).
FYI for everyone: The boys are doing a White Knuckles video, they just finished filming it in Eugene and it will be released in mid-September. I know this is true, I heard it straight from Damian himself on Saturday night.
Stop saying that. It's freaking me out! Were they really here at all? No! Corvallis is close but it's not Eugene (No no, no don't think about it).
I hate to post something so off-topic, but…
THEY WERE IN EUGENE?! I am pretty sure my heart stopped for a moment when I read that. I just…I can't wrap my head around that. Augh I want to be in Eugene with OK Go with OK Go in Eugene! (Yes, I am aware that that sentence made no sense. I have no idea how to properly articulate that thought.)
And back on topic now, hmm…The walls in my room are blue…
Edit (in quick before I can't edit anymore) - The boards kept telling me my math was wrong. UM, I'm pretty sure 5+1 is 6.
Do it. Dooooo eeeeeeeet. Everybody, let's get some more clips and somebody edit it! I think Aleatory was also up for editing/willing to, but that was months ago and I don't want to presume.
sooo juz to be sure, what am I supposed to do if I'd like to pitch in to help out, do I just dance around for 3 1/2 mins with White Knuckles on, and then post my Youtube link here? x
be a part of this? don't want to be all up in yo business, as it is that I've just got to be a part of the message boards, don't really call myself a "boardie" yet xD
It's not boardie or not business, it's OK Go business, and thats SERIOUS BUSINESS. (No, wait, that's Andy's....)
BTW - you have posted on the boards - I think that qualifies as being a boardie.
The idea is an update of this video:
(please forgive the stupid Captial Records advert)
To the song White Knuckles,
with a blue background (blue color of the sky, yeah? haha) but if not a blue background, that's OK!,
and some people did an 80s style thing because of the Prince influences, but not necessary.
try to dance for the entire song, but at least for a minute, for the person to edit to have something to work with.
LOOK AT THE ABOVE YOU TUBE LINKS FOR EXAMPLES of awesome stuff people have come up with.
So, after that, it's pretty open ended. Cute dancing, funny dancing, silly dancing, ironic dancing, no dancing and just standing there, whatever works. Since the debut of the official WH vid, some people have suggested dogs and other pets be included in some way.
Post your YouTube link here for now, then whoever edits can let us know what she needs to get from the participants.
Ladies and gentlemen(man?), allow me to present to you my *cough* masterpiece:
Sorz, owing to the constraints of my shoebox flat, I wasn't able to find a blue bkgrd ):
Hope my vid is OK!
I had it recorded in .mov, but the Youtube vid has a much lower quality. Editors, grateful if you would lemme know which format(s) you prefer? thx a mill! (: x
Sorz, owing to the constraints of my shoebox flat, I wasn't able to find a blue bkgrd ):
Hope my vid is OK!
I had it recorded in .mov, but the Youtube vid has a much lower quality. Editors, grateful if you would lemme know which format(s) you prefer? thx a mill! (: x
Wow! Your dance video is great!
Did you make a special choreography for that or was it simply spontaneous,
'cos it looks like a difficult choreography with many different dance-steps to practise.
I would totally be up for editing, but I honestly have no time. Sorry :( I vote that Krista does it, she has Final Cut. I'm totally doing it though. My dog is quite excited to dance with me. (If possible, could I call dibs on the part in the song where Tim high-fives the golden? Because my dog can do that. Like most dogs, yeah, but whatever.)
@Krista: Yeah, they were in Corvallis. I know, not Eugene, but it's still less than an hour away from you. An hour and a half for me, but it was totally worth it. Sorry if I'm making you feel sad, btw. It was frickin' great.
And you just made me realize that my walls are blue too, although there's so much crap covering them it's hard to tell...
Should we all do the name card thing at the beginning like laydeejol? I think it's a great idea. I'll use my tumblr handle though.
Should we all do the name card thing at the beginning like laydeejol? I think it's a great idea. I'll use my tumblr handle though.
Yes, that was one of the things we listed earlier that everyone should do.
It can be on a colored piece of paper or cardboard or whatever as long as it has your name/username/handle on it along with what city you're in/from. I think originally it was just going to your Boardie name as this video is pretty much just Boardies dancing to White Knux. Personally, I think it would be better if we just used Boardie names, but if you're more known by your Tumblr/Twitter/etc. handles, then use that. Plus, this was pretty much Amber's idea, so I would leave that question to her.
@Pinkmuffin: glad u liked! :) it was largely choreographed, although most of the more complicated sets of steps were copied and pasted fm various other dances I did back when I was in a uni dance crew/troupe/group thingie. This really brought back the memories tho, so I had a blast working on this piece! :')
@becky: hahah thx :) it was pretty damn tiring, espesh since I did all the choreo AND recording in the space of one day (Iwas waiting till my parents would be out for dinner so I'd have the flat all to myself. Our helper came home halfway during one of the takes tho so that was kinda awkward-funny :P). The one I uploaded was actually one of the takes halfway thru the recording process, coz as it got later and later, I just looked exhausted when I was doing the chorus bit lol that's why you'll spot quite a number of mistakes in this take, but whatevs. The energy makes up for it, no? ;)
I can't wait to see our final product! I randomly came across this fanvid for No Doubt's "Just a Girl", but personally I think we can do better ;) having said that, the doggy pirouette at 2:34 was pretty cool :) x
Should we all do the name card thing at the beginning like laydeejol? I think it's a great idea. I'll use my tumblr handle though.
