So there's a show about two hours away from me in two weeks.. and I can't find a ride. It's really annoying me, and it wouldn't be such a problem if not for the fact that I'm leaving the country for a week tomorrow and won't be back until two days before the show.. ><
Has anybody else ever had problems like that? D:
Ooo, I like this thread! A great place to vent when you can't get to the show you desire. They'll be in my home town in December and I can't be there cause I'm stuck in another state and it infuriates me to no end.
So maybe this thread can become a ride share request thing? Not that I can help with it, but what show are you trying to see Skylar?
I know which one you mean, Rose, and let's thank TSA and Frankenchair for my not being able to meet you there.
Most of you know the woe that is my trail of missed OK Go/shows, and I'm not going to risk the dive into depression by rehashing it.
I think that's a brilliant idea, actually.
Actually, I found a ride - but now my dad says he doesn't know him well enough to let him drive me that far. Which doesn't make sense, cuz he's been a good friend for over a year.
I'm trying to go to the one in Providence. He said he'd talk to my mum, and she may be able to talk some sense in to him, but now I'm just even more anonyed. xP
And he wonders why I'm on the computer a lot... oO
That sucksss.. I have a friend who wants to see the Fray, and their in her hometown while she's going to visit her family for thanksgiving. They go to where she's visiting family as soon as she gets back to her hometown. I can't imagine how annoying that must be..
They were playing in Victoria recently - which is the closest they will get to Seattle for a while as there isn't anything in the PNW on their schedule for Spring or Summer of 2011. So it's a three hour drive and very long ferry ride, but I was going to make the effort as I have yet to see them live. Then it turns out U of V was a *private* concert and I couldn't purchase tickets anyway! Very bummed!
You and me both, dearie. The PNW is always lacking in the tour department, especially here in Oregon, right smack dab in between Seattle and every-frickin-thing in California. I really wanted to see the Gorillaz and they were going to Seattle, but no, not to the Rose Garden, which is perfect for all the sort of Gorillaz-esque special effects and whatnot.
They've released the tour schedule for Spring/Summer 2011? Or am I misreading that?
When I found out the Victoria show was private, I asked them about Seattle:
"@okgononsense Nothing confirmed for spring/summer yet. But you'll hear here first."
I'm not aware of an official tour schedule out yet.
Really? They used to be pretty good about making it up to Seattle, I'll be surprised if they don't hit it up sometime in their winter or spring tour. I was actually a little surprised that they played the Gorge but not Seattle. That would've frustrated me to no end if I were still in Seattle.
I missed their shows in San Francisco... but I made it to one they did over the summer in San Jose. Sadly there hasn't been a NorCal visit recently with the exception of the Yo Gabba Gabba live appearance which I didn't know about.
So I wish they'd come back up here because the people of the bay area miss them. :(
Your wish has just been granted. They're going to be in San Francisco on February 5th. However there are some video games that will need to be won and stuff. There's a bit of a discussion going on in the Articles Thread.
Thanks for the heads up Becky! I'll try to attend, regardless of the neighborhood.
So this isn't exactly the same but it's the best place to rant.. to people that probably understand my frustration..
I finally found a ride. I went. It was awesome. I tried to stay after to meet them. I did for about ten minutes. My mum made me leave, cuz she was the driver. I hoped that they just wouldn't come out cuz then I wouldn't have to feel like crap. I found out this morning that they did come out to meet the fans.
They're not gonna be near me for a while now. I'm. So. Pissed. ><
They're playing in Phoenix on Dec. 8 for Smashing Pumpkins, but alas, I can't go. Not only is it sold out, but I just went to one in LA for my birthday, so my mom would think I was crazy.
They should really come here more often.
Ahem, sorry. It's just that I'm stuck in a state I hate and so can't make it to a show I would otherwise gladly and easily go to, so I'm a big kvetcher this weekend. BTW, do you live in or near AZ?
Oh! Sorry, Tempe, I didn't know!
I live in Arizona. Actually, very near to where you live (if Tempe, AZ is actually where you live, not just your username).
No problem. ;) Yey, another AZ boardie. Yep, I'm from Mesa. My first Ok Go show was in Tempe though at the Marquee theater.
I can definitely sympathize with missing shows. I missed a show a few years back on New Year's Eve in Las Vegas because I wasn't old enough to be on the Strip that night. It was extremely upsetting knowing that the boys were only a half hour away from me and I couldn't go. And then another time, my mom was awesome enough to drive me and a couple of my friends to San Diego to see them open for Snow Patrol, and we waited to meet them afterward, but since they were so close to home, they left early to go see their families.
That must have been great for them, but I was really bummed. Since then they keep having shows in Las Vegas, my hometown, while I'm up in Oregon for school, and I always narrowly miss them. In fact, my aunt got free tickets to one of their shows several months ago, and she was going to give them to me, but the show was, I think, a week before I was coming home from school.
Now, they're doing a show on Thursday in Vegas, and the only flight out of the city my school is in to Las Vegas is on Friday, so at first I thought I was going to miss them yet again. That would be just the worst because there are only 500 tickets to this show, and my mom has a friend who knows the owner of the venue, so she got a special invite before tickets went on sale to the public. It would be such a shame to miss that! Luckily, my roommate came to the rescue and is giving me a ride to Portland right after my last final of the term on Wednesday so that I can fly to Phoenix, where I'll get on a connecting flight to Las Vegas. And just 24 short hours later, it'll be OK Go time! Finally, things seem to be working out.