it wouldn't be an ok go board without darbie making a kill hannah thread... hehe... *edit* uh, i should probably include something about kh in this post eh?.. so who's going to the HOB show december 18th?!?
it wouldn't be an ok go board without darbie making a kill hannah thread... hehe... *edit* uh, i should probably include something about kh in this post eh?.. so who's going to the HOB show december 18th?!?
why won't they tour again already?? you chicago fans get all the fun...
i'm guessing that's why the first show sold out. all the die-hards outside of chicago had only choice and beat some of the locals to the tickets...i wish i could go...that's so awesome of KH to do a secret show--i mean, what? what secret show?
*edit* uh, i should probably include something about kh in this post eh?..
so who's going to the HOB show december 18th?!?
I'm going.
It's my birthday present.
Nora's going too.
It's my birthday present.
Nora's going too.
whoo hoo!..
Greg was so upset with me the other night...
ladys dabs and bee*
im seeing them for my b'day!
how awesomes is that!
im amazed they are not more well known and loved by all..
i always love when this thread gets bumped, since it was the very first post on this here ok go forum...
did your mind catch their bus on fire?!?
glad they're all okay...
i did get to hear the first EVER playing of acid rain though
poor KH guys =[