Yes, that was one of the things we listed earlier that everyone should do.
It can be on a colored piece of paper or cardboard or whatever as long as it has your name/username/handle on it along with what city you're in/from. I think originally it was just going to your Boardie name as this video is pretty much just Boardies dancing to White Knux. Personally, I think it would be better if we just used Boardie names, but if you're more known by your Tumblr/Twitter/etc. handles, then use that. Plus, this was pretty much Amber's idea, so I would leave that question to her.
Let's go with Boardie, Tumblr or Twitter, whichever your main thingy is. I don't have to decide - I've kept the same name throughout
WISH I can go back and edit entries!!!
KRISTA - Are you okay with editing? Is everyone good with Krista editing?
I am definitely okay with editing if everyone else is! I'll be honest, I was going to come here and ask if I could edit anyway. You see, my Ducks just lost the National Championship to Auburn, and it hurts like hell*, so I feel like I need something to focus some positive energy on. This video was the first thing I thought of. Seriously my friends, I need this. OK Go makes it all better in the end, right?
(Sorry this is kind of really off topic.'s also on topic. Right? Ugh, sorry, I am a mess tonight.)
So, a question. A deadline hasn't been set, right? If there has, I missed it. If not, I suppose we should set one. What do people think?
*Going to go write a bit about this in the complaints thread or something. Gotta get this out.
Krista, what do people need to send you, format, or whatever? And where to send?
Arbitrary deadline – easy to remember date – Feb 14? To get your video to Krista?
Okay, I've looked through the thread, and forgive me if I missed anyone, but here's who have vids made:
People who expressed interest in making a video (on the board here, not counting on tumblr because I haven't looked), but haven't for whatever reason:
Please correct me anywhere, suggest a different deadline date, whatever.
I was suggested to me to organize this via email – please message me your email if you would, especially Krista! (Even if you believe I have your email already – because I'm needy like that)
(Just an FYI, thaz the way my name is spelt, I wish it were spelt the Dolly Parton way (i.e. Jolene) tho! ): I keep getting ppl who call me Joe-Lee-Ann o.O) x
If I can ever find the time, I'll do it - but if you don't have room for more people or get everythign you need or whatever I'd be cool with not doing it too. xD
Aaahh :) thx Christel!
*slaps forehead* why didn't I scroll a bit further to read more abt this before I asked o.O
The vids in this thread all look super fun :D (and becky your cat looks SOOOOO gorgeous :D :D :D )
Count me in! x
Like I told Amber when she mentioned this, I'll be glad to help y'all editing if you still need it (well, like the poor job I did on our video, but anywayz), I like doing this sort of thing (stressing myself to the top, have a fight with my hair and making my cushion turn into something that shapes exactly like my butt from being 15 hours sitting in front of the computer, fighting with windows)
I hate to post something so off-topic, but…
THEY WERE IN EUGENE?! I am pretty sure my heart stopped for a moment when I read that. I just…I can't wrap my head around that. Augh I want to be in Eugene with OK Go with OK Go in Eugene! (Yes, I am aware that that sentence made no sense. I have no idea how to properly articulate that thought.)
And back on topic now, hmm…The walls in my room are blue…
Edit (in quick before I can't edit anymore) - The boards kept telling me my math was wrong. UM, I'm pretty sure 5+1 is 6.
Do it. Dooooo eeeeeeeet. Everybody, let's get some more clips and somebody edit it! I think Aleatory was also up for editing/willing to, but that was months ago and I don't want to presume.
I'm up for editing as well if I'm needed!
In fact I'm a bit rusty and could use the practice with Final Cut.
Math = 8, my favorite number!
who's editing it then? :)))
should I
be a part of this? don't want to be all up in yo business, as it is that I've just got to be a part of the message boards, don't really call myself a "boardie" yet xD
It's not boardie or not business, it's OK Go business, and thats SERIOUS BUSINESS. (No, wait, that's Andy's....)
BTW - you have posted on the boards - I think that qualifies as being a boardie.
The idea is an update of this video:
(please forgive the stupid Captial Records advert)
To the song White Knuckles,
with a blue background (blue color of the sky, yeah? haha) but if not a blue background, that's OK!,
and some people did an 80s style thing because of the Prince influences, but not necessary.
try to dance for the entire song, but at least for a minute, for the person to edit to have something to work with.
LOOK AT THE ABOVE YOU TUBE LINKS FOR EXAMPLES of awesome stuff people have come up with.
