In the grand scheme of this election, OK Go VS Paramore,
it is blatantly obvious that OK Go's Rube Goldberg version of This Too Shall Pass is more creative, not to mention far more entertaining, than Paramore's video for The Only Exception.
And that's without being biased towards OK Go.
If I was biased, this would go something like
anyway, yeah.
They won!
And are now streaming disc 2 of the Extra Nice Edition on the music page.
Now they're in round 2 against Brandon Flowers. As of right now, they're losing 48.80% to 51.20% with 5 days and 7-ish hours remaining.
Vote early and vote often! Go here to vote: When the morning comes!
Can anyone tell me what the vote is now?
Once again there's over an hour to go but the poll is showing as closed for me!
I have voted probably a couple of hundred times during this round, but it's annoying that I can't vote anyymore when it's probably the most important 
Thanks Rachel
Time to start voting in Round 3...
Here's the linky if you don't know where to go to vote for Round 3.
Don't forget, vote early and vote often. Voting is unlimited, so vote as much as you want. And more.
...can we help it if OK Go just makes better videos and plays better music? ;)
and also - OK Go fans are much more civilised than those of Stone Sour. Meh to sore losers. We're just better and they really need to learn to deal with it.
AND also - seeing OK Go with top votes vaguely gives me this warm happy feeling :)
AND also - it might just be me, but does anyone feel kinda pissed that got OK Go's name wrong?
(like as in Ok Go - ugh.)
AND also - who the hell are Far East Movement? o.O
I liked this comment:
Woop! Go OK Go fan base!!
70~% to OK Go right now ^_^
There's also a lot of iffyness about the Avenged Sevenfold and Stone Sour thing, not that I care...I don't like that sort of music. BLEUGH...pamplemoouse!
Also I'm just wondering what the next round is gunna be like because there'll be an odd number of artists left.
Ah man, I'm a BAD fangirl! I never even thought about the difference!!
Hanging my head in shame...
Yeah, I'm glad I haven't really noticed anyone bashing Stone Sour on the Ok Go fb page, while over on the Stone Sour fb page there's a lot of mudslinging. I think both sides have very dedicated fans. :)
Far East Movement are an LA hiphop band composed of Asian Americans.
Aaahh. youtube just told me who they are :)
As Chinese as I am (and proud of it, mind u :P ) I can't help thinking they're like a parody band or sth o.O defo backing travie and bruno mars on that vote lol
I've been seeing the mudslinging on Twitter, and it's disheartening to say the least. Corey Taylor himself has even said that he thinks OK Go is cheating. Nevermind the fact that there's an ad ON the voting page, NEXT TO THE VOTING, that proclaims his "genius". That isn't bias on the part of the network at all. No.
Personally, I think he's got a gigantic case of sour grapes that is preventing him from being able to look at this thing objectively. This is a video competition. People have to vote for what they think is the best video. I've checked YouTube. Stone Sour's "Say You'll Haunt Me" has 1.5 million views (1.6 if you count the version with lyrics that YouTube has up at the top of the search page). Respectable, to say the least. Not a lot of videos get that many. But the Rube Goldberg Machine video has more than 19 million views. Why, when people constantly point out that the music isn't good, does this video still have 19 million views? Because it's an amazing video, that's why. This being a VIDEO competition, it's getting more votes. Sorry, Corey Taylor. It sucks for you, and I'm sorry. You've been playing by all the rules for years, getting radio airplay and having the "right" image, major label backing that *actually* backs you, and you've made a video that fits your song and your image and all the rules. The thing is that OK Go took 6 months and a team of people who "just wanted to make something cool" to do just that, they succeeded, and people are responding to it. Accept it. Be an adult and accept that you're going to be bested sometimes.Hello! Please bear with me, as I'm new here. I get the impression you boardies have a strong, fun, supportive network, so it's a pleasure to join in.
I've been voting for OK Go in the Fuse competition, and like you, I'm disgusted with the mudslinging. But I'm not here about that just now.
As of now (around 2pm Tuesday) Stone Sour and the sourstones are gaining rapidly. We need more votes! So if you are not already voting, please go vote, and call in the reinforcements!
Well Corey Taylor/Stone Sour certainly have their fans stirred up.
I sort've wish I hadn't gone over to their Facebook page for a looksee, I can't believe how nasty some of the comments are!
I've been voting for a while now and OK Go's lead has been dropping like crazy
If you have some time then definitely head over there and get voting!
Not sure if anyone else saw a wall post i spotted on the Stone Sour webbie on Facebook re the vote yesterday, but it was declaring how SS fans had "more integrity" than OK Go fans, who allegedly rigged the votes by setting auto-voting bots into the system. I tried finding the msg again this morning, but of course it was DELETED.
And now what do we have here?
"Stacey Fitch Stone Sour fans have been sharing cheat methods with auto voting on the SS page and they are still talking nasty about OK Go. They are gonna win this if OK Go fans don't start hacking back at it." (also fm Facebook)
...integrity, did he say? >:(
I agree, it's really amazing what they're doing over there on the Stone Sour facebook page, with accusations of OK Go fans cheating right in amongst comments like "We have a program running that is voting 24/7 and right now Stone Sour is going down....don't get it." I took a screen shot of that, a fun little snapshot of hypocrisy in action.
And when they are being so blatantly awful, it does seem tempting to join the fray, and use all their tactics against them. But so completely not worth it. Voting, definitely worth it. These guys work incredibly hard, create wonderful things, and deserve any positive recognition they get. So I open a bunch of windows and vote. :)
Doing anything else would just be stooping to the level of the bullies on the Stone Sour page. At least that's how it seems to me. Naive, perhaps. But it's a contest, not a war. While it's constructive, all good. When it becomes destructive, well, there are a lot of other constructive things to do.
Let me take this opportunity to say HI!! and WELCOME!! Your impression is correct - strong, fun and supportive network. Not just for our boys, but for ourselves as well. =D
AND going to vote some more...