Don't know if I should post a thread to post this, but I guess it would be off topic everywhere else I looked... and plus, most of you probably seen this...but I'd like to hear your reactions from it anyway:
That's an hour long concert of OK Go on YouTube. I'm sorry, I got so happy when I saw that because I found it after I went to their show, and I got excited because I thought "Hey, I get to live this again a lil' bit!"
But the thing I want you to comment on, as usual is, Damian's cute/awesome/INYOFACE attitude
it starts at 0:38:05.
I'm just gonna let you see it, if you haven't.
Thank you for posting that. I'm having Ok Go concert withdrawl. Maybe I can watch this with my sister who's never been to an Ok Go show but is dying to go. Of course, then my mom will say, what do you need to go to a show for, you can just watch it on youtube.
Thanks for looking about for an appropiate thread first, before starting a new one! It's too easy to lose cool stuff in masses of threads. But, oh yes, this concert needs it's own thread. I was blown away by the fact it was posted on YouTube! A whole hour worth of OK Go goodness!
(Ask Becky how this concert was...)
Here's a couple of caps... since I went to the video anyway, even though I've watched it a few times.
Seriously? Cooooool!
I don't really remember how my 1st and only show was - I remember having my jaw dropped on the floor and that's pretty much it.
Oh, and Damian smiling at me - who-would-forget-that
Think I was about the same. Luckily for me, there is photographic and video evidence of the night.
And I think Rachel was holding me up because I felt like fainting from shock. OKAY, maybe not that badly.
But I did start to cry a bit when I saw the handbell table in the corner of the stage.