So, after that, it's pretty open ended. Cute dancing, funny dancing, silly dancing, ironic dancing, no dancing and just standing there, whatever works. Since the debut of the official WH vid, some people have suggested dogs and other pets be included in some way.
Post your YouTube link here for now, then whoever edits can let us know what she needs to get from the participants.
Cross-posted to Tumblr.
Ladies and gentlemen(man?), allow me to present to you my *cough* masterpiece:
Sorz, owing to the constraints of my shoebox flat, I wasn't able to find a blue bkgrd ):
Hope my vid is OK!
I had it recorded in .mov, but the Youtube vid has a much lower quality. Editors, grateful if you would lemme know which format(s) you prefer? thx a mill! (: x
Wow! Your dance video is great!
Did you make a special choreography for that or was it simply spontaneous,
'cos it looks like a difficult choreography with many different dance-steps to practise.
Well done! :)
Jolene, you did a great job! There would be no way in hell that I would have had the energy to do what you did for the whole song.
And my cat thanks you for the compliment
I would totally be up for editing, but I honestly have no time. Sorry :( I vote that Krista does it, she has Final Cut. I'm totally doing it though. My dog is quite excited to dance with me. (If possible, could I call dibs on the part in the song where Tim high-fives the golden? Because my dog can do that. Like most dogs, yeah, but whatever.)
@Krista: Yeah, they were in Corvallis. I know, not Eugene, but it's still less than an hour away from you. An hour and a half for me, but it was totally worth it. Sorry if I'm making you feel sad, btw. It was frickin' great.
And you just made me realize that my walls are blue too, although there's so much crap covering them it's hard to tell...
Should we all do the name card thing at the beginning like laydeejol? I think it's a great idea. I'll use my tumblr handle though.
Hey, I have a blue wall, how does that sound
and hey, maybe I could just move the camera pointed to the wall so I won't have to be in it :D
much better.
okay, dogs. okay, my dogs will suffer.
Yes, that was one of the things we listed earlier that everyone should do.
It can be on a colored piece of paper or cardboard or whatever as long as it has your name/username/handle on it along with what city you're in/from. I think originally it was just going to your Boardie name as this video is pretty much just Boardies dancing to White Knux. Personally, I think it would be better if we just used Boardie names, but if you're more known by your Tumblr/Twitter/etc. handles, then use that. Plus, this was pretty much Amber's idea, so I would leave that question to her.
@Pinkmuffin: glad u liked! :) it was largely choreographed, although most of the more complicated sets of steps were copied and pasted fm various other dances I did back when I was in a uni dance crew/troupe/group thingie. This really brought back the memories tho, so I had a blast working on this piece! :')
@becky: hahah thx :) it was pretty damn tiring, espesh since I did all the choreo AND recording in the space of one day (Iwas waiting till my parents would be out for dinner so I'd have the flat all to myself. Our helper came home halfway during one of the takes tho so that was kinda awkward-funny :P). The one I uploaded was actually one of the takes halfway thru the recording process, coz as it got later and later, I just looked exhausted when I was doing the chorus bit lol that's why you'll spot quite a number of mistakes in this take, but whatevs. The energy makes up for it, no? ;)
I can't wait to see our final product! I randomly came across this fanvid for No Doubt's "Just a Girl", but personally I think we can do better ;) having said that, the doggy pirouette at 2:34 was pretty cool :) x
Let's go with Boardie, Tumblr or Twitter, whichever your main thingy is. I don't have to decide - I've kept the same name throughout
WISH I can go back and edit entries!!!
KRISTA - Are you okay with editing? Is everyone good with Krista editing?
I am definitely okay with editing if everyone else is! I'll be honest, I was going to come here and ask if I could edit anyway. You see, my Ducks just lost the National Championship to Auburn, and it hurts like hell*, so I feel like I need something to focus some positive energy on. This video was the first thing I thought of. Seriously my friends, I need this. OK Go makes it all better in the end, right?
(Sorry this is kind of really off topic.'s also on topic. Right? Ugh, sorry, I am a mess tonight.)
So, a question. A deadline hasn't been set, right? If there has, I missed it. If not, I suppose we should set one. What do people think?
*Going to go write a bit about this in the complaints thread or something. Gotta get this out.
Hey all!
Krista, what do people need to send you, format, or whatever? And where to send?
Arbitrary deadline – easy to remember date – Feb 14? To get your video to Krista?
Okay, I've looked through the thread, and forgive me if I missed anyone, but here's who have vids made:
People who expressed interest in making a video (on the board here, not counting on tumblr because I haven't looked), but haven't for whatever reason:
Please correct me anywhere, suggest a different deadline date, whatever.
I was suggested to me to organize this via email – please message me your email if you would, especially Krista! (Even if you believe I have your email already – because I'm needy like that) is mine
Hi all :) glad to see this really moving forward now! :D
My email is:
(Just an FYI, thaz the way my name is spelt, I wish it were spelt the Dolly Parton way (i.e. Jolene) tho! ): I keep getting ppl who call me Joe-Lee-Ann o.O) x